Join Me

He is so large. A dangerous feline man--no, not a man. A demon. His size completely engulfs me--I feel like a child in his arms. But the things we do together have nothing to do with children. I'm here now, waiting. This is my place, this will always be my place now. The bed is covered in midnight blue velvet. It's soft and warm to my cheek as I stretch out full length on my belly. My wrists curve towards the headboard, my toes point to the foot.

An offering. A sacrifice.

I hear the door to his bedroom open, hear the soft firm tread of his footsteps carrying him to me. I know he likes what he sees--me, bare, inviting, a little submissive. No matter what Angelus' mood, it's wise to be a little submissive. Oh, did I shock you? You were expecting Angel perhaps? So was I. The permanent spell was supposed to hold--it should have supernaturally glued his soul to his body. Surprise. Again.

It's a pleasure to feel him look at me. Really look at me, from arched toes to my blond hair fanning out across the pillow. My skin begins to tingle in anticipation. I feel his strong hands on my ankles, exerting pressure. I spread my legs for him, glancing over my shoulder to see his reaction. His eyes are hooded, half slits. They glitter and send a shiver down my spine.

There is also a noticeable bulge in the front of his leather pants. It pushes against the leather and I fancy that I can almost make out the outline of the erect head. He notices the direction of my gaze and smiles that lazy insolent smile I used to hate so much. Now it excites me.

Sleek and dangerous, he moves between my legs and places his faces right at my wet opening. His hands slid under my hips, and raises my bottom just a little. Then he waits. I know better than to beg, or plead, or offer and kind of supplication. It won't get me anywhere, I know, I've tried before. I know he's just looking at me--open, wet, ripe. I can feel myself start to twitch and imagine my sex growing slicker, imagine my clitoris filling, swelling, peeping out of my tight curls.

Suddenly his tongue touches me, once, twice, three times. Then it stiffens as he stabs it into me and I half rise, shrieking and twisting. He jerks away. The next moment brings his large body over me, covering me. He nips at my exposed neck then drags both me and him up onto our knees.

My hips are imprisoned in his grip and I dip my back, spread my knees even more and finally groan imploringly. His fingers tighten as he begins to roll his pelvis into me. Gently at first, barely touching. Brush and brush and brush again, pressing against what is now throbbing in response. Then harder, my wetness rocked on the slick leather, able to feel the hardness behind it. It is almost enough, just this touch as he suddenly presses hard, and my pussy spasms helplessly. So far he has not made a sound, but now he groans low in his throat. The next sound is even better music to my ears--his belt being removed, the purr of the zipper sliding down.

He teases me, of course. The thick head is rubbed over my aching clit, and then slid over the length of my pussy. Finally he slowly pushes into me, bit by bit, until I can feel his stomach pressed against my ass. I grit my teeth and clamp down hard on his cock, release it, and do it again. He draws back and slams into me hard, giving me what I want. Out and in again and again until I'm howling incoherently, babbling my love and need of him.

He presses me flat and I scream, knowing what is coming. His fingers never reach down to my swollen clit--they don't need to now--I have another pleasure spot. His wrist presses my lips, his fangs sink into my throat and I...change. Let go. Twin ivory erections sprout in my mouth and I tear his wrist, two neat puncture wounds. His blood is all and everything. It sings in me as he grinds into a violent orgasm, coming deep and hard. I come with him, sucking hard, whimpering, my insides spasming again and again.

Long endless moments of pure mindlessness, then the gentle crash back to earth. Then several moments of quiet. He rolls off me, running gentle fingers over my face. His eyes are still fierce and golden, and I know my face is the same.

I don't think I was so much Chosen by God as I was Abandoned. So when Angelus said, "join me", after all the pain and love and agony I had experienced, I finally said "yes".