DALSBORGS NYHETER DALESBURG'S NEWS The newsletter of Dalesburg Scandinavian Association (Dalsborgs Skandinaviska Foreningen) 30595 University Road, Vermillion, SD 57069-6507 (605-253-2575) September 1999 Calendar of Events *********************** Scandinavian Travelers Afternoon Sunday, September 19; 3:00 P.M. Dalesburg Lutheran Church Program by David and Marilyn Aronson. They will be speaking about their four trips to Norway / Scandinavia during 1998-99. David Aronson is on the faculty of the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, and Marilyn Carlson Aronson is on the faculty of Augustana College in Sioux Falls. Their first trip to Norway was with a bell choir from the Twin Cities. Their second trip was a teaching exchange for Marilyn between Augustana and a school in Norway, and David was involved in making arrangements for an exchange of students between USD and a school in Trondheim, Norway. In June the Aronsons visited Denmark, Sweden and Norway. In July the Aronson were involved in USD hosting a professor, his wife and child, and three students from Norway. Their program will feature slides, photographs and recordings. Refreshments will follow. Brunch with Ola and Sonja Hedman on Saturday, October 2. Mr. & Mrs. Hedman will be visiting in the area, and DSA will be hosting them for brunch on October 2. They are from Sollentuna, Sweden and are interested in emigration from Bingsjo/Rattvik, Dalarna Province to Dalesburg. They are members of DSA. If you would like to attend the brunch, please contact Carol Shubeck or Lorraine Carlson before September 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Debut Performance of the "Shrine to Music Museum's 18th-century Swedish Clavichord Restored" on September 25. Please contact Dr. Deborah Reeves at the Museum for more details. Annual Meeting Saturday, November 6; 6:00 P.M. Dalesburg Lutheran Church Potluck Supper Please bring nominations for the Lucia Court Lucia Sunday, December 12; 4:00 P.M. Dalesburg Lutheran Church Midsummer Friday, June 23 and Sunday, June 25, 2000 Dalesburg Scandinavian Association 30595 University Road Vermillion SD 57069-6507 Forwarding and Address Correction Requested