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Book o' Guests

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Finally, the most wonderful place in the world has found a small tribute on my lil' page on the internet. This "wonderful place" that I'm speaking of is, of course, the small, little known country in Eastern Africa, Djibouti. It has become a dream of mine to visit this wonderful country at some point in my life. If you would like to see a picture of the flag, just follow this link.

As you can see I've been hard at work on this page. Good deal! Don't expect things to change this drastically very much though cause that'd just take too much time. Anyways, welcome to my page. Mostly here are just comics. Yes, comics! Now on to those things and others!

This page is dedicated to the one, the only, WILFREDO! And if you don't know who that man is I suggest you either find out or go here, cause it'd be wrong to just go through your life without knowing about him.

If you are using Internet Explorer, there are a few "easter eggs" that you will discover upon viewing different parts of my website. Be vigilant and you might witness these events.

If you think any of this stuff sucks, then yee gay. I also would like it if you didn't come here anymore, but I really would appreciate it if you emailed me cause I like getting email from idiots! It's just so fun to get email and write back and make no sense just so the other person has a migranes and stuff. So by all means, email me!

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