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Otago University Dive Club

Strategic Plan for 2000-2001

Mission statement:

To encourage and enable students and staff members of Otago University to safely experience and enjoy recreational scuba diving and to foster an attitude of respect and protection for Otago's unique marine environment.

Aims / Organisational goals:

  1. The Otago University Dive Club will achieve its mission by providing leadership, knowledge, skills, experience, equipment and a social network to enable members to pursue their recreational and personal goals. Ultimately OUDC aims to develop club divers to a point where they may safely and competently dive anywhere in the world, and have an attitude of respect and appreciation for the marine environment.
  2. A key element in this is the close relationship the club has developed with Dive HQ Otago who provide discounted training and equipment to our members, making advancement in the sport more affordable. In conjunction with this there are a number of teaching status PADI professionals within the club who have undertaken to develop the skills and confidence of members.

Key Areas


Objective: To encourage regular diving by the majority of club members

Action steps:

  • Have two organised club dives per month throughout the academic year.
    Responsibility of:
  • Provide specific diving opportunities for female members.
    Responsibility of:
  • Ensure gear shed is open from 1:00 - 1:50 every Friday, and other times as required by members.
    Responsibility of:
    Justin, Greg & Melita
  • Negotiate the sponsorship of five free tank fills from Dive HQ Otago for members to encourage initial participation.
    Responsibility of:
  • To write and submit an article on a specific club event (eg. Project AWARE) to a community newspaper such as the Star. Also try talking to Critic about coverage. Ensure sponsor's logo is included in photo and mentioned in text.
    Responsibility of:
  • Equipment

    Objective: To provide a range of up to date equipment; and to continue to upgrade current equipment that has past the end of its service life.

    Action steps:

    1. Ensure equipment is maintained in peak condition by servicing annually or more often as required. Development of equipment service history in digital form.
      Responsibility of:
    2. Negotiate to buy late model ex-rental Dive HQ equipment (BCDs, regulators), particularly in smaller sizes.
      Responsibility of:
    3. Tank replacement as recommended during annual inspection by Dive HQ technical staff.
      Responsibility of:
    4. Price new O2 kit from Australian supplier. Investigate possible alternative products.
      Responsibility of:


    Objective: To provide the opportunity for the majority of OUDC members to be trained in the administration of O2 in an emergency first aid situation.

    Action steps:

    1. Investigate funding from OUSA, sponsorship and member-funded alternatives for O2 provider course.
      Responsibility of:
    2. Consult with club members and course providers to organise suitable time and location for O2 course.
      Responsibility of:

    Objective 2: To encourage further formal training for members.

    Action steps:

    1. Provide information about available courses, and the benefits of advanced diver training.
      Responsibility of:
    2. Ensure members are aware of dates and costs of courses run by Dive HQ Otago.
      Responsibility of:
    3. Negotiate with Dive HQ Otago to provide members with significant discounts on equipment and courses.
      Responsibility of:

    Education and awareness

    Objective: To promote safe and environmentally aware diving practices in all OUDC members.

    Action steps:

    1. Develop a club policy on respecting local voluntary reserves (eg Aramoana).
      Responsibility of:
    2. Actively encourage participation of members in events run by Project AWARE (eg. beach and dive site cleanups).
      Responsibility of:
      Greg, Justin, Melita


    Club exec members:

    Greg van der Hulst (Pres) Home ph: 4545324

    Justin Williams (Treas) Home ph: 4878969 Cell: 0252113792

    Melita Archer (Assoc Treas) Home ph: 4739642