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Sheryl's PaGe

Hey people thanks for hittin me up. There are one of two reasons why you are here. One because you're bored up the butt and just wanna see the pic, or you actually wanna read about me. Hey either one is fine with me. Let's see where do I start.... I love to sing, that's the first thing I'd like to say. I've only performed at local talent shows but that's it so far. Nothing major or anything. Still a beginner. I've been in choir since freshmen year. I'm single for a reason. Guys tend to become assholes during time. So I haven't had a real decent relationship in a while. Which is ok, because hey, I like being single. I "talk" to a lot of guys but never been out with a lot. I've had about hmm 3 boyfriends. But as of now, I'm goin' with the flow. I like meeting new people. I am very proud of my friends. I love them! They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I couldn't be luckier. We have this little group we call SBC. The letters stand for Sisters By Choice. It means, how it sounds. I love you guys!! Hmmmm....well that's all I feel like typing on this for now. If you want...IM me and i'll fill ya in s'more. "layzeeann" Take care and god bless everyone! E-mail me at BabbOooO!
