
RATING: NC-17 for B/Aus sex.
FEEDBACK: I’m holding Angelus hostage until you do!!
TIMELINE: Series veers off after Surprise.
SPOILERS: Season 2.
SUMMARY: The Slayer comes to her senses.
DISTRIBUTION: Knock yourself out.......not literally though. DISCLAIMER: OBJ: Owned by Joss.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: Here’s where things will go off a major tangent. Expect some changes.


Passion. It lies in all of us.
And though unwanted...unbidden... it will its jaws, and howl.
It speaks to us... guides us...
Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have?

"He was in my room."


"Angelus. He was in my room last night."

Giles walked out from behind the check-in counter and walked over to Buffy and the entire gang, seated at the table. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. When I woke up, I found a-a.. picture he'd left me on my pillow." Buffy crossed her arms across her chest, mind flashing back to the image of carnal embrace Angelus had captured on the thick, yellowed paper.

"A visit from the pointed-tooth fairy." Xander quipped.

"Wait, I thought vampires couldn't come in unless you invited them in." Cordelia said, confused.

"Yes, but, uh, once you've invited them in, thereafter they're, they're always welcome." Giles explained.

"Y'know, I think there may be a valuable lesson for you gals here about inviting strange men into your bedrooms." Xander chided gently.

"Oh, God!" Cordelia cried suddenly, "I invited him in my car once. That means he can come into my car whenever he wants."

"Yep, you're doomed to havin' to give him and his vamp pals a lift whenever they feel like it. And those guys never chip in for gas." Xander tried to make light of the situation.

"Giles, there has to be some sort of spell to reverse the invitation, right? Like a barrier, kind of thing?" Willow asked, ever thinking ahead.

"Yeah, that works for a car, too?"

"We can’t let Angelus get to her again. Not after-" Willow was silenced by a look from Buffy.

"Not after what?" Giles prodded.

"Nothing. It’s just, it freaks me out, him being so close to her." Willow replied hurriedly.

"Yes, well, I-I-I could check on my books....."

* * * * *

"So Angel has decided to step up his harassment of you?"

"By sneaking in her room and leaving stuff at night? Why doesn't he just slit her throat or strangle her while she's sleeping or cut her heart out? What? I'm trying to help." Cordelia stated tactlessly.

"Yes. Uh, uh, look, it's-it's classic battle strategy to throw one's opponent off his game. He-he-he's just trying to provoke you. Uh, to taunt you, to, to goad you into, uh, some mishap of some sort." Giles agreed.

"The nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah approach to battle?" Xander sang, miraculously on key.

"Yes, Xander, once more you've managed to boil a complex thought down to its simplest possible form." Giles observed.

"Giles, Angel once told me that when he was obsessed with Drusilla, the first thing h-he did was to kill her family." Buffy shuddered, instead thinking of the approach he was already taking with her. Her inner muscles clenched unwillingly.

"Your mom." Xander caught onto her wave of thought.

"I know. I'm gonna have to tell her something." Buffy sat down and looked at her watcher in askance. "The truth?"

"No. You-you-you-you can't do that." Giles stuttered, ever the vigilant watcher.

"Yeah. The more people who know the secret, the more it cheapens it for the rest of us." Xander added.

"But I've gotta tell her something. I've gotta do something. Giles, Angel has an all-access pass to my house, and I'm not always there when my mother is. I can't protect her."

"I told you I will find a-a spell." Giles replied, trying to be on top of the situation.

"What about until you find a spell?" Buffy asked, frustrated.

"Until then, you and your mother are welcome to ride around with me in my car."

"Buffy, I-I understand your concern, but it's imperative that you keep a level head through all this." Giles reminded, in a very English manner.

"That's easy for you to say. You don't have Angel lurking in your bedroom at night...." Buffy faltered, remembering what else he was capable of.

"I know how hard this is for you." Buffy gave Giles a look. "All right, I don't. But as the Slayer, you don't have the luxury of being a slave to your, your passions. You mustn't let Angel get to you. No matter how provocative his behavior may become."

"So what you're basically saying is, 'just ignore him, and maybe he'll go away'?" Buffy asked, sighing.

"Yes. Precisely."

* * * * *

"Hicce verbis consensus rescissus est."

Willow and Buffy came walking down the stairs to the hall, reciting and spraying herbs over the house. Buffy saw Angelus standing behind the now existent barrier, growling at her.

"Sorry, Angel. Changed the locks." Buffy said, coming up to him and slamming the door.

Angelus’ threat was deadly silent as he stalked from the Summers’ porch. "You’ll pay for this, Buffy. And if I can’t come near you.....there are other ways of getting close to you."

* * * * *

Jenny sat at her desk typing away at the keyboard, on the verge of breaking the translation.

"Hello." Giles appeared at the doorway, startling her. She typed again and the screen changed.

"Oh! Hi." Jenny replied, turning back to him.

"You're working late." Giles observed.

"Special project." She answered cryptically.

"Oh." Giles said, not completely understanding.

"I spoke to Buffy today."

"Oh! Yes?" Giles sat on her desk, intrigued.

"Mm. She said you missed me."

"Well, uh, she's... a meddlesome girl."

"Rupert... Okay, I don't wanna say anything if I'm wrong, but I may have some news. Now, I need to finish up here. Could I see you later?"

"Y-yes, yes. Why don’t you meet me back in the library? I have a few things to do myself."



Jenny turned back to the computer and her translation of the text.

* * * * *

"Willow, good evening." Giles greeted as he stepped into Buffy’s house.

"Hi. Come on in. Here's the book." Willow handed him the ritual book.

"Right. I guess I should do my apartment tonight. The ritual go all right?" Giles inquired.

"Oh, yeah. It went fine. Well, it went fine until Angel showed up and told Buffy's mom that he and Buffy had..." Willow trailed off nervously, not sure how to continue. "Well, you know, that they had... you know. You do know, right?"

"Oh, yes. Yes. Sorry." Giles apologised, sensing how uncomfortable Willow was at the mention of the subject.

"Oh, good, 'cause I just realized that being a librarian and all, you maybe didn't know." Willow explained, relieved.

"Oh, thank you. I got it." Giles replied, slightly offended.

"You would have been proud of her, though. She totally kept her cool."

Giles and Willow stare at each other nervously, not sure how to proceed.

"Okay, well, I'll tell Buffy you stopped by." Willow broke in, trying to usher Giles out.

"Would you, um... Perhaps I should intervene on, on Buffy's behalf w-w-with her mother. Um, maybe... say something?" Giles offered awkwardly.

"Sure! Like, what would you say?"

"W... Uh..."

Buffy chose this moment to walk down the stairs. She spotted her watcher. "Giles. Hi. Did Willow tell you we did the ritual?"

"Uh, yes, Buffy, she did....." Giles looked to Willow, unsure of how to open up the sensitive matter. "Uh... Buffy...... Did you and your mother....."

"It’s totally cool, Giles." Buffy smiled gently as she recognised the tell-tale signs of Giles-stress. "We went through and did the talk. Even though she’s in her room pacing right now, it went alright."

"Oh. Good." Giles exhaled. "Well, I-I best be off then."

"Where you headed?" Buffy asked.

"To the library, with research." Giles replied hastily, sensing Buffy’s intentions.

"Good. I’ll go with you."

"Um, well, actually-"

"Giles, we have an extremely irrate Angelus on our hands, I don’t want you roaming the streets alone."

Giles smiled as he walked out the door and motioned for her to follow.

"What?" Buffy asked, suspicious of his source of happiness.

"You used the word irrate."

* * * * *

"Come on, come on..." Jenny begged the screen as it showed her the progress of her translation.

The progress bar disappeared from the screen and an english translation scrolled up next to the Romanian text.

"That's it! It's gonna work! This... will work." Jenny exclaimed, smiling.

She saved the file and ejected the yellow floppy disk, placing it near the edge of her desk. She swivelled her chair around to look over at the printer, checking the print out. Smiling in satisfaction as she looks up from her work. She gasped and jumped out of her seat as she saw Angelus sitting in a desk at the back of the classroom.

"Angel..." Jenny stated, moving towards the door. "How did you get in here?"

"I was invited. The sign in front of the school... Formatia trans sicere educatorum."

"Enter all ye who seek knowledge." Jenny translated for him.

Angelus chuckled, "What can I say? I'm a knowledge seeker."

Jenny backed further away as Angelus advanced on her. "Angel, I-I-I've got good news."

"I heard. You went shopping at the local boogedy- boogedy store." He reached her desk and picked up the glowing sphere. "The Orb of Thesulah. If memory serves, this is supposed to summon a person's soul... from the ether... store it until it can be transferred... You know what I hate most about these things?" Angelus asked before he threw the orb at the chalkboard, shattering on impact. "They're so damn fragile. Must be that shoddy gypsy craftsmanship, huh?"

Angelus walked over to her desk and jolted the screen to face him, causing the yellow floppy disk to fall off the side of the desk, unnoticed by both.

"I never cease to be amazed how much the world has changed in just two and a half centuries."

Jenny inched to the door only to find that it was locked.

"It's a miracle to me. You, you put the secrets to restoring my soul in here..." Angelus pushed the monitor off her desk, crashing and burning on the floor. He walked over to the printer, extracting the print out. "It comes out here. The Ritual of Restoration. Wow. This, this brings back memories."

Angelus tore it in half as Jenny protested, "Wait. That's your..."

"Oh, my cure?" Angelus cut in and continued ripping the paper. "No, thanks. Been there, done that, and deja vu just isn't what it used to be. My... Isn't this my lucky day. The computer... and the pages. Looks like I get to kill two birds with one stone." Angelus grinned as he dropped the print-out into the fire of the computer, crouching to warm his hands. "And teacher makes three."

Angelus roared as he jumped and grabbed hold of a screaming Jenny.


Angelus threw her back into the door, breaking it open. Jenny recovered and began to run down the deserted hallways.

"Oh, good. I need to work up an appetite first."

Giles and Buffy entered the school halls, having escorted Willow home earlier. Jenny came running towards them at full speed.

Giles caught her by the shoulders. "What is it?"

"Angelus." Jenny managed to gasp, gripping onto Giles’ arms for support.

Angelus pulled open the door that Jenny had come crashing through and stormed towards the three.

"Giles, get Miss Calendar out of here." Buffy commanded, hastily looking towards the approaching vamp.

"Buffy, what about you-"

"I’ve got a little unfinished business with him. Go."

Giles and Jenny barely made it out the door as he reached them, getting cut off by Buffy.

"Going somewhere?"

Angelus growled as Buffy blocked his path again.

"Leave them. I believe we have a deal."

"What?" Angelus asked, not quite sure he was hearing it right.

"You heard me. We had a deal. You stop killing and I......well, we......"

"Oh I remember the deal." Angelus smirked at her obvious discomfort. "What say we go christen the library table?"

Buffy paled visibly at the request, "But, but that’s where-"

"I know, lover." Angelus bent and licked her neck suggestively. "This way you can remember me every, single day. That is, if you don’t already."

"Oh yeah, like you’re that memorable, Angelus."

Angelus pressed her against the wall and into his throbbing erection. "Oh I thought I gave you something to remember, Buff."

Buffy gasped at the action and at the words as the memories of their last encounter in the boiler room came crashing into her mind.

"Oh, yeah, I think the Slayer’s good and ready."

Angelus smirked as he dragged Buffy over his shoulder, cave man style, and made his way over to the library.

"What the hell do you think you’re doing?" Buffy squealed as she landed hard on the centre of the library table.

"What Angelus wants," he ripped her flimsy top from her body, "Angelus gets."

He then removed her short skirt which was promptly thrown over his shoulder. He stepped back from the table, drowning her in his gaze. She looked absolutely exquisite, lying there, resting on both elbows. Her skin was flushed against her bra and matching panties, legs accentuated by the boots she still wore.

"Why, Miss Summers. You’re beautiful."

"Shut up and fuck me."

Angelus growled deep in his chest as he disposed of his clothing and attacked her body. They both kissed blindly, savagely, Buffy clawing her fingers down his back as he pinched and sqeezed her breasts between his hands.

Buffy’s remaining clothing was torn away hurriedly as both rushed towards full skin to skin contact.

When both were fully naked to each other, Angelus swiftly entered her full hilt in one motion, eliciting a moan from Angelus as Buffy was caught open mouthed. She gripped his shoulders tightly as Angelus braced himself with both hands on either side of her head.

Buffy bit her lip in perfect silence as Angelus pistoned his cock in and out of her clenching walls.

Angelus grunted as he began to feel the familiar hunger building up in him fiercely. He pumped faster as he brought his mouth to her neck, fangs elongating as he bit into her.

Buffy inhaled sharply at the double intrusion, her inner shudders bringing them both to a mind-shattering orgasm.

* * * * *

Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief.
It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace.
But we would be hollow.
Empty rooms, shuttered and dank...
Without passion, we'd be truly dead.

Angelus lay within his red satin sheets the next day, waking from yet another dream of a certain blonde goddess writhing beneath him. Angelus smirked as he thought of their latest sexual encounter.

Everything had been full of lust. Their movements, their touches. So mindless, so emotionless, so........ empty. But it was still damn good. Wild, animal sex with the most powerful being he had ever faced sure had an edge.

Yet he couldn’t deny that something was missing. Neither could the annoying voice in his head. Bloody Nancy Boy. They both still remembered that night of love-making after the confrontation with the Judge in the factory and were comparing it to this recent night of lust in the library. That night had been hot and heavy, like this one, both Slayer and vampire unable to deny what they both needed so much. But unlike the quick fuck on the library table, there was something else within that first night. Something in the look in her eyes, the breathlessness of her moan. What the fuck was it??

"Love, boy-o," answered the voice. "love."


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