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Note to everyone:this site does not promote school violence. We are an Anti-Skool, Pro Education Zine, who just like to poke fun. Now this cover of our zine on the left was made way before the skool incident in Colorado. Now while we don't condone what was done there we do wonder why people don't blame the bullies there(for making their lives hell), as well as the parents and them. Even though I don't think its the parents fault.

Lambrusco Kid is finally back. Updated June 1, 1999 Maximize your screen

After many,many,many,many delays this site is finally up with new articles and stuff. Yes I know it took us long enough but this time around we got a better understanding of this crap hole they call the web. Now that Lambrusco Kid is on the web it doesn't mean that it's not gonna get printed anymore(mind you). We are in need of money at the moment and can't print our zine. But instead of doing nothing at all we decided to do a web version for a while. So there! There should be more stuff within the month. I still sholuld get some stuff in. Also if you've got something to say about a skool or job experience send it in so it can be included in the page. Enter our monthly contest to have a chance to win some prizes(Note: I didn't say cool, just prizes). Check the contest page for more information.

Crappy Jobs
Skool Sucks
Other columns
Funny Stuff
June's Contest
Our Favorite links
Cheesy Merchandise

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