The Hellish Characters of Sliders.

Above used to be our hero Quinn Mallory. When Sliders
was picked up by the Scifi Channel Jerry was so happy.
He packed his bags and headed on over to start acting
for the first episode.

But he found out that after he signed a contract he didn't have to act. "Free Money!" was his exact words. Jerry was a zombie through his final season...between takes he found himself saying "Brains..brains....." unfortunately he never found any.

Luckily Jerry's ass was fired at the end of season 4..or rather he quit but it was for the better.

When Charlie O'Connel was laying under a pile of dirty cloths begging for a job...his brother told him to get off his lazy ass and join the cast of Sliders as the goofy new Colin character who was Quinn's brother.

Colin only had one facial expression and a run that could make you die laughing if you seen it.

Luckily he was written off after season 4.

Perhaps the best Slider ever Rembrant is the only one of the original left...after Quinn's lazy ass decided not to care about Wade Rembrant now takes leadership and makes the best of it--even though he has a human pin cushion( Maggie) along for the ride.

Maggie Beckett is the slider that has a friggin' gun in almost every single episode. Although she is a marine she doesn't know how to hold a gun like a soldier.

If Maggie's breast got any bigger the vortex wouldn't be able to hold all the extra mass and Maggie would be sent into a ass-tral plane or unstuck in space time like Colin.


Mallory is two men trapped in one body. Although he doesn't even have the strength of one man. Mallory has the tendancy to say a lame ass joke in every single episode which nobody at all laughs at. He also is a male-slut and can't control himself when it comes to the opposite sex--uh oh watch out for Maggie.

Diana Davis is the black scientist that knows more about science than Einstein...she is very smart in fact one day she acidentally locked herself into a closet--how smart is that?