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Draconic Wicca is the utilization of the powers of the dragons. There are as many dragons as there are people. They are as varied as humans are also. We work with these dragons to achieve the results that we seek. In doing so, we have to deal with the unique personalities of each type of dragon. The dragons have no real hierarchy other than age, except for the case of 'The Dragon'.

The Dragon is the combined powers of the God and the Goddess. The Dragon is invoked or evoked during Sabbats and in times when great magick is needed (not when you can not find your keys). Invoking means to call into you the power of the dragon that you name i.e. a fire dragon. You ask that this dragon assume himself/herself into your spiritual body. To evoke means to call a dragon to you, to join you in your magickal workings.

The reason it is called Draconin "Wicca" is because of the similarities to the wiccan religion of today. This religion was originally brought to Earth by the blessed races when Atlantis was formed. The name of the religion itself cannot be pronounced in present English certainly not spelled. This religion was taken away from the Atlantians and Atlantis destroyed.The druids were the descendants of the Old Religion and passed on by mouth.

The spirits God: The god is the male half of the 'divine being'. He has many faces and has known many names. To wiccans, he is known as the horned god, the sun god, and many more. God is not just Father, he is Mate, Consort, Lover, Friend, Brother, Hunter, Husband, Law-giver, and Partner.

Goddess: The goddess is the female half of the 'divine being'. She also has had many faces and many names. Wiccans, druids, and the coven all respect the Maiden, Mother, and Crone aspect of the goddess show in the entire universe.

Red Dragon: The Red Dragon is effectively the goddess of the dragons and very, very few known her actual name. She represents all of the blessed races and has a counterpart for each. Dragons/Races of the

Elements: Each race has its own head keeper of the elements and/or directions. The elements are: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness and Spirit These spirits are called in to help with specific elements and what the elements and directions can help with different things. Healing would be Earth for example.

Many names are used to invoke different aspects of the above spirits. The goddess might be invoked as Bast (Egyptian name) for example for healing and another time Athena (Greek) for wisdom. There is a good saying. "There are many faces of the one god." However this doesn't apply for the Red Dragon of other guardians of the elements. This mostly applies for the God and Goddess aspects. The sabbats are more like the old druidic sabbats, which any good reference is hard to find, than the ones that are found in Wiccan religions.


---Adapted from information found at and