Cash in on Utility De-Regulation PLUS!
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Utility De-Regulation PLUS!

Internet Commerce, Bundled Utilities, and Electric Power!! Grab Your Share of these Multi Billion Dollar Industries!!


We are at a truly unique time in history.

Never before has any company with this much experience and credibility ever created an opportunity for individuals to start a business on their own, and simultaneously capitalize on an industry growing as quickly as the Internet, and newly deregulated industries such as electricity, and world-wide telecommunications.

The time to act is NOW! Our technology-based company is poised to capture a large share of these new markets!

Grab Your Share!

The Most Lucrative Opportunity Ever!

The income opportunities created by the INTERNET, which is the fastest growing industry in American business history, are virtually limitless!!

The worldwide TELECOMMUNICATIONS act of 1996 creates new business opportunities as deregulation of telecommunication goes global. This is an industry of over ONE TRILLION dollars and the profit potential dwarfs the incredible success brought on by the deregulation of telecommunications in the USA in 1984!!

Deregulation of the ELECTRICITY industry in the USA opens a $250 BILLION market to competitive pricing for the first time and marks the beginning of the end of the utility's strangle hold on this monopoly!!

With the convergence of these trends, the support of a multi-billion dollar, debt-free corporation and our one-on-one coaching, we'll show you how to earn commissions on every service connection to the home or office.


INTERNET COMMERCE: Internet Access, Web Page Design and Hosting, "Internet Appliances" (like advanced WebTV) and a future Internet Mall featuring Retail Giants!!

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Long Distance, Cellular, Pager, Pre-Paid Calling Cards, Virtual Office, and Coming Soon - Local Phone Service and International Long Distance!!

COMING SOON - BUNDLED SERVICES: We will be able to offer customers a bundle of utilities in one convenient bill! The customer will be able to save a lot by bundling every connection that comes into their home or business into one easy package at competitive rates!!

MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: Security Alarm Systems, Digital Satellite TV, Financial Services, Computer Hardware and MORE!

AND IN THE FUTURE - ELECTRICITY: As each state deregulates over the next few years, we will be able to add electricity to their bill!!

FORTUNE 500 PARTNERS: We have aligned ourselves with some of the top companies in their industry! These are the creme de la creme of companies who add credibility to this opportunity!

A GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY WITH A STABLE COMPANY: Brand new opportunity within a financially stable, multi billion dollar company with a 14 year proven track record!!

Your parents did not have this opportunity!

Your children will not have this opportunity!


This is not only the opportunity of a lifetime!

This is the opportunity of HISTORY!

To get more details, tune into the conference call on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10pm Eastern Time at (801) 345-0605
or write to:
Stephanie Burgett

Links to More Info:

My Sponsor's Page


Info & Compensation

State by State Deregulation Map

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