::Warning - If you're going to walk into the Gatepost of Hell, do it with your eyes open, dummy!::

Okay, minasan! ::Mina cracks her knuckles:: Here be the requisite Warning page. I'm tired of doing the whole concealed page spiel, so I've quit. The link below - yes, the one marked Enter - leads directly to the main fiction page. This means that this is your chance to turn back: If you don't want to read stuff with homoerotic content, either between men and men, women and women, or hermaphrodites and everyone, TURN BACK.
Otherwise, venture onward, fair travellers...and watch out for hyper foxboys and rabid Angels.

::Enter...You've now hit your head on the Gatepost of Hell.::

Shadowlands v. 3.0 © Mina 2000-2002