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Greetings, youve reached Frozenfire's Inner Sanctum, The Flamin' Igloo. This is ground zero for Frozenfire's Wild And Woolly Cyber World.

Visit Frozenfire's Crystal Ship

Click Here to Go To My Psychedelic Mindwarp, The Crystal Ship . Take a trip into the demented recesses of Frozenfire's mind. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Frozenfire's 80s Flashback

Click Here To Go To Frozenfire's '80s Flashback. Return to the decade of Rubik's Cube, Video Games, E.T. and Frozenfire's twisted formative years.

Frozenfire's 80s Flashback

Click Here To Send an Email to Frozenfire

I Support Free Speech.

I Support Efforts at Awareness and Cure of Breats Cancer (Click Here For Info)

I Support Efforts To Help End Sexual Abuse of Children (Click Here for Info)

Wine and Roses 
Web Ring

This Wine and Roses site is owned by Frozen Fire .
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