Fucking In The Rain

DISCLAIMER: You know the routine. Joss owns them, I don't. Also, Gilligan's Island belongs to the peolple who own Gilligan's Island.
RATING: NC-17, what else?
CONTENT: Sex, sex, sex!!
DEDICATION: To Claudia, because if she hadn't pestered me, I probably wouldn't have got this done.
FEEDBACK: Of course, unless you want me to give up writing and take up rug hooking instead.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is very very loosely based off my experiences. I was walking home and it started to rain and I fell in the mud with. My very expensive Prada bag was ruined. It wasn't beige though. I'm just venting in this story. I also now have the flu...stupid rain.
SUMMARY: Sequel to Dangerous Collisions and third in the Fair Play series. Buffy and Angelus have been fucking for about a week. Now it's time they get down and dirty in the rain. This is actually a rather silly fic. Third in the newly titled Fair Play series. The name is credited to Claudia.

It was two in the morning. Buffy was cold, Buffy was tired, Buffy was all around pissed, and Buffy predicted she was going to soon be wet due to the storm clouds in the sky. Of course, there are other ways a girl can get wet. Still she was patrolling in the park, humming the theme to Gilligan's Island. Buffy suddenly tensed and stood perfectily still, barely breathing. She turned around quickly and rushed toward her victim without even taking time to look. When she hesitated in staking it, it flipped her over and a snide, yet familiar voice said, "Drop your weapons." Buffy looked up and saw Angelus staring down at her.

"Oh it's you. What do you want?"

"I want you to help me pick out silverware patterns."

Buffy rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I guess that's out." Angelus said in mock disappointment. "Well, what else is there to do these days." Then, he got a look of epiphany on his face and snapped his fingers. "I know!! We can fuck."

"I knew there was a point in there somewhere. But don't you think it's a bit late?" Buffy asked, smirk present and eyebrow quirked.

"Not for me. Besides, a little fucking in the rain never hurt anyone."

"Rain? What rain-" She cut herself off when fat raindrops started to pour on her head. "Oh, this is great. This is a brand new outfit!" She picked up the beige bag that held her slaying equipment and threw it angrily against his chest. "You see that? That is Prada. Prada is not a Wal-mart brand. Do you even know how much Prada costs?"

Angelus grabbed the bag and flung it in the mud. Buffy gaped at him. "Don't worry fashion plate, I'll get you a new one."

Buffy looked mournfully at her ruined bag before Angelus pulled her head to his and started vehemently kissing her. Pulling back, he licked her jugular and then threw her against the monkey bars. She groaned in pain as she arched her back, yet she knew her body was betraying her by the growing wetness in her thighs.

Angelus strutted up to her and pulled her cropped T-shirt over her breasts and shook his head. "Since when do you patrol without a bra?" He pinned her hands above her head and then, with his free hand, pulled her skirt up to reveal a naked pussy. "No panties either? Some horrible man could just walk up to you and fuck you easily." He laughed as she blushed.

"See, you always lose your point while you ramble." Buffy replied, regaining some of her dignity. As he hungrily sucked on her nipples, one of Angelus' hands slid between her thighs and began to caress her. Buffy writhed in pleasure.

"Hot and wet as usual, lover." He smirked up at her and plunged a finger inside her. She squirmed and tried to push him down to his knees.

"Not on your life lover. I'm down on my knees and you use that stake hidden in her waist band. Ain't gonna happen." Buffy shook her head, trying to convince him that she wouldn't kill him, moaning deep in her throat as his fingers twisted inside her. With a malicious grunt, Angel drove the last two fingers inside, stretching her vaginal walls.

Thrusting herself against his hand, she came. Angelus slipped his hand out and Buffy fell to her knees, not even waiting for the order that she knew would come. She quickly unworked the button and pulled down the zipper. Angelus let out a grunt as his erection popped free.

Buffy encircled it with her hand and startd to stroke. When she saw him give her a look, she engulfed Angelus' large penis in her tiny mouth, sliding her lips down almost to the base. Taking her head between his hands, he began to pump hard, forcing gagging gasps from her as she fought for air.

Finally, Angelus threw his head back and howled as he came.

Letting Buffy go, Angelus pulled his cock free, then yanked her to her feet. Buffy swayed dizzily, then leaned back against the blue playground equipment. She shivered, not only from pleasure but from the rain that she had momentarily forgotten. He slid down to the ground and began pulling her down from around the waist in what seemed like a playful gesture.

She looked down at him, "What are you doing?"

"Sit down."

"I'm not a sit-in-the-lap type of person."

"Well, would you like me to sit in your lap?"

"Aren't you a regular Milton Burl? I have to go. I'm cold and tired and wet. Because of your little fucking in the rain kick." That only made him pull harder and he laughed as she struggled, laughing too. Buffy finally gave in and plopped down on his lap.

"What? Don't you like sitting naked in the mud in the park?"

"Ha! You're the one whose all muddy. I'm fine." Buffy said haughtily. Angelus scooped up a handful of mud and threw it at her, landing it directly in her hair. She scrunched her nose up and picked up some of the mushy dirt herself, except she smashed it right into his face. He abruptly got up, dumping her on the ground. She scrambled to her feet and a mud fight followed.

At the end, they collapsed on each other, both brown. An impish grin spread over Buffy's face and she crawled off him. Throwing on his shirt and pants, she rushed into the night, her laughing loud and distinct, only yelling, "You owe me a Prada bag." That left Angelus naked, in the park. Of course, he could always put on her clothes and go drag.

Arriving home, Buffy climbed into her window via the big old tree in front of her house. She shivered and slid out of Angelus' muddy clothes and into some dry pajamas, not bothering to take a shower. Stopping in the middle of the room she briefly thought about tonight's rendezvous in the park. It hadn't been all that bad. She'd actually had fun. Well, as much fun as one can have in the rain, which is actually a lot. Angelus had had a mud fight. Not violent, just playful. Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. I hate thunder. She thought, and then sneezed and coughed at the same time, the first telltale sign of the flu.

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