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Buffy and Angelus.

Angelus and Buffy.

Is that not an abombination to all that we have been shown to believe is right and wrong? What ever happened to the purity of a true love, you might ask.

Hmmm...wonderful question, it truly is.

Perhaps you might be willing to explore, for just a moment, that love is not so easily defined nor it is easily understood. Angel was the ever-steady gallant---considerate and trustworthy. The perfect knight in shining armour. And Angelus...

Angelus, well he's not the stuff dreams are made of---

Or is he?

By chance maybe you have wondered about the dark side of Buffy's true love. Would the passion he unleased on the Slayer be as deadly as his kiss?

Perhaps you would be curious to read how different authors answer your very tender question. A few words of caution are in order though: you will never again cast Angelus with same brush as those who own him do.

Which brings us to a very good point: there is absolutely NO monetary gain being made from these writings. All Buffy the Vampire Slayer Characters belong to the WB, Fox, Joss Whedon, and a mulitude of others. THEY do not belong to us. However...

Two characters in particular are being borrowed for some rather adult situations that can only take place here. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of blood, violence, SEX, with a little bit of torture thrown in occasionally, this is NOT where your tender eyes need to be.

If you are of legal age and willing to be shown another side of love...

Please by all means, continue on...

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