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May 14, 2000: Mother's Day and Graduation

This year, we had a busy day in the middle of May. First, my family ate at Coco's for dinner. Then to graduation and receptions. Here's a few pictures.

Sometimes Ginger is just so photogenic. And I'm pretty cute too, with my new perm. But I look like I have some sort of skin disease. and Ginger looks like the devil!

I took dad's picture with the dog, too. whoa, doggy!

At Coco's, Mom and Grandma opened their Mother's Day gifts. Holly and I gave Mom Black Hills Gold Earrings. We gave Grandma a watering-hose thing. Apparently, it's great.

Holly and Dad at Coco's.

Susie: Don't take my picture, I'm crying!
After the ceremony. Susie was (is?) valedictorian!

The feature of this picture is JoEllen, our favorite little girl. She's so sweet! Also, Jessica, Lacey, Susie, and me.

Onto Susie's reception.