League News & Updates

Notes from the office of the Commish...

Update (08-16-04) -- Dear friends, It was a very tough decision to make, but I have decided to take a season's hiatus with the Field Warriors league. I'm guessing some of you were looking forward to playing, but my very busy summer left me with little time to prepare and to arrange for the draft, and now that the time draws near, I doubt I'd be able to get ready & organized in time. I'm sorry about that, but have every intention of resuming the league again next season. I hope you all can come back then. The best part of playing is getting to talk to all of you, my good friends. I am playing the free fantasy football game at www.sportingnews.com , I will send you all a challenge from their to join my league, hopefully you can play. The league's name is South Dakota Big Hitters, just put it in when it asks for the league name (there is no password, so leave it empty). Talk to you all soon I hope. Remember, my email is robinhood@mit.midco.net , Later!!!

Update (08-29-03) -- Great draft again everyone. With the smaller 8 team league we all ended up with pretty good rosters I think. I do plan to go back to 10 teams again next year, so enjoy it while it lasts. Most everything is updated already here on the website. I still have to finish the WR section of available players, but otherwise the schedule, team pages, new paybacks (for 8 teams), and the rest of the free agent players are all ready to go. Remember, my new email is robinhood@mit.midco.net , so send me your lineups there. Later!!!

Update (08-10-03) -- Hello Fantasy FB Owners,
Just a reminder that the draft is this Thurs. (28th) at 7:00pm down at the Garden of Eden again. Can't wait to see you all there. Good luck to you all. My email is
robinhood@mit.midco.net . Later!!!

Update (07-27-03) -- I am currently planning the draft on August 28th, 2003(Thurs.) this year. Email me ASAP if you are planning to have a team. My new email is robinhood@mit.midco.net . Look forward to hearing from you all. Later!!!

Update (04-07-03) -- The NFL Europe season kicked off this last weekend. A game is shown on Fox Sports Net each Saturday, check it out if you get a chance. Also, the NFL draft is coming soon. April 26th & 27th. Can't wait. Talk to you all later

Update (03-10-03) -- All the team rosters on the Draft Aids page have been updated with new 2003 information. Check it out!

Update (12-10-02) -- Congratulations 2002 Playoff teams, good luck to you all! A very big THANK YOU to all team owners for participating this season. I hope you all had fun.

Update (10-25-02) -- The 2003 NFL Pro Bowl ballot link is now available at the bottom of this page.

Update (09-02-02) -- Great draft everyone! Thanks again to you all for being in the league again. All your new teams have already been updated in the Team Pages section. The 2002 schedule is also already available as well. Most everything is updated already with the exception of the position leaders & results pages which won't have anything new until after week 1. The free agents list is done, so if you already see a problem with the team you just drafted, start shopping at who is still out there. Send me lineups at...thirddayonline@yahoo.com.

Update (08-12-02) -- Well, I think that we are going to go ahead & try something new this year and go with the Sunday, September 1st draft date. I think 5:00pm is a good time, so mark it on your calendar. I'm 90% sure the location will probably be at the Garden of Eden again. If you haven't already, get a hold of me to verify your team as well. Please email me at this address...thirddayonline@yahoo.com.

Update (07-31-02) -- Another new season is almost here. I look forward to getting together with you all again this year for the draft. Nothing is for sure yet, but I'm looking at Tuesday, August 27th (7:00pm) or Sunday, September 1st (early pm?) as the possible dates. This is earlier than normal due to the fact that the NFL is starting the season with a game on the Thursday before opening weekend. I'm not sure of location yet but it will probably be at the Garden of Eden again. Let me know if these dates are a problem for anyone, let me know which day you prefer, and get a hold of me to verify your team as well. You can look into your team page from last year to see who you had & if you want to keep a franchise from that group. Most everything is the same as last year as far as rules & play go. Check into the League info pages for details. Finally, as a new aid to help you prepare for the draft, an accurate team by team roster area is available in the Pre-Draft Help page.

Update (05-25-02) -- Remember to keep yourself up to date with all the offseason moves by checking in our Pre-Draft Aids section. I keep an up to date team listing of where all the fantasy players are. As transactions happen, I continue to update as often as I can. So if you want to know where your favorite players are or who is on your favorite team then check it out.

Update (11-07-01) -- I hope you all like the changes I made to update the website & give a little nicer look. Also, below on this page is a link to the NFL Pro Bowl Ballot. For all those interested, click on it to place your vote for this year's ProBowlers.

Update (09-26-01) -- Team owner Steve Sibson had a fire at his new home this week. Just a note to let him know that we are all thinking of him right now & hope all is well.

Update (09-20-01) -- It appears that the NFL is going to continue with a 16 game/17 week regular season (with playoffs yet to be decided on how they will be played, but that doesn't effect our fantasy season.) The payback periods then are OK, we just have to adjust them all a little. The 1st period is now weeks 1,3, and 4; the 2nd is then weeks 5-9: the 3rd is 10-12; and finally the last will be weeks 13-15. Our playoffs will now be played during weeks 16,17, and 18 (which is the games missed from week 2.) I hope this isn't to confusing. I think I speak for many when I say I'm looking forward to the NFL's return this weekend. It will be good to get away from the turmoil for a while. Those interested in making a donation for those effected by the terrorist acts, a link is available towards the bottom of the main page.

UPDATE (09-13-01) -- I know that my thoughts reflect those of all the Field Warriors team owners when I say that we are all greatly sad & angry & emotionally spent by the vicious terrorist attacks on our great nation. It almost feels as if I've stepped unto one of my comic book stories, it is very hard to believe that this has happened and all our prayers go out to those who are suffering, grieving, and to those who are already lost to us & now serve the Lord in heaven. Due to the cancellation and/or rescheduling of week 2 NFL games, we will have to be making some alterations to our fantasy football season as well. As of now, I only know that the games will not be played this weekend. The NFL hasn't yet decided is they will completely skip the games and continue on or if they plan to replay them at the end of the season (therefore cutting the NFL playoffs short & reducing numbers of wild card teams to advance). For now I will assume the first option is the plan, thus we are currently on plan to have weeks 1 to 3 as a payback period & weeks 4 to 8 as the next one. At least unless something happens to change this, now we will plan to use weeks 1,3, and 4 as the 1st period, followed by weeks 5 through 8 as the next. Any input you may have about these changes is welcome.

2001 Season Update !!!

The 2001 fantasy season is under way. The whole site is already ready to go. Your teams, the schedule, free agents, & everything else is already up to date. Good luck to everyone!!!!

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