Part One

E- Mail: Please give me Feedback. Let me know if you liked it or not at Moonlight
Rating: NC - 17
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is just for fun, making BTVS my way. Joss Whedon, WB, FOX, everybody own them, but I don't. So please don't sue me. I am not making any profit of this.
Author's Note: This is my second story. I have my first story posted up at the Cruel Obsession site. If anyone want to have my story, they could have it, but just let me know which site it is being posted at.
Summary: This is sequel to my first story called We are different, aren't we?. This is after Buffy and Angel had slept together for the second time and Angel lost his soul. So now Buffy has to deal with Angelus again, but this time they don't exactly fight. I think you can guess what I am saying. There isn't much of action going on or lot of things happening. The only thing is happening is Buffy and Angelus smut, smut and more smut. So if you want to find out more just read the story to know what happens.

The Next Morning:

Buffy moaned as she slowly opened her eyes. Her body was sore and for a moment she forgot that she and Angel had made love. Then she looked around to see that she wasn't in her bedroom, it was Angel's bedroom. Then things rushed back in her memory as she remembered the entire last night.

Oh my GOD, what have I done?, was her first rational thought. How could I be so STUPID?

She blamed herself. She knew what would happen if they made love, she knew that Angel would loose his soul and still she had slept with him without thinking about the consequences. She looked over to the other side of the bed, praying the whole time that it was a dream, or let it please be Angel. She gasped as she met his eyes.

He was looking down at her, smirking. Buffy couldn't read what he was thinking. She just sat frozen on her spot, thinking and wondering if he still had his soul. Millions of questions and thoughts went through her mind, making her confused and scared.

"Hello sleepy head. It's about time you woke up", Angleus said while smiling wickedly at her.

Buffy gasped, she knew that smile. Angelus was back and Angel was gone again and it was her fault. **Oh, my god how the hell am I going to explain this to Giles, Willow, Xander, and Riley. Oh god Riley**, she thought terrifyingly. She had cheated on him. He was her boyfriend and she had betrayed his love and trust. How she was supposed to tell them that she broke their trust by sleeping with her ex-boyfriend, doing something so forbidden.

Meanwhile Angelus was staring at her. He knew this was the reaction he was going to get from her. He smirked down at her. She was lost in deep thought because he could tell from her face. She also looked frightened and confused. "Aren't you going to say at least good morning, lover?", he added in that smooth tone.

She was confused by his question. She was expecting him to be gone once he lost his soul, or at least try to kill or hurt her. But instead he was talking to her. Buffy's first impulse was to find some kind of weapon, for when she needed it, at the same time wondering if she had enough courage to kill him with a stake. But she looked around the room any way.

Why didnt he attack me while I was sleeping? Why isn't he attacking me right now?, she thought to herself. Maybe he's just playing one of his games, she absently thought in her mind.

Buffy needed to get out of here as soon as possible. Maybe he wasn't trying to kill her right now but this was Angelus, one of the most vicious vampires in history. He liked to torture and hurt his victims, both emotionally and physically, and he was dangerous and had no mercy.

Suddenly she remembered and realized something and her eyes widened with shock. Giles was right. This was part of the prophecy. This was the main reason her altered Evil twin and Angelus were brought to this world. Because after seeing their altered twins, Buffy and Angel had wanted the same thing with each other. They had forgotten everything else but each other. They didn't think about the consequences at the time, and now it was too late.

Maybe its not too late after all. I could get Willow to curse him again, but how I am going to explain how Angel lost his soul in the first place. I'll think of that later, but first I have to get out of here, she silently thought to herself. She was supposed to stop this from happening, from bringing Angelus back into this world, but she had done just exactly the opposite. Someone dark comes in the way and it will change people's lives forever, as she repeated Giles exact words in her mind. What was she supposed to do now. She felt so lost.

Buffy was shivering, partly because she felt cold in the bedroom and partly because in her mind there were hundreds of possibility going through her mind on what he could have done to her. Buffy realized that he was looking, more like staring at her with his beautiful eyes. She looked down at herself and noticed that she had only a bed sheet wrapped around her body. She was naked beneath it and he was staring at her body, making her feel more exposed.

She slowly gulped as she looked at him and clutched at the sheet, making sure it didn't slip down her nude body. She shifted her body on the bed to move off and leave, but she was forced backwards by his strong hands. Oh god, he's going to kill me now was the first thing crossed through her mind. He brought her tightly against his cool hard chest. Buffy was trying to wriggle away from him, protesting at the same time. She tried to free herself so she could leave, but his hold was strong and painful.

"Leaving so soon my love, and here I had made so many plans for us to spend some quality time together", Angelus said with laugh.

"No, let me go, let me go, Angel", she cried out in fear.

"Why? So you could run to your pathetic friends and loser boyfriend to give you comfort, and try to curse me with that damn soul as soon as possible", he tightened his hold on her, smiling down at her. "I guess I should just tell you my secret. You can't curse me again ever again, when I had my lousy soul I went to Willow's one day and asked her if I could study and look at the ritual to see how it was performed. And your naïve friend just handed soul boy the disk that had curse on it. She told me to give it to her as soon as possible because it was the only copy and she didn't need to make a copy of it because she thought it was in good hands, and she trusted soul boy very much. So I had the disk hidden here and while you were sleeping peacefully, I destroyed it, so no more curse for me baby, I am back for good", he added with laugh.


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