Part Fifteen

Buffy's head was resting on Angelus' chest as she caressed it with her fingers and he was stroking her hair softly.

"The sun is coming up lover, I have to leave," he murmured in her ear.

She continued to run her hands over him and said "But I want you to stay here with me, my Angel. I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to either but I must or we'll be caught by your friends and everything would be ruined," he said as he gently got from the bed and started to dress himself. Buffy walked to him and helped him dressed.

"So when will I see you?" she asked.

"How about you come to me at my place tonight? I don't want to risk of anyone catching me," he suggested.

"Yeah, but if I don't come to you or I'm late that means I couldn't come to you. I am not sure if Giles is going to allow to be myself tonight. So if I am not there, you should come here and check," she said.

"Ok then it's settled. I'll see you tonight hopefully," he smiled at her and gave her goodbye kiss.

They parted sadly but it was necessary for the time being. They'd figure out a better way to be together. As soon as Angelus left, she got ready for her classes.

At the campus . . .

Willow and Buffy are sitting on the bench talking about general things. Buffy looked more happy and radiant than usual today and it made Willow happy to see her. "So, you think you and Riley could have another shot. I know it's early and he is hurt but he still loves you Buffy. Maybe you and him should have a talk," she suggested.

Buffy didn't know how to answer that. She had no intension of hurting him but she didn't have any feelings for him. She couldn't feel about him the way he did for her. "I don't know Will. As you said it's maybe too early and right now I just need my space and not jump into another relationship, not yet anyway," she answered, hoping Willow would understand her.

"It's all right Buffy. You should take your time," she said while giving her a smile.

Buffy's house later that evening. . .

It was already night and Buffy had promised Angelus that she would come to him. But it was impossible because Willow decided to stay with her that night. Since her mom was out of the town again, Giles thought Willow would be great company. She couldn't say no to her or she would suspect something was going on and that would be very bad. So it was 10:00 p.m. and they were both watching television and indulging in girls talk. He'll be worried or mad, Buffy thought in her mind. But she couldn't go night to be with him.

Angelus was outside the house, watching from the window in the shadows. He had been waiting for Buffy to come to him but when she didn't, he guessed that something must have come up and so he decided to check in as she suggested. He realized that Willow was with her and as it was already late he guessed she was spending the night. Damn, he thought with anger.

All he wanted was Buffy yet couldn't have her and it drove him mad. He wanted to burst into the house and take her somewhere and make love to her all night long but he couldn't risk that would ruin his plans. So he left her.

Buffy and Willow got ready for bed. It was a good thing that Willow hadn't notice how she was aching from inside. She knew she wasn't going to get a good sleep tonight. Oh, it was killing her. The separation from Angelus was driving her crazy. As night passed, Buffy tossed and turned in her sleep and wished the night would end soon. She wanted to pick up the phone and hear his voice and tell him that she couldn't be there tonight, but Willow was here, so she stopped herself. Maybe I'll be able to call him the next day, she absently thought.


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