
Rushing. Wet. Warm. Cold. Both. All. "Ummmm."

"Be still." A touch, holding her down. A familiar one at that. One that had the power to give pleasure, or cause pain. Not just any touch. His touch.

That woke her up. She opened her eyes and looked up with a start. With a surprise she realized she was in the bathtub...with Angelus sitting just across from her, grinning through slitted eyes. "Angelus?" In trying to move, she discovered that her legs were wrapped skillfully around his- not so that it hurt her, but enough to keep her from moving around too much.

"Didn't I tell you to be still?" He raised an eyebrow and moved forward before she had time to reply. He picked up a razor on the side of the tub and took off the plastic covering. "I wouldn't want to cut you."

Her eyes opened wide and she froze, prisoner of her sudden, shocked arosual. He was going to shave her...Oh god! She began to shiver in morbid anticipation, both longing for and fearing the feel of the metal against her virgin skin. She whimpered softly, feeling her blood speed up and her heart pound as she forced back a moan of lusty need. "Angelus, don't...don't do that..."

Grinning, he grabs the can of shaving cream and pulls it's top off. "And why not, dear one? Wouldn't it be fun?" Squirting the white foam into his hand, he covers them both and then moves his hands to her curls, and covers her reddened, puffy pussy. He smells her sweet arousal and smiles. Before the end of the night she'll be crying his name and in the midst of it, he'll be able to make her agree to anything he asks. For he knows that any woman... especially THIS little whore... will do anything to be allowed her release.

"Don't lie to me Buffy. In fact, don't say a word at all. I want you to listen to me tonight. Don't even speak to me..." He raises the razor and places it on the middle of her curls, watching her shiver. "Unless you're going to tell the truth." He begins to slowly bring it down, feeling her shudder under him and smelling the juices slicking up her cunt hole.

Moving the razor away, he tapped it in the water, washing away the dark, strawberry-blonde curls. Buffy watched it float away and felt desperate, like grabbing them out of the water and putting them back where they belonged. Almost as if she were losing a part of herself.

But she knows that the curly hair is not truly what she is losing...she knows, every time he touches her with that razor, every time he strokes down, every bit of hair she loses... signifies the loss of resistance to his whims... to HIM... every little strip of hair floating away on the water makes her more desperate, more helpless, more... needy. She wants him more and more... her body cries for his...

She wonders, almost thoughtlessly, how much defiance would she have left when he was done? This was truly evil... he somehow knew or sensed her greatest desire and turned it against her... using it to break her down and make her submit to his devious ways. Her most erotic daydream had been made of this...a man shaving her pussy, her womanly hairs... but this was tinged with an apprehension... a fear of what he was going to entice her to do... because she knew that her release, her relief... would come at a dear price.

What she didn't know was how dear it would be.

"Don't you like it, dearest? I can smell you. Smells so delicious..." He closes his eyes and for a moment it looks as if he might float away too, while smelling her sweet ambrosia. "I can taste you in the air..." He opens his eyes, looks down at her, both of the feral orbs glittering with something she hasn't seen before. "Don't lie to me Buffy. You like this don't you. You little fuck whore."

She gasped sharply and tried to ignore the pebbling of her nipples as she looked at him. She whimpered, knowing he was seeing through everything that she put out and wondering how to deal with it. Should she keep resisting, keep fighting? Or should she give in, and let herself be swallowed up into him?

But what did he want her to be? She had a sneaking suspicion that it was unlike anything she'd ever known... anything she would have ever imagined. He would strip her of everything she was now... and make her into what he wanted. More than likely, his version of the perfect love slave. The idea both repelled and appealed to her, and she shuddered under the thought.

Satisfied with her arousal so far, Angelus finished up his shaving job and laid the razor besides the tub. He grinned and shoved his fingers into her sopping cunt and watched her jerk in surprise. Her muscles loosened, and then tightened around his invading fingers. She whimpered and squirmed. "Oh... Angelus..."

"You wanna cum don't you? Don't you?" He snickered, cruelly jabbing his fingers in and out harder. "Well, Buffy darling... you're not going to...until you agree to play by my rules." Her whimper of protest made him snarl. "And you will do it... otherwise I will torture you by never letting you cum." He grinned.

Buffy gasped raggedly. "But that's cruel, Angelus..." Her questioning eyes bored into his and he knew what she was wondering. He pulled his fingers from her sopping center and watched her squirm.

"But darling, I am you're going to learn..." He pushed his fingers back into her cunt in a different spot. "And it can be done...let me show you." He began working her slowly, building her up, waiting until her body was as tight as a cord. Just as her spasms got to the very edge...he moved his fingers to another spot and began reworking her, watching her reaction with an evil grin.

When she began to whimper and hold her breath, he began to talk. "You will be my slave. You will call me will wear my collar that I will give you at all times. You will not speak unless spoken to..or given permission." Pausing to listen to her shocked, ragged gasp, he smiles and continues.

"For no reason will you leave my will wear what I tell you all times you are expected to wear the corset I will give you.." He grins when she gasps in shock, nearly losing it. "It's made to be comfortable, so don't worry. It'll keep your breasts and nipples up without me having to hold them... and keep you nice and slim. And it has a special crotch... it'll keep you from fingering yourself, but allow me all the entrance I'll ever need."

He noticed the shock in her eyes as she watches him blankly, as he continues to torture her with his ministrations. "No, you're not allowed to touch yourself. The day I find you pleasuring yourself is the day that I beat your ass to a bloody pulp." Noticing her pebbled nipples, he smiled and went on. "No one is allowed to touch you down there but me and whatever vamps I'm allowing to fuck you. That had better be understood...and very clear..."

Hearing her soft whimper, he grinned. "Do you wanna cum? If you want to cum...beg me for it...because starting now, you're no longer allowed to cum unless I give you permission...and I will only give you permission after you beg for it...and call me by my rightful name." He glared at her and pinched her reddened clit. "So, Buffy dear... do you want to cum?"

She whimpered and moaned loudly. "Please...please let me cum..." Searching for the words, desperate, she moaned louder. "Please Master...please let me cum..." She jerked and arched in and out of his touch, every inch of her begging for release.

He smiled. She was reacting and coming along so well. "That's not all Buffy. There'll be much more...but I want to hear it from you now. Tell me Buffy. Do you accept my rules? Accept my mastery of you?" He pokes another spot teasingly and she spits a gasp of pleasure.

She nodded, her body too tight for her to speak. She just barely moved, having to strain all of her muscles and some that she was sure weren't there before."Yes..." She whispered. "I'm yours... please let me cum... please Master..." Grinning and giving her silent permission, he leaned down, biting down on the filled bud. She screamed soundlessly as she came, her body choking it out as she spasmed over and over.

When she could finally think again she looked at him limply. He looked at her with awe and malicious delight in his eyes. She was going to be perfect for him. She had the stamina, strength and the need to submit...all he had to do was make her want it...and love it. Soon she would be his, all his...for him to treat like shit as he pleased.