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Middle Weyr

Middle Weyr - moving!!

Moving? Yes, moving! I've finally got off my lazy butt and am moving Middle Weyr to a different provider. I'll be creating a .cjb redirection address you can use because sometime in the future I might change it once again (if I ever get my domain name!) I'm moving Middle to a tripod account--ack! Don't throw that! I trust Tripod (more or less) for my website and I'll be keeping an up-to-date copy on the computer, via FTP, so no need to worry if Tripod performs another homicide. :) I'll put the URL up here as it's done! Thank you for your patience. ^_^ Please join the mailing list to be notified of when Middle's back up!

Need to contact me for whatever reason? E-mail Middle here, or at Thank you for your patience!

Status: 40% complete

Coming soon~!

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