Part Eighteen

At the Mansion...

Buffy was sitting on Angelus's lap, her face buried in his shoulder as she sobbed brokenly and cried. After talking with her friends, Buffy was so emotionally hurt. She never thought they would think she was crazy for loving him. It broke her heart and as soon as he left Giles' house, she decided to come here. Buffy needed to tell him what had happened. She needed his comfort. So here she was crying in his arms like a baby.

Angelus wrapped his arms around her small body as she shook from the grief.

It killed him to see her like this. When he saw her standing in tears at the door, he knew it had to do with the talk she was going to have with her 'friends'. She rushed into his arms and cried over and over and told him what had happened. And she was still sad and unhappy. But he would change that. He rocked her body and whispered gentle, soothing words in her ears as he stroked her hair.

"It's okay, my love. Don't cry. I'm here. I'll make everything better. Shush, baby shush, don't cry over them" Angelus said to her, trying very hard to sooth her. Buffy stopped crying hard and then stopped entirely. But she was still whimpering. "That's right my sweet. My precious, my darling, it's all right" he continued to whisper gentle words to her as he dropped kisses on her hair and on her temple.

Buffy removed her head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. He stroked her checks with his palm. "Oh Angel, I thought once I told them the truth, they would understand me. But they didn't" she said in a small voice.

"I told you they don't care about what you want. They don't understand you Buff," he answered.

"And you were right. They didn't believe me when I told them that I loved you and I wanted to be with you. They thought I was crazy and they also told me that you were just using me and you don't care for me," she said with sob.

"Oh my love, you know that's not true."

"Why me Angel? What did I do so wrong that I can't have what I want? I had to give up my normal life ever since I became the slayer. It was taken from me. From that moment I have done my duty, to protect people and never been selfish. I sacrificed everything to do the right thing. I even gave up you. When I had to send you to hell to save the world and then you left me and went to L.A. It killed me Angel, but I didn't say anything. So just for this once, for once, why can't I have little happiness? What is it so wrong for me to have something I want and need? Don't I deserve a little happiness in my life?" she said and was on the verge of crying again.

"Yes you do love. And I would give you everything you need from now on. I would never have left you if I didn't have that damn soul you know that. You are mine Buff and I would never leave you again," he answered her. He was so angry with them, he wanted to kill them and torture them for causing her so much pain.

"I wish there was a way where I could be with you forever", she suddenly said.

Angelus wanted to tell her that there was a way. If she joined him and became his queen, nothing could separate them. They would always be together forever. But he wanted Buffy to say that. He wanted to hear the words coming from her lips that she wanted be his queen. So he would wait for that moment. He looked down at her to see that she had fallen asleep in his arms. He gently cradled her against his chest, got up from the chair and brought her to his bed. He gently lay her down on black satin bed sheet and removed her shoes slowly then took his shoes off and shirt and lay besides her. His arms reached out to bring her to his chest and then he covered them with warm blankets. He wanted her to rest much as possible. He softly stroked her hair and back as she breathed softly and watched her sleep until he joined her, falling asleep besides her.

After few hours...

Buffy woke up and realized she was at the Mansion with Angelus. She regretfully remembered of how her friends reacted to their relationship. It was only 5:00 pm and the sun was still shining outside but inside this room, it was dark as night so you couldn't tell the difference. She had left Giles' house so angrily and she wondered if they were worried and looking for her. She shock her head, not wanting to think anymore about them. Instead she looked over where her lover was resting peacefully. She smiled at him and studied him.

It amazed Buffy to know that he was the same guy who tortured her and her friends when he lost his soul for the first time. Now he was her lover, a great lover and he didn't hurt her. She was serious when she told the gang that she wanted to be with him and that she loved him, accepting him even as a demon. It was also very true when she told him that she wanted to be in his arms forever. Her life had changed so much ever since she got visit from her evil vampire self from the altered universe.

Then suddenly something hit in her head. That Buffy in altered universe was also with Angelus, but she was a vampire. She had seen them together, the way they cared about each other even though they were both demons. They were cruel and caused troubles for people, but they were together. Even in death, they both were happy because they loved each other. Buffy was beginning to realize that their coming into this universe changed lot of things in her life just like the prophecy said.

If she wanted to be with her Angel forever then the only way to do was by becoming a vampire. But then she would be a demon and evil. Yeah, but you would be with Angel. Forever. a voice told her in her mind. Could she die if that meant be with Angel? Yes that was the first answer came into her mind. That was the only way they could be together because Buffy didn't know what her friends would make her do this time. Suddenly he awoke and his eyes caught hers. They smiled at each other.

"Hi, how do you feel lover?" he asked worriedly.

"I am fine, thanks to you." she replied. Angelus sat up on the bed, and Buffy laid her head on his shoulder.

"Angel?" she said.

"Yes, what is it my love?" he asked her.

"Make me like you Angel, so we could be together forever", she softly said to him. As soon as he heard those words, a thrill went through him. This was it! She asked him to make her like him, she was asking him to make her a vampire.

"I want you to turn me into a vampire"; she finally said the exact words he had been waiting to hear. "You will do that, won't you my love?" she asked him again.

"Of course my darling. I would do anything for you", he answered with smile on his face.

"Then we would be together forever right? You won't leave me again? Because I don't think I can survive without you. We already had been through so much, sacrificed so much for the world and I want us to be happy together for once. You would make that happen won't you my Angel?" she innocently asked.

"Yes, I would never leave again. You will always belong to me Buff. You are mine." he answered her and bent to his head and kissed her roughly.

"Do you want to do it right now?" she eagerly asked.

"If you want to, I could do it now," he looked at her and she just nodded her head. "I will make you happy and give you anything that you desire Buff."

"I know that and that is why I am doing this".

"All right then. Come here." And he pulled her into his lap.


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