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SW_§paceman's Homepage

Updated 8-23-00

May I introduce, (*drumroll, please...*) the new and improved SW_§paceman Homepage. This website now offers two sections, which will hopefully be expanded into at least three. The first section is the classic StarWars, which has been around for 3 years now. The second has been just recently added and is still under construction. It contains information about StarCraft. Additional: The StarCraft page currently has nothing on it, I am still working on typing strategies and statistics on my laptop. Don't let that discourage you from sending me ideas!
Thank you!
-Web Page Curator SW_§paceman (A. K. A. Spaceman Spiff)

Enter Here for StarWars

Enter Here for StarCraft

Under Contruction

Disclaimer: All images and copyright material in both sections of my page are Copyright of their respective owners.
