Desperate Fulfillment

I feel your lips
I taste your skin
I need to know
I need to feel you from within
As your blood burns through my skin
I feel complete
I breathe you in
It's where you end and I begin
If only I could stay here...forever
So much to tell you
So much to show you
So much to confide
Now that I'm inside you

We are flesh
We are one
So why do I feel so much guilt
for what I've done?
As your blood burns through my skin
I feel release
I breathe you in
It's where you end and I begin
If I could only stay here...forever
So much to tell you
So much to give you
So much to confide
Now that I'm inside you

"Inside You" by Stabbing Westward
from their album Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel

Buffy stood at her window, staring at Angelus. She barely paid any attention to the rain and wind beating down on her shivering form, drenching her thoroughly. Her gaze was completely intent on the man across from her.

A decision needed to be made. Angelus demanded it and at this point, she could only hope that it was the right one.

Slowly turning away she heard Angelus shout her name once, commanding that she not leave. Ignoring him she carefully made her way towards the door, wincing as tiny shards of glass cut into her feet.

Silently she walked down the stairs. The roar of the storm filled her ears and the darkness of the night became her sight. The house was completely plunged in darkness, the only illumination to be had came every few seconds in the form of lightening. When she reached the bottom of the landing she looked around and saw the floor was covered with glass. Not even pausing Buffy made her way across the debris strewn floor, leaving bloody foot prints in her wake.

“You have to do have to do this” she chanted as she walked towards the front door. With one hand she gripped the knob and opened the portal that separated her from HIM.

For a moment all she could see was the inky darkness of the night until she realized that directly in front of her stood Angelus. The blackness she had seen was the blackness of a cloth-covered chest that covered an even blacker heart. Tilting her head back her gaze collided with his. Once captured she was powerless to look away.

“Angel,” she soundlessly whispered.

“Angelus,” he immediately corrected. Her face was a study in exquisite pain and remorse. The long blonde hair lay wrapped around her head and neck while the nightgown clung tightly to her every curve, exposing all to his greedy gaze.

If he’d only look.

However, he could not for he found it impossible to tear himself from the sight of her face. Buffy’s eyes captured him as strongly as his had captured hers. Lifting a hand he touched the barrier that separated them, showing her where he would touch.

If she’d only let him.

His fingertips glided above her temple, lightly tracing above her eyebrows. He caressed the air above her eyes, watching the delicate eyelids close in acknowledgement of his intent. Gently he smoothed the space over her now slightly puffy eye and then moved to her pale cheekbones, noticing how prominent they’d become in the past few weeks.

“Buffy, tell me,” he gravely commanded.

Tightly clenching her eyes she felt the slow trickle of tears seep from beneath her lashes. In a flash of insight Buffy realized that the next moment would definitively change the course of her life. Nothing would ever be the same. She wept for the loss of the girl she was and she wept from the knowledge of the woman she would be.

Opening her eyes she bowed her head and stepped back from the door. “C-come in,” she spoke in a strangled whisper. The words were barely out of her mouth when she felt his hands painfully grip her upper arms. Buffy let out a small moan as she felt herself being lifted up.

Forced to meet Angelus' gaze she recoiled from what she saw smoldering within their obsidian depths. “This is the last time that I’ll be kept from you. You’re mine now lover. Always.” Crushing her slim body to him, his mouth ravaged her own, bruising her with his hunger.

Along with her fear Buffy felt her body respond, aching and tingling to learn more of Angelus’ methods of passion. Abruptly she hit the floor. Angelus had released his grip and her legs had become too weak to give any support.

Flipping open the phone again, he curtly spoke, "The bonfire is off tonight, but keep watch, in case I need you again." Smirking at the sight of the Slayer at his feet, Angelus confidently stepped through the non-existent barrier and into her home.

Buffy’s relunctant fear turned into animal terror when she saw the hard look of lust on his face. Oh my God! I’ve let him into my home! I have to get away! I have to run away! she incoherently thought. Quickly gaining her feet, she bolted from Angelus’ approaching form. Behind her she heard a curse and the thud of booted feet which only forced her to flee even faster.

Darting into her room she slammed the door shut behind her and made for the open hole of her window. She did not risk glancing back even when she heard the door crash against the wall. Scrambling out towards the roof Buffy sobbed when she felt Angelus fingers dig into her waist, pulling her back in.

Violently he flung her face first onto the bed before landing heavily on top of her. Thrashing she fought to fling him off but to no avail. Firmly holding her outspread wrists Angelus fought to control his baser urges to rip into her body. Tonight was finally going to be the night that he exorcised Buffy Summers from his being. He was going to enjoy her sweet body until he no longer wanted her.

Then he would destroy her. Until then...

“Ssh, baby...I won’t hurt you.” This time For several minutes he crooned words of comfort in her ear until she quit crying and let out a watery sigh. “That’s right darling...calm down.” Carefully moving off her body Angelus stood up and saw her feet. He could smell the blood before and saw the prints leading up the stairs but he had been too intent on his prey to give it more than a cursory thought.

Docilely Buffy allowed him to hold each slim foot in his hand while he intently surveyed the damage. Numerous shards of glass were imbedded in the skin and fresh blood oozed from several gashes. Curtly he ordered to stay on the bed while he walked towards her closet. Opening the door he pulled out dozens of the stashed candles, quickly placing them throughout the room and in her bathroom.

Angelus then walked out into the hallway and found the linen closet. He pulled out several blankets before going back into Buffy’s room. The storm had lost none of its fury so the rain still continued to blow in through the window. Quickly he took the blankets and firmly attached them to the wall, covering the jagged portal.

Buffy heard his movements while she still lay on her belly. At any moment she expected him to pounce on her. So it came as a surprise when she noticed the soft glow that increasingly drove back the inky darkness. Sitting up she saw that Angelus had lit dozens of tapers and now emerged from her bathroom carrying gauze, anitseptic, a washcloth, and a pair of tweezers.

Finding a wastebasket, he placed it by the bed before sitting down. “Scoot back and let me see your feet.” Mutely she did as he ordered, placing them on his thigh. Efficiently he pulled out each shard and applied anitseptic before moving to the next piece. Buffy winced with each removal but never made a sound. Instead she watched the gleaming blackness of his drying hair and the way his hands delicately went about their task. Needing to break the silence she asked, “How did you learn to do this?”

Pausing in his work Angelus looked up with a mocking gleam in his eyes. “You really want to know?” Not waiting for an answer he jovially explained, “One of the first things of torture you learn is how to heal the body---so you can break it again.”

Buffy’s face paled and her gaze involuntarily strayed to the large hands holding her foot, knowing what they had done and were still capable of doing. His grip clamped around her ankle when she tried to move away. “I’m not done yet babe. I know you’re just as ready to go at it as I am, but patience is a virtue. Use it.”

After several minutes he finally held each foot up under a lengthy scrutiny before saying “Alright, I’m done. I’ve gotten all of them out.” Buffy made move to get off the bed when he snapped “I didn’t go through all of that for nothing!” Staring at him in confusion her arms automatically went around his neck when Angelus picked her up and walked to the bathroom. That’s when she heard it: the crunching of glass.

Awkwardly she said, “Thank you,” to which he caustically replied, “Don’t thank me. I didn’t do it for you, I did it for me. I can hardly have sex with you if you have glass poking out of your feet. You’ll end up scratching my back.”

Before she could put much thought to the oddity of his comment, he deposited her on the vanity stool in the bathroom. Holding up her forearms he saw the dried streaks of blood and the minute bits of glass. “Don’t move from that seat,” was all he said as he walked out.

In a moment he was back carrying the supplies. Squatting in front of her he went about his painstaking task, each piece of glass making a slight ping when dropped in the wastebasket. Eventually he finished and asked “Do you have any more scratches or glass?” Buffy just shook her head, helplessly staring at his handsome face.

Nodding in satisfaction Angelus stood up and turned on the bathwater. “I want you to take a shower before I bandage you up.” Buffy’s numbness cracked at the thought of being naked in front of him. Smiling at her discomfort he debated on whether to leave the room. Deciding that now was as good a time as any to chip away at her pride he commanded, “Go take a shower Buff. Now.” Leaning against the wall he crossed his arms in front of his chest and waited.

Buffy sat unmovingly on the seat, her fists clenched tightly on her lap. She had known that by allowing him entrance to her home she was allowing him entrance to her body, but to just stand up and take off her clothes---she couldn’t do it!

“I can still call them back Buff,” he reminded her as a warning. Snapping her gaze back to his, she saw the implacability in his expression. Buffy thickly swallowed before shakily standing up. Making a move to give Angelus her back she stopped when he said, “No need to turn around Buff, I’ll behave if you will.” Her face burned in shame as she peeled off the damp nightshirt. Her hands hesitated when they touched the waistband of her underwear before she pulled them down also.

Risking a glance at him, her mouth went dry when she saw his face. He raked her body with a hot, searing look that spoke loudly of what the night held for her. Looking away Buffy stepped into the tub, closed the curtain and turned on the shower, barely able to breathe.

She soon heard his footsteps lead out of the bathroom. Leaning against the tiled wall she let the hot water flow over her. For several minutes she stood under the spray before grabbing a bar of soap. Running the lather over her body Buffy felt a strange tingle begin within. In a short period of time she and Angelus would become intimate. She would give to him what she had only given to Angel.

At this thought Buffy felt her heart squeeze with the pain of betrayal. Angel would surely hate her if he could see what she was about to do. The forgotten soap hit the tub with a thump. How could she go through with tonight? How could she let Angelus touch her? You’re doing this to save your friends.

Was she? Or was this the excuse she needed?

A draft of cold air hit her back, interrupting her thoughts. Turning around she saw Angelus coldly staring at her. “Are you finished feeling sorry for yourself? You’ve been in here long enough, there’s no use to putting me off any longer. You’ll only anger me and I’ll still get you in the end.”

Turning off the water Buffy shivered from fright? anticipation? and pushed the shower curtain open. Angelus stood there with a towel ready. Wrapping her up he pointed to the seat where she tensely sat down. Approaching with the gauze he quickly wrapped her feet and then placed several bandages on her arms.

Vaguely Buffy thought I never thought that a torturer could be so gentle. Shouldn’t that be an impossibility?

Angelus then told Buffy, “I want you naked and willing in that bed, do you understand me? If you act the martyr tonight, the deal is off---got it? If you try to fake it in any way, consider them gone!”

Standing up he gallantly held her small hand in his and led her to the room. Absently Buffy noticed that Angel had swept up all the glass before her eyes became drawn to her bed. He had laid out the black fur across the top and left no sheets to cover them or most likely, herself.

Handing her a brush he watched as she dropped the towel and climbed up on the bed. His lust clamored for release as he observed the beautiful lines of her nude body. Already he felt satisfaction in her small but very telling gesture. He did not have to tell her not to turn her body from him. Instead she rested on her calves while she brushed the wet, blond locks.

Buffy’s hand shook as she ran the brush through. Angelus’ eyes practically devoured her and she could die of shame as she sat there naked. However, she knew that he wanted her thus and she could only hope that she pleased him in some small way.

Not because I want to please him, but because I HAVE to she mutinously thought.

She stopped in mid-stroke when he smoothly said, “Come here.” Carefully laying the brush down, she unfolded her legs and slid off the bed. Walking towards him she stopped a few feet away.

Angelus let her stand there for a long minute before saying, “Undress me Slayer.” He was going to make nothing easy for her. It angered him beyond words to know that she had been thinking of Angel while she was bathing for HIM. While he could take what he wanted from her, it would be infinitely more enjoyable if Buffy gave it all to him herself.

Reaching up she pushed the leather duster off his broad shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Slowly she unbuttoned the ebony silk shirt, revealing more and more of his muscled chest. With each button her fingers brushed his cool flesh and she could feel a steadily growing spark settle in the pit of her belly.

She had to pull his shirt out of his pants to reach the rest of the buttons. Thinking of where this part of his shirt had been, made her shift slightly while her breath became a tremulous pant. When she was done, Buffy laid her hands on his upper chest to push off the shirt. At the full contact between them she felt an aching hunger unfold and slam her with the full force of desire.

Triumph filled Angelus as he smelled the sweet scent of Buffy’s arousal. Her capacity for passion was so strong! The scent of her was pure ambrosia and all she had done was touch him. What would she be like once he had her spread beneath him or above him or in any one of countless positions?

Walking over to a chair, he sat down and silently motioned to his boots. With only the slightest bit of hesitation she knelt and began to remove them and his damp socks. He then stood up, staring at her while she still knelt. After the span of several heartbeats she too stood up.

Reaching out she unbuckled his belt before unbuttoning the top button of his pants. Pulling back her hand Buffy felt a tremor of shyness. Angelus’ hand shot out to capture hers, firmly placing it back on the zipper. Biting her lower lip she slid down the zipper, placed her hands on his waist and tugged the black leather down.

“Are you going to leave me with my pants around my ankles or are you going to finish your task?” he annoyingly asked. Irritation flashed brightly in Buffy’s eyes as her gaze clashed with his. Turning away from him she spat, “Get them off yourself!”

His fingers wound themselves in her hair, pulling her back against him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he spoke darkly in her ear, “You’re not playing nice Buff, don’t make me regret our deal. Now finish your task.”

Turning to face him once more, Buffy knelt down and removed his pants. I hate him, I will always hate him. No matter what! she angrily thought. She never thought that her first sexual experience with Angelus would be her playing the part of serving maid. However her next thought grudgingly diffused some of her anger. He did play at being a nurse too---a pretty good one at that. It would have been more fitting of his reputation to have left her injured and bloody, yet he did not.

Now what?

Looking up to speak, Buffy’s words died in her throat when she IT. Her mouth dropped open and she slowly scooted back. THAT was going to be in her? That HAD been in her? While her first time with Angel had been the most beautiful experience of her life, she had never really looked at it. In respect of her virginity and her shyness, Angel had not...flaunted himself so boldly, so this was a first for her again.

Unconsciously Buffy had scooted herself back until she felt the bed against her back. Standing up her eyes finally tore away from the massive appendage only to see Angelus predatorily advance upon her. Raising herself she stammered “A-Angelus, I-I don’t t-think this is a g-good idea. Imagine w-what t-this will do t-to your r-rep. I-I mean what w-would all the other v-vampires t-think if they knew---”

Placing one finger on her lips Angelus stopped her flow of nervous speech. “They only think what I tell them to think, which is nothing.” Leaning down he sensuously nibbled and licked her lips until she opened them and allowed his tongue entrance.

Buffy moaned at the incredible shock of his cool mouth tasting and melding with her warm one. Hesitantly she placed her hands on his chest but before long, her short nails began digging into his skin. Angelus held the back of her neck in one hand while grabbing her buttocks with the other. This caused her to pant brokenly against his mouth and arch her soft body against his muscled chest.

Pulling back from her, Angelus nostrils flared as he evenly stated, “There is no Angel here lover. Only me, Angelus. The only name I want to hear pass those lovely lips of yours is mine. If you say his’ll regret it.”

A part of her recoiled; there would be no mistaking or pretending the fact that she slept with Angelus and not Angel. If she had been allowed to call out Angel, then perhaps she could have been able to pretend. Even so, Buffy could not stop her hand as it slid down and caressed his hard hip. She wanted him, if she had to have Angelus instead of Angel---then so be it.

Sensing her aquiecence, he let a hard smile twist his lips. Abruptly pulling her head back, Angelus ran his tongue up the smooth column before delving into her willing mouth. Soon Buffy found herself laying back against the black fur. The delightful feel of the fur teased the skin of her entire underside. Her maidenly shyness fled by degrees as she unconsciously writhed, wanting his touch, while Angelus watched her.

Her skin positively glowed in the candlelight. He was pleased that he could see her body not in the harsh, unpoetic glare of an electric lamp, but under the soft alluring lighting of his era. He loved the way her body beckoned to his, pleading to be dominated by his own. He loved seeing the flush of desire stain her young breasts and the sheen of desire glaze her wide eyes.

But most of all he loved the way she pleadingly whispered, “Angelus...”

Smiling wolfishly he laid between her trembling thighs and proceeded to lick and bite the sensitive area of her shoulder and neck. Buffy gasped aloud with the painful pleasure of having his teeth nip her skin before soothing it with his tongue. Her small hands feverishly roamed his wide back before clenching them in his hair when he bit down particularly hard, leaving a small bruise in his wake.

Moving down her body Angelus soon encountered her breasts. Deliberately teasing he lightly trailed the tips of his fingertips across both breasts, avoiding her nipples completely. Ever so slowly he circled closer and closer to the tip before pulling back and starting his caress all over. Only when Buffy let out a cry of frustration, did he finally brush across the surface of her nipples.

Maddeningly he did this several times, taking pleasure in her obvious torment. When she tried to force his head, he merely held her wrist down, and continued for several minutes longer than he had planned. Finally when Buffy eyes leaked from need and her voice rasped his name over and over, did he take one rosy nipple in his mouth.

Buffy’s back arched as the intense pleasure rocked through her. Letting out a cry of satisfaction, she laid the back of her hands across her eyes as she felt him go from one nipple to the other. His mouth seemed voracious, giving nothing but incredible mind-numbing pleasure even when he his caress became far from gentle.

When she felt him finally lift his head from her, she thought that he would end his teasing and satisfy the new-found need she had. Instead she felt his silky hair glide across her stomach and travel further down. Sensing what he planned to do, she tried to pull him back up. Angel had tried to do this their first time, but she had been too embarressed to let him.

Futilely Buffy tried to get up when Angelus could not be budged. Placing one hand on her belly, Angelus firmly pressed down until she lay back. “Don’t tell me that Angel-boy didn’t like to travel downtown?” he asked with a smirk.

Mortified she could only shake her head, not as an answer but as a last plea to stop him. When he didn’t move, Buffy raised her head up only to see that he had been waiting for her to do just that. Lewdly grinning at her dismayed expression, Angelus licked his lips before laying them on hers.

Buffy felt a jolt of sensation jar her from her discomfort. Squirming she felt him delicately lick the outer flesh before parting her with one long, wet caress. Pursing his lips, Angelus began to suckle on the tiny bud while his hand roamed up her body to hold onto a small breast.

Soon, he began to alternate between light teasing flicks of the tongue, to deep stabbing motions meant to penetrate her willing flesh. Thrashing her head, Buffy distantly heard loud pants tear from her throat. They increasingly grew in strength until the sound of the storm faded away and all she could hear was her own tortured cries of pleasure.

“Say it...say my name...say it now!” Angelus ruthlessly commanded between her eagerly spread thighs. Buffy was so close to attaining that miracle of ecstasy; her body strained and repeatedly arched against him. Angelus was the one who created such perfect sensations within her. Angelus was the one who would bring back the passion that was so desperately missing in her life. Angelus was the one who was her closest link to Angel.

So it was perfectly natural for Buffy to want to call out his name. She started to but for some unknown reason she moaned “Angel...” instead of “Angelus...”. Immediately his fingers dug into her breast while he simultaneously bit down on her in fury. Buffy screamed in pain and terror, because of Angelus’ obvious anger---

---and because her body shook from the first wave of her orgasm.

Helplessly she writhed and arched beneath his mouth while her fingers madly gripped his hair. The pleasure seemed to be never-ending, rolling over her and making her body clench helplessly. Suddenly she felt her wrists being pinned next to her head and her legs being spread even more widely. Risking a glance upwards, she flinched from the hatred burning in her lover’s eyes.

Between tightly clenched teeth Angelus spat, “You fucking whore! I told you not to call me by his name!” Before Buffy could explain, she felt him ruthlessly drive into her. Wildly she arched in pain, while she helplessly cried at the overwhelming feeling of fullness.

Pistoning his hips in and out, Angelus stared down into Buffy’s face. He was too furious to appreciate the silken feel of her tightness or the misery etched across her features. Instead he could only hate her and Angel for taking what should have been solely his. Crudely he asked, “Who’s fucking you? Who’s fucking the almighty Slayer?”

Twisting her head away she sobbed “You are! You are, Angelus!”

“That’s right, ANGELUS.” Letting go of one of her wrists he gripped her thigh instead, crushing it with bruising force. Brutally he kissed her swollen mouth, forcing his tongue down her throat, until Buffy felt the first signs of faintness cloud her vision.

Still his body hammered her into the bed, making the springs squeak loudly. Ripping his mouth away, he latched onto her neck at the same time that he moved his hand between them and laid it on her damp curls.

He had to fight for control. She had been punished for her insult, if her sobbing was any indication. Now was the time to seduce her drenching passion, so that she would not be able to accuse him of rape. He wanted her to feel the sting of humiliation that SHE had begged for him. If he continued as he was, she would be able to console her pride that he had been nothing but an animal that forced himself on her.

Slowing his torturous pace, Angelus allowed Buffy’s body to relax slightly before finding the tiny nub of her clit. Delicately he plucked and smoothed her flesh while his mouth released her neck to instead nibble upwards until he reached the lobe of her ear.

Buffy’s entire body ached from his punishing assault. She had felt helplessly pinned beneath his massive, unrelenting penis. Each stab had wrenched a cry from her, nothing could have ever prepared her for how painful it would be. When she had lost her virginty to this very same body, the pain had never been this intense. She had only known a few fleeting moments of discomfort for Angel had been so tender, so loving.

Her heart bled with the knowledge of how truly different both sides of this man were. Angel would never have punished her like this, Angelus felt that it was his right by conquest. It took her several moments to realize that the burning invasion had stopped to be replaced with a gentle stroking of his hand and that instead of biting down on her, Angelus was flicking his tongue against her ear, stirring a most curious sensation.

Unclenching her fist, she hesitantly placed it on his back. A tight achy feeling stirred within her stomach and restlessly she moved beneath him, causing his to shift within her. A small surprised cry of pleasure broke from her lips at the feel of him within her. Hearing it Angelus moved once again, elliciting an even louder cry.

Buffy dug her nails into his back as he sensuously slid in and out of her body. Sliding his mouth over hers, he greedily drank in all of her cries of pleasure. Whereas he had used his body to punish, now he used it to reward Buffy for her growing passion.

“Lift your hips darling...mmm...yeah, just like that” he rasped against her mouth. Her clumsy rhythm soon grew more and more emboldened until she was slapping loudly against him, seeking and wanting any and everything he chose to give her.

“Ohh...mmm...Angelus,“ she moaned helplessly, feeling that he was holding her back from the dark rapture of this act. She was right. Angelus could feel the desperate passion that radiated from her yet he would not send her over until she begged him for it.

Maddenly he led her to the edge before cruelly changing his tempo, causing her to lose the beginnings of her orgasm. Buffy did not know for how long he did this, time had lost all meaning to her. Outside the storm still raged but it paled in comparison to the storm which raged on the silky black fur.

After losing sight of release for the seventh time, she achingly screamed “Please Angelus! I!” Only then did he angle his body until every thrust was a direct brush against her clit. Within a matter of seconds Buffy’s body began to shudder uncontrollably and she buried her face against the smooth, cool flesh of his shoulder.

Pulling back from her Angelus stared down into her beautifully contorted face. Her mouth opened in a soundless cry as the first staggering wave rocked her body. Wildly she arched beneath him, clamping down on him so fiercely that Angelus purred in pleasure. Not wanting to put off his own release any longer, he began a deep brutal rhythm that surprisingly had Buffy moving beneath him again.

Her cries filled the air, blending most beautifully with his own deep guttural moans. His hands gripped her thighs, bringing them even further up until her knees almost touched her chest. He had dropped the illusion of humanity, instead reverting to his animal-like instincts and summoning Buffy’s unknown answering instincts.

She helplessly ran her claws down his chest, which only seemed to enflame him further. She could taste her upcoming orgasm, this time not wrought out of winsome seduction but cold, hard, passion. She had never, ever felt such painful pleasure in her short life. There was no words to describe it, there was only emotions to feel it.

Even the sight of his face transforming did nothing to quell her raging desires. Instead she just leaned up and captured his mouth with her own. His fangs lengthened as her tongue darted between them, boldly playing with their deadly tips. One arm snaked beneath her to crush her against his chest. “Say my name Slayer...Say it!” he growled against her mouth, once again keeping her poised on the edge.

Willingly she moaned, “Angelus...Angelus!” In the next moment she felt her body crash with joy, this orgasm even more powerful than the last one. Dimly she heard her dark lover roar before burying his fangs not in her neck, but in her right breast. Shrilly she cried as the previous pleasure fought the present agony, somehow mysteriously melding to become one.

The timeless moments eventually subsided until Buffy returned to reality. Blinking she could hear the storm outside subsided, until only a light sprinkle of rain could be heard pattering on the roof. The room still flickered with dozens of candles, while her body languidly settled within the warmth of the thick fur underneath her.

Reaching out she ran her fingers through Angelus’ thick, slightly damp hair. It was so soft, so incredibly silky. Moving her fingers down, she lightly traced the tattoo on his back, the tattoo that proclaimed eloquently who and what he was.

He had been Angel and Angelus in her mind. Now he was simply Angelus. Despite of how wrong it may have been to submit to him, she could not regret it. Her heart may be inviolate, but her body still loved the body regardless of who it exactly was.

Shifting beneath him, she clenched in weak pleasure at the feel of him still inside her. It was rather ironic that on both nights she had lost her virginity, physically to Angel and symbolically to Angelus, a storm had raged on outside. The first time she had felt protection from the storm in Angel’s arms. This time she felt as if the storm was not outside, but actually inside.

Within her welcoming arms.

Angelus withdrew from Buffy, leaving a trail of cold semen seeping from between her curls. Propping himself on one elbow he lazily drew circles on her taut abdomen while licking the twin holes on her breast. When she made move to get up he curtly asked “Where are you going?”

Uncertainly she replied, “I was going to clean up.”

Shaking his head Angelus let his hand drift to play with her wet curls. “I don’t want you rushing to the bathroom every time we fuck. I want my essence to stay on you, not be washed down the drain like so much dirt.”

“Why? So you can mark your territory?” she asked with a little gasp. His fingers had begun to stroke her lightly causing Buffy to lift her hips. He took his time answering, content with watching the play of emotions on her face. Finally he replied, “Smart girl. That’s exactly why I do it. If you want to shower, do it after I’m gone or we’ll do it together.”

His statement made Buffy pause. How long would this continue for? Did this mean they weren’t exactly enemies? Were they lovers? “Angel---”

Swiftly he gripped her chin with his moist fingers, fingers that were moist from them both, and hissed, “What did you call me?”

Quickly she stammered “A-Angelus, I meant Angelus!” Especially now that Buffy was HIS, he would not tolerate anything other than his true name coming from her lovely mouth. If she didn’t grasp his sincerity soon enough, punishment would definitely be in order. Releasing his hold Angelus returned his hand back down to the core of her. Pleasantly he asked, “What were you saying?”

Bewildered at his mercurial change of mood, she replied, “How long are we going to be, well, together?”

“Don’t tell me you’re already bored darling?”

Without hesitation she yelled “No!” Blushing at the eagerness of her reply and his knowing look, she forced her voice to some semblance of calm. “How long are we going to be---”


Frowning Buffy corrected with, “Sleeping together.” While she knew that they hadn’t made love, she did not want to think of the act that had just passed between them as fucking. As to why was something that she did not want to probe too deeply into, at least for now.

Amusement at her professed terms, Angelus leaned forward until his mouth was a whisper away. Darkly he said, “There’s nothing wrong with fucking Buff. What we do will always be fucking---pure, animalistic fucking. As to how long?” Chuckling his tongue darted out to creep into her mouth before pulling away. “We’ll FUCK until I don’t want you anymore.”

Buffy’s mind had begun to drift amidst his seductive words, pulling into them as truth. His last statement was like a dagger slashing into her consciousness. Glaring at his unnaturally handsome face she felt like she was choking on her outrage. The sheer arrogance! Just who the hell does he think he is?! He’ll fuck me until he doesn’t want me anymore?!

Abruptly throwing his weight off of her, Buffy sprang up from the bed. Any thoughts of possible danger to her friends vanished beneath her indignant fury. Pinning him with her narrowed gaze she coldly stated, “Sorry Angelus, it doesn’t work that way. Who the hell do you think you are telling me that? You’ll fuck me until you’re tired of me? Ha! I don’t think so lover!”

Angelus just leisurely lay upon the bed, outwardly appearing calm in face of Buffy’s tirade. Only the mean light in his eyes showed his displeasure. Unruffled he casually commanded “Get back in this bed Buff. Don’t make me get up and drag you back by your hair.”

Clenching her fists tightly by her side Buffy resisted the urge to rebreak his newly healed arm. And the other arm. And both knees. But just barely. Turning around she furiously stomped away towards the bathroom. Mark me like a tree---ha! I’ll wash all of him off like the dirt he came from! she murderously thought.

Suddenly she was flung against a wall, her arm pulled up tightly behind her back. Gasping from the excruciating pain Buffy struggled to hear him say, “Didn’t I once tell you not to turn your back on me? I warned you that I’d always strike if you do.” Pressing his lips to her exposed nape, he gently kissed it several times, ignoring the fact that he had her arm on the verge of breaking.

Angelus could taste the rage and misery with every kiss. He savored each caress, each sensation that fed his evil heart. His appetite for the tiny Slayer ravenously grew with every passing moment. His hunger for her could not, would not be denied. He could only hope that she would feed him even more of her exquisite emotions with each joining.

It would be a pity if he broke her too soon, a tragedy even.

Releasing her arm he quickly spun her around and pressed her into the wall with his body. Entwining his fingers with hers Angelus held them above her tousled head. Greedily he devoured Buffy’s passion-swollen mouth, nipping at her ruby lips with his blunt teeth, before delving back in.

Buffy tried to hold herself stiff from his hungry caresses but before long she gave a defeated moan and began kissing him back just as wildly. They sipped from each other as greedily as they would from a champagne fountain. Buffy desperately kissed Angelus while gripping his hard thigh between her own. His words, while not forgotten, were less important than soothing the ache in her body.

Insistently Angelus pressed his hard length against the smoothness of her belly, receiving a jolt of pleasure with each touch. The heady scent of Buffy’s arousal filled his senses and teased his palette. Unlocking his fingers from hers, he lifted up a breast while swooping down to voraciously suck it into his cool mouth.

There was no teasing, taunting quality to this kiss. Buffy felt the scrape of his teeth several times across her sensitive nipple. Sagging slightly she clutched his massive shoulders for support, whimpering with the painful need that he stirred. She sharply gasped when he firmly pinched the nipple of her other breast.

Suddenly she felt herself being lifted. Automatically her slim legs went around his waist while she threaded her fingers in his silky hair. Pulling away from her breast with a loud smack, Angelus lifted her up only to slide her dripping core against the salty tip of his cock.

For several moments he teased them both, drawing out their hunger to the breaking point. Each of Buffy’s soft cries were answered with a deep growl, both wanting to end this lustful trial yet neither willing to stop even this torturous bit of pleasure.

Finally Angelus lifted her higher and then slowly slid her down on him. Inch by inch was encased in her tight sheath, her walls rapidly wanting to accomodate her mate yet being unable to quickly enough. Despite Buffy’s frenetic desire, she still felt the pain of having Angelus stretch her most intimate core. A low ragged moan escaped her tightly pressed lips when he eventually filled her to the hilt.

Male triumph glittered in his soulless gaze. Her painfilled cry did not escape him at all, nor the cause of it. He adored her pain just as strongly as he adored her pleasure. “Does it hurt baby?” he asked in mock concern.

Hating to hear the smug victory in his voice, she indifferenty said “No. Why do you ask?”

Carefully Angelus rocked his hips back and forth, taking shallow strokes until he felt Buffy’s body relax and heard her pant against his ear. Suddenly he pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into her. Buffy fiercely dug her nails into his shoulders while giving a high pitched cry of pain. “Over time you’ll love the pain I give you as much as the pleasure.”

Her eyes widened with disbelief and perhaps a bit of fear. Could he make her that depraved? Reading her thoughts he wickedly reminded her “I’ve already made you come twice, despite the pain.”

Buffy felt a slow flush creep over her face as she remembered how wantonly she reacted both times. Wanting to escape his arrogant knowledge she buried her head against his neck. Parting her lips she began licking and biting the smooth, cool flesh until she heard him give a purr of appreciation.

Gripping her bottom Angelus rocked his hips against hers in sure deliberate strokes. She felt so goddamned good! This was better than screwing strangers at ‘The Cavern’ and better than screwing even Druscilla---who was a phenomenal screw. There was a time when he would swear that no one, whether human or vampire, could stir even a tenth of the pleasure that Druscilla could.

Beyond the need to defile her gifted purity, Angelus had been powerfully drawn to her in a way that defied all reason and logic. Even her eventual madness did not detract from the sexual bond that had formed between them.

But now...

Now was something even more powerful. The rightness that he felt being encased in Buffy’s warm willing body went beyond the needs of the flesh. He felt as if he could stay within her forever. He felt as if he could spend the rest of eternity drinking in her incredible life force and beauty.

Watching her face as if one mesmerized Angelus took delight in each gasp and cry, in each look of feline pleasure, in each frown of painful ecstasy. He could almost forget that she was the Slayer...

His thoughts careened to a halt. She was the Slayer. He vowed to destroy her. How could he forget just because she was on his dick? Angelus felt a sting of guilt in forgetting his mission so quickly. Taking pleasure from her body was not a problem, but once he started mentally waxing poetry---now that was a problem!

Giving Buffy’s ass a particular sharp squeeze, Angelus seductively wove his spell to befuddle her mind. Not to enrapture her for the sole pleasure of mutual satisfaction but for the sole duty to enrapture her so she would humiliate herself for him.

Rotating his hips he firmly pressed into the swollen bud between Buffy’s thighs, causing her to arch her back and pant even more loudly than before. Repeating his movements Angelus purred “It feels good doesn’t it?”

“Oh...yes...yes...” she sighed.

“You love having my cock in you, don’t you?”

“Yes...yes...” she murmured, clenching with the feel of her approaching release.

“Do you love my cock Buff?” he whispered against her ear.

“Oh yes...Angelus...yes” she moaned.

“Show me how much you love me” he said against her parted lips.

Hazily Buffy realized that Angelus had slipped out of her and stood before her with his arms crossed against his chest. Dumbly she stared at his beautiful face while trying to stop the shaking in her legs. “Show me” he repeated, this time a bit more forcefully.

Suddenly Buffy realized what he wanted. He wanted her to take him within her mouth. He wanted her to do something she had NEVER done before, not even for Angel. Despite her naivete, Buffy knew that if she did this act for him there would be a tawdry quality to it. It wouldn’t be an act of mutual equality and satisfaction but one of dominance and submission.

His dominance and her submission.

But did it have to be that way? Was she reading the situation correctly or was this all in her head? Looking up into his darkly sensuous face Buffy felt an intense, gnawing hunger beat within. Sooner or later she was wanting to do this for him, so why not now?

As one in a drug-filled haze she slowly sank to her knees. She was surely an addict now, just one hit of this demon and she was forever drawn to the sinful pleasures of Angelus' flesh. Drawing closer to him she pressed a heated open-mouthed kiss to the inside of his muscled thigh. Breathing in deeply she could smell the mingled scent of their passion: musky, alluring, and mysterious.

Buffy laid her hands on his hips while creeping closer to the jutting phallis. Her smoky gaze noticed everything: the way his curly dark hair gleamed wetly From me?, the incredible length and thickness of him, and the way that he swayed towards her mouth, silently begging for her kiss.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned forward to rub her lips against his velvety head. Delicately she tasted the saltiness of his elixir and the muskiness of her own fluids. Hesitantly she enveloped him bit by bit into her tiny mouth until she could only take about half of him.

Not by word or gesture did Angelus show his pleasure or displeasure. Stoically he stood there watching her hesitant ministrations on his staff. Buffy began a clumsy bobbing rhythm hoping to draw some moan or growl from his suddenly silent demeanor.

After several minutes she let her hand drift from his hip to gently fondle his heavy sac. It was amazing how all a man’s vulnerability centered upon these two globes. The texture felt strangely pleasant, not quite smooth and lightly sprinkled with blond hair. Blond hair? How was that possible? Buffy briefly wondered if all men possessed this strange color down there or if it was merely one of Angelus’ unique qualities.

Drawing away she let her tongue flick along the sides of his glistening rod until she reached his nuts. Nuts---what a funny thing to call them. Gently she stroked them with her tongue, watching in fascination as they drew up tightly. Looking up she made to ask Angelus about why that happened. All words remained stuck in her throat as she saw the hatred glaring from his eyes.

Damn her! Her artless efforts aroused even more than he thought possible. While pleasure was something that he had expected from this union, he didn’t like the way this over-whelming passion made him feel. It wasn’t an empty, mocking, degrading act that she just performed. She had innocently sought to please him and in doing so, she received pleasure as well. Buffy was supposed to feel shamed and humiliated while giving him a blow-job.

HE was supposed to feel superior at having her on her knees. Well, he did but not like he would have before in the past. She was supposed to be just an object, not even completely human. Instead she reminded him of what a shy but willing bride might do on her wedding night for the man she loved.

Why did he even think of this as anything close to a wedding night? Why did he even think of the L-word? Was he becoming tainted by emotions that Angel might have felt? Yes, that was it. It had to be it. He was being influenced by that sod in some fashion that was all.

Why not just take the pleasure she gave him? Why should he even give it more than a thought? Leave the over-analyzing to someone who gave a fuck. And perhaps it wasn't at all folly to view this as a wedding night of sorts. A wedding between the pure and the damned.

Seeing that Buffy had drawn away from him, Angelus twisted his lips in a semblance of a smile, crooked his finger at her and said “Come here lover, I won’t bite---this time.”

Slowly Buffy rose to stand on trembling legs. While the hatred had been replaced by blatant sensuality, she felt wary. What would cause him to look at her like that? Tremulously she asked “Did I do something wrong?”

Scenting the blood Angelus taunted her with “I told you that you’ve got alot to learn about men Buff.” All the feelings of rejection came rushing through her as she remembered Angelus’ slashing words from the past. How he had belittled and scorned her because of her lack of experience and now he obviously viewed her attempts to please him as pathetic.

Unwillingly she felt two fat teardrops slide down her face. Horrified at her lapse of control and the malicious grin on Angelus’ face, she buried her hurt and hid behind anger. Stiffening her spine she cuttingly said “Looks to me that I’ve just had a bad teacher. Don’t worry---I’ll pick a better one next time.”

There was a split-second of silence.

A split-second where the gentle drumming of rain could be heard. A split-second where the flicker of flames merrily swaying could be heard. A split-second where the chiming of a distant clock marking the late hour could be heard.

A split-second between the retreat of a mocking facade and the eruption of an enraged demon.

Angelus’ hand shot out and caught Buffy full on the cheek, so quickly that even her lightening quick reflexes could not have saved her. In disbelief she shook her head in an effort to stop the ringing in her ears. Narrowing her eyes, her fist shot out and delivered a punch that caught him right in his chin.

Before she could strike again, he pounced on her. “Let’s get something straight here Slayer---there will be no other teacher. Just me and only me. I don’t share and I expect complete faithfulness from you. In mind, heart, and body.”

Furiously she spat “Demand all you want Angelus but I LOVE Angel and I always will. Fucking you won’t change that. Nothing will change that. Nothing.” The fact that she used the very same word that she denied earlier, to describe sex with Angelus demonstrated how upset she was. Buffy truly hated him. To even think that she could sleep with him without being tainted was foolish to the extreme. She may have done this to save her friends, but to think that they could be anything other than enemies...

Angelus taught her a valuable lesson: to attach any deeper emotions or ideals on this empty act was a mistake.

Angelus’ eyes became shuttered. Taunt him with that prick would she? “What do you think Angel would think about his precious and pure love getting on her knees and giving me a blow-job? Do you think he’d still honor you?”

“Angel would know why I did what I did. Anything I’d ever do with you can’t touch what we feel for each other” Buffy firmly avowed, waiting to see Angelus’ violent reaction to her words.

Instead he let out a bark of derisive laughter. “Even though you obviously enjoyed it?” Releasing his bruising grip he got up from her, walked a short distance and comfortably settled himself on the rumpled bed before addressing her again.

“Let me let you in a little something about Angel-boy Buff. He’s not as forgiving as you might think. Did you know that the night he met the beautious Darla, he was drowning his sorrows in an ale house? Do you know why he was there in the first place?”

Standing up Buffy breezily answered “No, we didn’t talk about his past very much. He felt it was a subject better left forgotten. Now after meeting you, I can see why.”

“Oooh, good one” he amusedly grinned. Crossing his arms behind his head, Angelus continued with “Angel had been betrothed to the fairest flower in the land, a girl of irreproachable character and the epitomy of chastity. Angel loved this dark beauty with all of his young heart...” cocking a brow at her he innocently asked “Is any of this bothering you darling? Or did you really think that you were his first love?”

Swallowing down a little lump of hurt, she ignored his questions and boredly said “What’s bothering me is the way you tell a story. Can you get on with it so I can go to sleep sometime this night?”

“Sorry babe, but you better not count on getting any sleep tonight or this weekend for that matter.” Seeing that Buffy was about to unleash a torrent of words at his high-handedness, Angelus abruptly said “I do believe that I was telling you a tale, Buff. Kindly keep your tongue behind your teeth until I’m done.”

Fuming Buffy stared daggers at him, torn between throwing him out of her house Like that would do alot of good, and hearing the rest of his story. Curtly she nodded and gestured for him to go on.

“Now, where was I? Oh yes, Angel’s dark love. I still remember the way Lady Fiona looked through his eyes. She was a truly beautiful woman, not in the same way women of this age look with all their artifice and unnatural hair coloring. No, she possessed a pure, flawless, natural beauty.”

Buffy felt tiny pricks of jealousy as she heard Angelus talk about Lady Fiona. She never knew that Angel was to be married. But then again, why should she? The Watchers could only detail Angelus’ activities, not Angel’s. Tired of standing there naked she went to her dresser and pulled out a nightgown. “I didn’t say you could get dressed” Angelus imperiously said.

“I didn’t ask” she noncholantly replied. Seating herself in a chair, she drew her legs up so that her chin rested on her knees. As much as she didn’t like to hear about this mysterious long-dead woman, she was intensely curious about Angel’s past.

Angelus stared at her with open dislike before abruptly continuing. “Lady Fiona was beyond approach and possessed all the fine qualities that befitted her station. She knew how to oversee the runnings of a large household, could entertain with grace and talent, basically she was everything our dear Lord Angel could ever ask for.”

“Wait a minute here,” Buffy skeptically interjected, “Angel told me he couldn’t stand the women of his generation. That they were simple-minded and boring.”

“I take it you’re referring to your playing at being a lady during All Hallows Eve? C’mon Buff, what was he supposed to say? Was he supposed to say that he wished you were other than what you are? Now you rude child, let me finish. He could find no fault with the fair Fiona, none except one.”

Several moments passed in silence until Buffy irritably asked “Well...?”

“Umm? Oh sorry babe, got lost in the past.” Angelus’ eyes gleamed with mischief, not only from Buffy’s unwilling interest but from knowing the end of this ‘tragedy’. “Lady Fiona was decidedly lacking in passion. Other than a chaste betrothal kiss, she did not allow Angel any liberties. And I mean ANY liberties. She was in a word: cold. Beautiful and completely untouchable.”

“Angel was utterly head over heels for his bride-to-be. Day after day he yearned for one tender look, one tender word, anything to let him know that she thought kindly of him. Nothing. All of his efforts centered on making her happy enough to love him in return.” Reading Buffy’s look of pain, he grinned and lightly said “A disgusting task I know, but that was Angel for you---always pining and brooding over love.”

Buffy smarted from his subtle insinuation that Angel’s love for her was more of an affectation than any real emotion. Stonily she stared at him and waited. Seeing that he wasn’t going to get a rise out of her, Angelus continued. “Finally one night he decided to take matters into his own hands. How you wonder? On the night her family held a country ball Angel decided he would stay the evening instead of traveling the ten miles to his own estate and sneak into her room.”

“During the ball he behaved properly like a well-bred lordling should, however every time he glanced across the room and saw his betrothed all he could think was how finally he would force some kind of affection from her.”

Disbelievingly Buffy asked “Are you trying to say that he was going to rape her? Angel would never do something that horrible!”

Snorting Angelus said “Rape? Let’s just say that our Angel believed himself such an artful lover that he believed it wouldn’t come to that. All the dallying with country maids and occassional visits to a brothel would serve him in good stead, at least that’s what he thought.”

“But if she was engaged to him, why couldn’t he wait until after they were married? Why that night?” Pausing, Buffy spoke slowly as a new thought took a hold of her. “Unless he thought Fiona was going to break off the engagement...”

Seeing how utterably delectable Buffy looked from the top of her disheveled hair, to the small frown on her forehead, to the tiny toes peeping out from under her nightgown, Angelus felt a stirring of lust. Deciding that she was too far away he patted the bed and said “Come sit next to me lover.”

“I don’t think so lover. I’m comfortable right where I am.”

“If you want to hear the end of the story, you’ll sit next to me.” he winningly bribed. Debating on the wisdom of sitting so close to him, especially after how he had insulted her and her efforts to pleasure him, Buffy stubbornly stayed in her chair. Finally her curiosity won out and she got up. Before she reached him Angelus said “Bring the brush.”

Distrust in his request made her stop and stare at him in suspicion. “Have you taken a look at you hair Buff? It’s a rat’s nest!” Her hand immediately went up to smooth the unruly strands. Laughing at her vanity he promised “I’ll only use the brush to comb your hair.”

After staring at his bland face for a few seconds longer, she swung around to find the brush that had fallen to the floor earlier. Lightly she muttered under her breath “What else would you use a brush for?” Because she was bent down she never saw the evil grin that spread across his handsome face. I’ll show you personally what I can do with that brush darling, sooner than you realize!

Seating herself stiffly on the bed, Buffy felt Angelus move until he was behind her. Reaching around he gently took the brush from her fingers. For several minutes he ran the bristles through her hair, carefully working the tangles from her hair, until he felt the stiffness ease from her body.

“You catch on quick Buff.” Angelus softly murmured while he continued running the brush through her blond locks.

“Hmm?” she languidly asked, momentarily forgetting the story of Lady Fiona and Angel. She hadn’t had her hair brushed since she was a little girl. She had forgotten how marvelously wonderful it was to have someone else do it.

“Angel was worried that his fiancee might cry off from their betrothal. While it was a rarity, it was possible. You see in those days, a betrothal was almost as binding as a marriage. For either party to break it was a grave insult to both families.”

“Why?” Buffy sighed. Angelus was even more gentle with her head than her mother had been. She never remembered it feeling this good. She could feel her whole body begin to hum from pleasure. She never knew that such a simple act could have such erotic undertones.

Lifting her hair up he placed a light kiss at the nape of her neck. Getting up he searched the top of her dresser until he found a box of pins. “Where are the ones I gave you?” he asked with a frown.

Buffy simply pointed to the closet. Remembering where he found the fur, he opened up the closet door and found the box that contained all of his gifts. Carefully avoiding the choker, he found the jewel-studded pins and came back to the bed. Separating her hair, Angelus twined one lock and secured it on top of her small head with a plain, white pin.

Answering her question he explained “A broken bethrothal meant alot of questions and speculations. Marriages were alliances for the aristocracy. To sever one, regardless of reason, inevitably made it harder if not impossible for either party to form another alliance. It was always an ugly scandal that was to be avoided at all costs.”

“So why did Angel think that she would end it?”

“Because Lady Fiona was completely spoiled by her parents. Parents who wouldn’t care if scandal touched them or not as long as she was happy. And the more time that passed, the more unhappy she seemed to be. Angel knew his time was running out.”

Not understanding why anyone would ever not want to marry Angel, Buffy thought this Lady Fiona to be an idiot. However she was wise enough to keep that thought to herself. “But even if he did seduce her, couldn’t she still call it off?”

“Not if she were compromised.”

“Compromised?” she asked in confusion.

Twisting another golden lock into place Angelus reminded her that it was a “Different time, different place Buff. In this age, sex is commonplace. Nobody gives it very much thought if Betty Lou from down the street is shacking up with Johnny from around the corner. Back then, if any unwed maiden was caught in any sexual situation, from laughably tame to descriptively raunchy, she was forced to marry the man she was caught with.”

“Well that’s not fair!” she indignantly pouted.

“Maybe not, but it seemed all too fair to Angel. If he seduced her she would have to marry him either because he was too great of a lover to let go---” at this Angelus scornfully grunted, eloquently showing what he thought of Angel’s prowess. “---or because she was ruined and possibly pregnant.”


“Virginity was a highly prized commodity at that time. Coming to a husband’s bed without that oh-so-important membrane was tantamount to murder, usually the bride’s. Well maybe not during that exact time, but it was pretty damn bad. If even after that she still didn’t go through with the wedding, Angel would expose her lack of virginity thereby forcing her to wed him.”

Shaken by Angel’s ruthless determination, Buffy softly said “Angel wouldn’t be that...that...”

“Pathetic?” he helpfully supplied. “Oh yes he would. You should know what he’s like when he’s in love.”

Bristling she rigidly defended him. “Yes, I do know. He’s kind, considerate and caring. He would never force her to do something that she didn’t want to do!”

Calmly Angelus replied “Ah, but he planned to Buff. Angel was prepared to do anything to keep Fiona. Anything short of murder that is.”

Turning Buffy so that she faced him, Angelus continued pinning up her hair. “Being that it was in the country the ball ended rather early. Around midnight. Angel bidded his Lady Fiona a good night and then spent the next hour pacing in his room, waiting until enough time had passed. Finally he left his room and made his way to his sweet virgin’s.”

Pleasantly he asked “Do you know what he found when he got there?”

“No, tell me.” Buffy already knew that whatever Angel had found must have been horrible enough to drive him into a bar to drink himself into oblivion. An oblivion that had only led himself to an eventual grave and rebirth.

“He found that someone else already beat him to it. In fact that someone else had beaten him to it for quite some time if his bethrothed’s moaning and groaning was any indication.” Pinning up the last lock, Angelus then placed one fiery pin on each side of her temple. “Enchanting” he absently murmured in satisfaction.

Turning to look into her mirrored dresser Buffy saw that Angelus had created a sleek coiffure reminiscent of a century gone by. Not only was he an evil vampire who made torture a hobby, but he seemed to make a wonderful hairstylist. “What did Angel do when he found her?”

Making a face of disgust Angelus replied “He left. I guess he was so shocked and hurt by what he had witnessed that he ran to the stables, saddled up his thoroughbred and rode hell for leather into the nearest town. Weak idiot!”

“He was not an idiot. He had just been cheated on by his fiancee! What was he supposed to do?”

Matter of factly he answered “He should have went in there, beat the crap out of both of them, cut off his brother’s cock, shoved it down her throat, and then killed them.”

Sickened by both Angelus’ statement and what it implied Buffy wonderingly said “His own brother would do that to him? How could he boink his own sister-in-law?”

“Same reason people still do it now. Same reason why you allow me to do this.” Leaning forward Angelus thoroughly kissed Buffy while running his hands up and down her cotton covered back. Pulling back he stared down into her flushed face with heavy-lidded eyes.

Buffy felt the strong rush of desire throb through her body. Carelessly she leaned back into his embrace and hungrily nipped and nibbled on his firm sensuous lips. Angelus lifted her until she was cradled in his lap, his mouth still entwined with hers. Releasing her lips, he leaned his forehead against hers and wryly said “You’ve got two choices lover: hear the end now or later. Make up your mind soon or I’ll make it for you.”

Buffy opened up her mouth to answer when Angelus crushed his lips against hers again. Thickly he murmured “Too late” and proceeded to lay her back against the fur. Their hands greedily roamed each other’s body, desperate for every inch of their lover’s flesh. Growling in frustration Angelus gripped the thin cotton and jaggedly tore it down the middle.

Buffy purred with delight in the feeling of her nude body against his. Without hesitation she parted her thighs where then Angelus settled himself. This mating was running on pure instinct with very little need for foreplay. Spreading her legs wider with his own, Angelus fiercely entered Buffy.

Her nails tore into his flesh as she gave a cry of painfilled pleasure. She sobbed against his ear as he began a fast, deep rhythm within her willing body. The fact that she was still sore from earlier did nothing to detract from the ecstasy Angelus created within Buffy.

Raising himself up on his knees, Angelus lifted her legs onto his shoulders. Buffy’s breath hitched as she felt him slide in even deeper. Letting his hands roam her body he pinched one rosy nipple while caressing the silky curls to the hard nub of her clit. Teasingly he played with her, harshly groaning with each stroke.

Only her shoulders remained on the fur as she arched her body into his. Buffy felt the madness of lust tear through her. She could feel it burn into her brain. She could feel it beat throughout her veins. She could feel it batter against her heart.

Each flame, each throb, each strike shouted one word: Angelus.


Twisting against the fur, Buffy felt something slipping away. Sobbing she recognized that a tiny piece of her was deserting Angel for Angelus. This dark demon was taking her away from Angel. Angel! she silently cried while her body writhed for Angelus. The pleasure was too great for her to resist him. Please Angel---don’t leave me! she desperately thought. Yet still something else chanted throughout her body.


Reading the agonized play of emotions on her face Angelus doubled his efforts. Relentlessly he allowed her no retreat, mentally nor physically. He knew her struggle, the battle in her heart between himself and Angel. However, Buffy WOULD submit to him completely or she would die resisting. There could be no other outcome.

Releasing her nipple his hand traveled along her hip until he gripped her bottom. Slowly spreading her cheeks, he trailed his fingertip against her tiny, secret hole. He felt her instinctively clench against him so he soothingly stroked the entrance, making no move to invade.

Angelus patiently stroked her from above and below while intensely watching her beautiful face. He saw the fear ebb from her eyes and her squirming to escape ceased. For the span of a second she opened her luminescent eyes to stare at him full in the face. Silently Buffy seemed to ask him How can you make me feel something that I shouldn't? before her gaze became soft and unfocused.

Trembling she gasped as the contractions of orgasm stole over her body. When Angelus’ finger slipped in, just a tiny bit, Buffy let out a muffled shriek. The intensity of her pleasure rose at the feel of his stroking digit.

As she came down from her high, she felt him release her until he was laying full on top of her again. Taking small sips from her mouth he waited until her breathing lost its’ jaggedness. When he felt her slim arms link around his neck he bit down on her full lower lip, causing a small bead of crimson to well up.

“I wonder if a particular angel is weeping now,” Angelus wicked murmured against her lips before licking her delicious blood. Giving a cry Buffy attempted to pull away from him. Gripping the sides of her head, he voraciously kissed her while resuming his previous thrusting.

Not even trying to bring her over the threshold with him, Angelus soon gave hoarse cry against her lips before spilling his dead seed inside of Buffy. Their hips were glued together and not an inch separated them as he laid heavily upon her tiny frame.

Buffy laid perfectly still while staring at the shadows on the ceiling. Tears crept from her eyes, running down the side of her face and wetting the hair at her temples. She felt so confused. While her body might lust after him, her heart was supposed to inviolate. Her heart was supposed to belong solely to Angel and now she knew it did not. Why? Just because we’ve had sex? Isn’t that supposed to be so cliche---to confuse sex for love?

Angelus nuzzled her neck and then leaned up to watch the tears fall from her eyes. A grin slowly spread across his features. He won, Angel lost---at least a small part of her. Reverently he kissed each tear as it slid down her face. Buffy fully expected to hear his smug voice gloating. He did not.

However his voice did break the hush that had fallen. “Sometime between taking the tavern wench and downing his seventh cup of working man’s grog, Angel swore that never again would he be such a fool. Never again would a woman’s beautiful smile stir his heart. In his eyes, the faithfulness of woman was a myth. A sham. A lie. He swore that from that moment on HE would be the one breaking the hearts.”

“Well, I’m sure you know the rest of the story. A pitifully drunk Angel stumbles out of the tavern to encounter Darla. The two stroll into an alley, she takes a bite, he takes a bite and the bugger dies right there amidst all the filth and rubbish. A rather sad and ignoble fate for such a young man, wasn’t it?”

The tears continued to seep from Buffy’s eyes as she silently watched him while listening to his voice. His ever-persuasive, smooth, sensuous voice. The voice of a killer. The voice that had haunted her dreams for weeks. The voice of a hate-filled demon. The voice that promised and delivered such magical pleasure. The voice of a damned soul.

A voice that silently beckoned her to love him, despite what he was.

Smoothing the hair back, Angelus traced the planes of her face. “His body was found and given a most proper burial. The family tried to quiet all the details of his death but naturally there was speculation. It was quite an embarressment for Angel’s family---how dare he up and die in such a lewd fashion?! Over time he was forgotten, but most especially when the alliance between the families continued. Lady Fiona became betrothed to her lover, Lord Michael.”

“After a period of ‘mourning’ the two married and lived quite a happy life. Not only did Fiona marry the brother she wanted, but the penniless second son was now heir to a fortune. A fortune which soon became his once his father died. Life was good---until I came back.”

“You see, Angel’s thirst for vengeance crossed the grave. I was instilled with it, except I magnified it until it was ten times as great. I waited for a few years before coming back and oh, was it worth it!”

The two were happily frolicking in their beds as he had crept into the room. After a few minutes he gave a loud round of applause causing them to break apart. Fiona’s face became as pale as his as she croaked “A-Angel?” To this he replied “Angelus.”

Michael sputtered “B-but you’re d-dead!”

Evilly grinning he had agreed. “So I am, brother dear.” Leaning against the post he had let his eyes casually rove over Fiona’s nudity. “This is what Angel lusted and loved for all those years?” he had drawled. “Frankly I don’t see why. You’re running to fat dear, it’s a wonder you can bear to look at her at all Michael.”

Frantically she had whipped a blanket over her, before spatting “What do you want? If you’ve come to try to take your position, we won’t let you. Michael is lord here now and he’ll have you killed before giving this up!”

Stroking the short beard that had covered his face, Angelus mockingly appeared to give thought to her threat. “You think so? Don’t you think it will be hard to kill a man who’s already dead?” With that he had allowed his visage to be transformed to show his true face.

Both humans had screamed loudly before he stalked over to them and immediately quieted them by knocking them out. Slinging both bodies over his shoulder, he had calmly left the manor and made his way to his temporary lair.

It was the oddest disappearance to be sure and such a tragedy for both well-respected families. To lose not one but two sons and to lose an only child---simply dreadful. Their bodies were never found again, but then why should they have been? At the end, there was hardly anything left.

“You see Buff, Angel would not take too kindly to the fact that the first woman he allowed himself to love, since all those years before, would eagerly spread her thighs for another. Most especially the demon who lived in his body.”

Buffy’s eyes darkened with pain and a muffled sob escaped her lips. After hearing the tale she felt like the worst sort of slut. It didn’t matter that she did this to protect her friends. The fact that she had enjoyed herself so much was what made her feel like a whore. The fact that she knew she would do it again sickened her.

She would keep doing this again until Acrymydion killed her or Angelus no longer wanted her.

Kissing her sadly twisted mouth, Angelus murmured “Angel made me what I am. His disillusionment, his vengeance, his hatred towards the fairer sex, filled me. I took what I was given and made it my own. His betrayal became my creed. All the death and destruction I have visited upon womankind has been because of Angel's final hatred. HE fed it to me. Every woman I have seduced, every woman I have killed, every woman I have driven insane has been because of Angel. Every single one of them has borne Fiona's face and faithlessness. All of them have been dark-haired, blue-eyed beauties---just like her. Until you...”

Hardening his voice he demanded “So listen carefully: I will not tolerate another to go where only I’ve been. I will not play Angel to your Fiona, so if you value your pretty skin you WILL be faithful to me. Do you understand?”

What else could she do but nod? She would be faithful to him even though she was faithless to Angel. She couldn’t stay true to the soul but she would stay true to the body. “Yes Angelus, I understand.”

Satisfaction transformed his face to unholy beauty. “Good girl. I know you won’t disappoint Slayer.” Leaning down he gently kissed her until he could her arousal scented the air around them. She is so lovely in her misery. That was the last thought Angelus had for a while as he took pleasure in her body again. And again. And again.

It would be a pity if he broke her too soon. A definite tragedy.

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