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Sup. My name is Brian Paul Simon Dixon. I am from Nebraska.
I'm a 21 years old, born on January 4th, 1982. Oh, what a year!
If you have any questions, comments,queries, suggestions,
enhancements, problems, or diseases, Drop me an e-mail and quit bitchin.

"Basic Info"
Dixon's Background
Dixon's Track Career


Kneeboarding Pictures
In South Dakota 2000

Spring Break
in CANADA 2000

This is Student Council Pictures
Student Council
Workshop @ WSC.

Pictures of my Senior Friends.

Cool People in my life
If your name isn't up here
just send me an e-mail.

National Leadership
Conference 2000
in Outlaw South Dakota

My Adventure to Europe
Summer of 1999

My Graduation 2000
& Senior Classmates

Pictures from The National Association
of Student Councils Convention 1999.

This is My first attempt at a ripping guide for N00bies.

Enjoy. BTW don't e-mail me for the software.
My e-mail doesn't work here anyways. SUCKAS

Ultimate DVD Backup Guide/Software Download Page.


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Life Rulz
Do The Dew