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My Fan Art!

Welcome to my page of fan art created by yours truly! These are the few pictures I have drawn of Maria Felicita, Zelgadis, and some original nameless characters that just look cool. I must thank my two friends in the Netherlands, Bassie the killer chicken and Dmoug the mougle (don't ask), without whom my art would not be on the net. Also thanks to Ukyou, who has agreed to scan some more pics for me! Thankies, you guys! I have a scanner myself, now, and I've added many new pics (newest at the bottom)! Check out the shirtless Zelgadis and Xellos pics! ^_~ And now for the art...

Nice pic of PCG

Cool, but old pic of PCG with a sword

Doodle I made on a manila envelope...

Chibi PCG weirdness!

NEW!!! Pics I scanned myself!!! Happiness is me!

Zel, Xellos, and Maria the Psyco Cat-Girl in bathrobes...

Zel (shirtless!) and Maria in a nice black & white scene...

*drumroll* The moment you've all been waiting for! Zelgadis! Human! In the buff! (And in the grass! ^_^)

Ah, more shirtless human Zel...*drool*

YES!!! Chimera Zel in tight jeans! *DROOL*

Maria Felicita the Psyco a bikini! (NO, I am NOT a hentai artist!)

Zel, wearing nothin' but a smile...(and some strategically placed ribbons)

PCG decided that she likes ribbons, too...

Xellos, shirtless, in tight jeans...Need I say more?

More Xellos!

Nice Psyco Cat-Girl sketch I did in art class...


My self-portrait... In anime style!

An unhappy Psyco Cat-Girl...

PCG chained to a wall...*_*

I've fallen and I can't get up!

Looks happy to see someone... (Click here only if you're brave...and nobody around you cares about partial nudity...)

PCG, what a trend-setter!^_^

Hi, I'm Maria, and I'm a "sword-aholic"...

Kawaii!!! PCG and Zel

This can't be good...

For more fan art of mine, here are two sites with plenty of pics to keep you happy!

The first page of my art, located on Dmoug's site.

The other page, on Bassie's site.


Thank you, Ukyou! ^_^

Note: All of these pictures are my own original work, and the people who put them up on their sites have done this with my permission. I would be very unhappy if any of these pictures were taken without my permission, and I ask that you not use them on your site without asking me first. Any other pictures on my site you can take, since I have no personal claim to any of them, but my fanart is important to me and I would appreciate it if you didn't use it without asking. Thank you!
