Maximum distance from the Sun = 94,537,000 miles
Minimum distance from the Sun = 91,377,000 miles
Mean distance from the Sun = 92,957,000 miles
Mean orbital velocity = 66,000 mph
Orbital eccentricity = 0.017
Obliquity of elliptic = 23 degs, 27 mins, 8.26 secs
Length of tropical year, equinox to equinox = 365.24 days
Length of sidereal year, fixed star to fixed star = 365.26 days
Length of mean solar day = 24 hrs, 3 mins, 56.555 secs in mean solar time
Length of mean sidereal day = 23 hrs, 56 mins, 4.091 secs in mean solar time
Mass = 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons
Equatorial diameter = 7,921 miles
Polar diameter = 7,900 miles
Obliqueness = 1/298
Density = 5.41
Mean surface gravitational acceleration of the rotating earth = 32.174 feet per second per second
Escape velocity = 7 miles per second
Albedo = 0.39

(Vangelis 'Albedo 0.39')

Moon's mean orbital velocity = 1.02 x 10³ km/s

The mariner's compass is found to be disturbed by submarine influences near North Quarken, Gulf of Bothnia; Oxelosund, Sweden; Cape St Francis, Labrador; Cossack, NW Australia; New Ireland and Bougainville, Solomon Islands; Tumbora volcano, Sumbawa Island, near Java; St Mary's Isle, near Madagascar; Delagoa Bay; Iceland and it's adjacent waters; Odessa Bay, and the shoal south of it; and Isle de Los, W coast of Africa.

At night the Earth is struck by waves of about eight seconds in length. Some of them are as long as forty seconds in length. A ten cycle a second wave follows the sunrise-line for up to twenty minutes. This, and the fluctuation of the Earth's magnetic field, at between eight and sixteen times a second, add to a background hum of three to four cycles a second. Human body temperature has a cycle of twenty-one to twenty-seven hours.

Free Space: The region used as an absolute standard characterized by an absence of gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Free space was formerly referred to as a vacuum. The electric and magnetic constants are the formally defined values of the permitivity and permeability of free space, respectively. The velocity of light in free space is constant and is the maximum possible value. Matter equivalence = 1.093 kg/cm³ (98.2342 thousand Terajoules).

" I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Albert Einstein

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Huygen's probe

Kemble's Cascade


Evidence for severe 'storms' of space debris may lie in historical records.

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