Taken By the Night
Part Eleven

"You remind me"
by Nickelback

Never made it as a Wise man
couldn’t cut It as a poor man stealing
tried living like a blind man
sick sad without a sense or feeling
this is how you remind me
this is how you remind me
of what I really am

it’s not like you to say sorry
who’s waiting on a different story
this time I’m mistaken for handling you
a heart worth breaking
I’ve wrong I’ve down to the bottom
Of every bottle
This 5 words in my head scream:
Are we having fun yet?
Yet, yet, yet

It’s not like you didn’t know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
It must have been so bad
seen that women must have damn near killed you
This is how you remind me of what I really am…

Chapter XI “From a Rooftop” (from Angelus point of view)

“What happened with the lights?” That was my first thought, followed closely by: Why I am human again? As a 246 year-old vampire I was fairly sure I would never breathe or eat or be hungry again—at least not for food—but I was. My senses were dull and simple, darkness was impaling, the weight of Buffy’s breast beneath my hand was familiar and alien at the same time.

“A blackout, throughout LA. It seems there was a bomb alert at the electric central days ago, but it only exploded now.” And now I’m human again.

“Angelus are you alright?” I’m also link severed, torn apart from my mate, she must be so scared, she must be needing food too.

“Fine, I will get up now…get me a flashlight and the keys to the rooftop.” I hope they don’t realize I’m human. Is Buffy human too? God it feels so empty without her in my mind, as empty as…nothing else in the world.

“Yes, Master Angelus.” I felt Moonlight rub her tail across my calf and just as suddenly she was up. Buffy had picked her up in her arms.

“And leave the room…all of you. This meeting is adjourned!” The Morahs protested my decision for a few minutes but decided to postpone the sacrifice until daytime would arrive.

“Are you human too?” Buffy’s voice had lost its silkiness and depth. It was high-pitched and uncertain, as if she was terribly afraid of speaking. And she probably was.

“Are you scared, Alainn?” I knew she was tired and I could smell something in the air very unfamiliar. Blood. I realized it was blood smelled from a human point of view, coppery and heady, and nauseating, not food wise at all.

“Yes, I am cold and soaked in blood—why do you want to go to the rooftop? I’m so hungry I could eat a cow.” Me too! But we need to get away from the vampires quickly, least we’d want is to become food.

“To be away from them. It’s too dangerous now, tomorrow—or when the lights return—we will go to the oracles, but right now, the rooftop is the safest place to us.” I am cold too. This place has zero heat—good God! Why am I human again?

“Hug me please… I need you to hug me tight, I’m so cold.” Something like that should have never left her mouth. I should have known she was cold and I should have offered food to supply her needs—no to mention my own—I should have felt the sadness griping her, but I didn’t, I couldn’t feel shit except my own heartbeat and hunger. It was all so consuming.

“It feels so terrible, like having the weight of the world thrust back into your shoulders without a heads up.” She nodded my affirmation as I wrapped my arms around her back. She was indeed drenched and shivering. So I took the jacket and blouse off her and engulfed her nakednessw in my body heat. She instantly pressed her ear to my chest until she found what she had been looking for.

“Your heart is beating again, I feel it…it’s so constant, so weird.” I hugged her tighter to my chest and buried my nose into her hair. She smelled like nothing to me now. I couldn’t pick up her essence anymore, and that was devastating. She was my mate I couldn’t tell how she smelled anymore.

“So is yours, my love…you are so petite like this, like a wee little kitten inside my arms. Do you feel awkward too, my love?” I realize I had to express my thoughts to her, because she wasn’t hearing them now. I had grown so used to her responses that now it was as if I was full of fire, all hot and achy inside, like a bomb about to explode without her in me.

“So empty…so very sad…and so lonely.” She had to pause to sob in the middle and I sensed the wet seeping from the shirt onto my chest. She was crying silently, probably thinking about the prophecies that say I was supposed to die as human.

“Don’t worry, I will never leave you alone. You jump, I jump, right?” She laughed pitifully and some of the guilt disappeared from the air. I had liked the whole “Titanic” thing. We had watched it together twice and that was as far as I could remember of it—besides Kate Winslet naked—the rest was lost in the whirlwind of the season.

“is it my fault? Did I do something to cause this?” Of course not! Well I wasn’t sure what had caused this, but I was sure it hadn’t been her fault.

“No, my love, we cannot place blame yet. We must wait until tomorrow and go to the Oracles. Right now we are going to go to the rooftop and have dinner. We’ll see about the future later.” One of the minions handed me the flashlight and the set of keys and left, without enhanced hearing I could still hear the ruckus going around in the 15th floor. I didn’t pause there to make questions. I just took Buffy by the hand and ran silently to the stairs and made escape to the solace of the sky at midnight, pausing in the middle to get a bottle of wine from the visitor’s lounge, and quickly ran off the room before being found human again.

Rooftop, 2:30 am

“You think she is alright in there—I mean Midnight—she could be in danger.” I wasn’t sure of anything except my own feelings and needs, and more shockingly even I was cold, I hadn’t been cold in centuries.

“Danger lurks everywhere in there, but Midnight belongs to the night. You shouldn’t worry about her…would you like some more brownie ice cream or another slice of pizza?” I had not eaten this sort of thing ever before, perhaps a bit of bitter chocolate and pasta, but this was luxurious, like eating something very sinful.

“Just a bit more of Dr. Pepper please. Tell me, did you like all this stuff?” I served her half of her glass and wondered how was it they had made a beverage of that much grossness. Sprite was fine with me, but if I had wanted bubbles I would have had Cristal champagne—not this attempt of beverage.

“They are different… but I can’t say they are all bad, although they are very very sweet. No wonder you must brush your teeth so often, they would probably rot and fall with all that sweet!” She laughed, I had forgotten the sound of pure laughter, not wickedness or malice, but pure amusement, I laughed along with her while all the time the only thought consuming my mind was my dick and the unbelievable annoyance of a mindless erection based solely on laughter, Hawaiian pizza and chocolate.

“Well, Angelus, duh! There is no point on eating ice cream that is not sweet. Anyhow, we should go inside. I’m freezing my ass off, aren’t you cold too?” Of course, but the thought of going into our room meant sex…and I wasn’t sure I was ready to find out if I was still a quick shot—which I had been when I was human. I couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing Buffy that way. Imagine it, me inside her for mere 10 seconds before jerking off and going down like a worm in a matter of minutes. No, I couldn’t do that to my mate never ever.

“A little, but let's wait for the dawn. I haven’t seen one in centuries. Would you care to watch it with me, my lady?” She traced the contours of my face and managed to kiss me between the brows before toppling slightly into my arms.

“Anytime, Sire. Anytime at all.” And then we kissed again and again. First with just the lips and then with teeth and tongue and fierce all consuming passion.

And when she wrapped her beautiful legs around my waist I could hardly breathe from the sheer need to possess. It was mindless, like fire sweeping over my mind and body until the only restraint stopping me was the thin barrier of clothes and the small space between her body and mine.

We barely made it to the room. It was still dark without the electricity and we made our way bumping into things and people. Willow was one of those making an acid comment on the nature of rutting beasts.

Thank God she hadn’t notice the difference yet, but it was all meant to go down very soon…as soon as I could enter Buffy’s heaven and be done with the rest of the world.


“Get a clue Sire!”

At first it all been very awkward. I didn’t have control of my hands and fingers and she complained several times that I have forgotten where the clitoris was. Truth be told, I had to turn on the lantern to find my way into her secret spots. I understood her frustration and eagerness to be off the curse of humanity. Vampire sex had been so very certain than this game made us feel like blind people looking for the right path.

“I’m working on it!”

At last I decided to trace her with my mouth and surprisingly I found out she had tickles on her feet and a very soft pleasure spot behind her knees, which I explored like I never had while I was a vampire.

“Don’t stop now please”

After a while she started moaning softly and I played a short time to the great game of * find the G spot * with my tongue. I was not very dexterous at that either—but that didn’t stop me from trying my hand at it too.

“God, Buff, you are so wet!”

After I found it, I made long work of it. Meanwhile my hand was busy with the crevice, my mouth wondered up onto the space beneath her breast and her arm pit, and that too was a pleasure spot for my mate.

“I like that. It feels so good, Angelus, please don’t stop.” The nipples, of course, came after that interlude. I kissed them and sucked them into my mouth. I nibbled at the little wrinkles around the tip. I placed them above my tongue until they were so very sensitive with the attention I had to let them go and then… I knew she was ready for me.

“Buffy, I l…”

Suddenly… I had stage fright. I knew I loved her but saying it like that was all too weird for me, and my own body seemed about to explode before even entering her.

“what’s wrong, dear? You look weird. Do you want me to suck you?” I must have made a bad face. surely I wanted her to suck me, but I wasn’t sure I could resist it for too long.

“Later, slut. Keep that mouth shut and concentrate on coming!” I decided that I had to cover the fright with anger. She would understand that I wanted it fast and hard, and probably wouldn’t mind the bit of harshness.

“Yes, Sire.” Or maybe not. But still, the feeling of her tight, wet and fluttering core was almost too hot to bear. It was like sultry waves of indescribable pleasure going trough me as my penis hit that roof that marks the limit of the penetration. All that wet heat made me melt down into her.

“I can’t hold it…” I barely lasted enough for her to have a good healthy climax but I could feel that I would be ready again in a few minutes. But meantime even while I was flaccid, she gave me the most earth shattering contractions around it. It was almost like my seed was been sucked into her. I trembled and sighed and still her heart was pulsing around me. I wondered how I could stand this without screaming on the sheer pleasure and surely after she bit me on the neck with blunt teeth and as I returned the favor I knew that this was benediction. I was falling again, empting myself into her, with that hot rush of sperm and spasms and all the time I’m thinking that humans don’t know the kind of gift they have. To have so much pleasure from an act that is meant to ensure survival of their species, my specie presently speaking.

I was still wondering about the overwhelming feeling of after sex when she turned around and announced to me nonchalantly that, “She had to pee”, I laughed and laughed until my insides hurt. Surely she most have thought I had gone mad. But it was just joy. I went to sleep forgetting dawn and food and pee with an startling rapidness, but deep into my dreams the image of Buffy holding a baby hunted me from afar. Never too close to see details but never far enough to ignore it altogether.

W&H 7:30 am

“How did you find this number Giles?” After a few hours of slumber, my private cell phone started ringing. The lights had come back and Giles was calling me God only knows why.

“Through a lot of waiting and several threats of gypsy curses—I have to speak to Buffy—if you would please put her on the phone.” Such arrogance! I should have him flogged for this!

“She’s still sleeping, as I was before you called. How is little Logan?” I managed to sound every bit as evil as I’m feeling and I can almost hear him cringe on the name of his son.

“Very well. Now how does it feel to be human again? Must have been centuries since your last time around.” I knew it. It had to be about that. “Buffy is human too—and I feel fine thank you. Except I’m very angry that you did not inform me of this rior—since I assume you know the cause, pray tell me when am I going to be a vampire again?” And more important, what is to happen with my deal with the first?

“I went to the Oracle of Delphi, and it told me that you will be a vampire again today, at midnight…as for Buffy—well they only said you could not attempt to turn her again less you wanted her buried and away—I must say I meant to call you last night, but it was impossible due to the blackout.”

“You are aware that I made a bargain with my soul…what about that?” Buffy was tossing beside me, already awakening from the long night of cavorting.

“It holds. You would not have your soul back—even as human you are sharing a soul with Buffy—I didn’t know this but you must remerge the bond. It’s imperative to your survival…and to hers”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that in your relationship with her you have attained feelings that belong to humans alone—love is among those—right now she is feeling lost and bereft and you must comfort her. She no longer thinks or feels like a vampire, but as a human. I’m afraid she might even sound a little crazy to you, but without the First whispering the evil into her, she is just human and needs a great deal of protection. She is no longer a slayer”

“What did you just say? Not even a Slayer?” At that Buffy stood up and took the phone from my hands. Her eyes were flashing like watery jewels and she looked very flushed.

“You lying bastard! I cannot be a simple human! I’m a vampire! I have eternity! You cannot be serious!” I could do naught but stare. She was beautiful, her hair tousled from the bed, naked to the very flesh, sun making her shine like gold, eyes dark green with fury.

“I am Buffy, I am. The Oracles, they wanted me to tell you that you deserved more and they would give it to you. I’m sorry, I’m just the messenger.” Buffy tossed the phone after that with enough strength to make it bounce and brake into pieces as it hit the wall.

“Damn you! To hell with you! I am going to live forever! I am a bloody Queen of the Darkness! You can’t do this to me! Take it back, Angelus! I can’t bear this pain…please, Sire, make me like you again!… I will be good. I will never disobey you again…please!” God, I can stand this. She is crying and begging, down to her knees, and I can do naught but stare. And I want to cry too.

“I can’t help you there, Love. But think of the University, your dream of becoming a lawyer, of helping your mother, of being alive…it’s a blessing, dear.” I try to calm her down, but I’m only adding more wood the fire.

“How could you say that?! I’m gonna die ugly and wrinkled, I’ll get sick and have periods. I’ll get fat and you will see me die old and ugly while you remain as you always been. How could you call that a blessing?! Surely you’ll be here forever to gloat on my misery but, Sire…I want it back. Please, do something, anything to stop this while we still can!” I hear her! I really do, I love her and I would give up everything for her, but I can’t. God, What am I to do with this?

“SHUSH! You will live fully and we will get through it one day at a time. We will find a good thing out of this, I swear we will. Now come with me. We are gonna take a bath and then we will spend the day at the beach, because we surly need a nice deep tan.” I can see she isn’t bulging an inch, but I can’t do anything to reverse her state until I’m vampire again. So I must make the most of this human state for as long as it lasts.

“You’ll regret this, Sire.” I know she is angry and that she would harm me if she could but still, deep down I see her harboring hope, as useless as it is.

Santa Monica, 2:30 pm

“What do you think of September 11?” What should I think? It was wrong. It was a tragedy--we had people working there.

“Humans are a bunch of violent assholes. Politics is the very worst of their inventions, followed closely by guns.”

“Says the President of W&H. I thought you had stocks on Halliburton, as well as a connection with terrorism of the underworld.” Damn, even without the link she always knew my ways.

“Sure. Oil is a commodity, and we use cars and helicopters and electricity as well, darling. Money does not grow from a tree, ye know.” She laughs and I know she is thinking that I am an hypocrite Irish bastard—which I am of course—but a good one.

“One penny for the government, one penny for the revolution, right, Sire?” Certainly. One must always strive to have balance.

“Of course. Now lets eat some hot dogs. I’m very much starved—and by the way I don’t have stocks on Halliburton, but I do have a surveillance business with CIA—not that it would be any of your business, young, nosy lassie.” She laughs again and I know she finds my work very interesting.

“Now, what do ye think of the Britney Spears?” She looks dumbfounded for a second and manages not to choke on her soda before answering.

“She is a ho. What else is there about her? Bottle blonde? Fake boobs? Nasal voice? No waist?” But you liked her music.

“She has ambition I think. I thought you liked her music.”

“Sure, Cordelia and Willow and Harmony and half the female population of W&H are singing "Oops I did it again" not that it possessed much difficulty, but it’s fashion, you just can’t argue with fashion.” At that I laugh. Fashion meant nothing to me, although people assured me I was stylish.

“Of course, love, but I meant to ask her to do a number for us—or would you prefer Christina Aguilera?” At that her eyebrows hit her hair line.

“A number, you mean like a 69?” That made me laugh. I did not mean sex.

“No! not at all, I mean a show, like in a party? Ye have sex up in the head all the time, don’t ye darling?” I had no doubts of that whatsoever.

“Oh! Sure, tell her to come and sing for us. Perhaps she would be interested in a potion to improve her vocals or something like that.” Perhaps. I mean to renovate and modernize the company…God the sun feels so good in my skin. Why couldn’t I remember the beauty of this?

“Let’s go home, I’d like to do it in front of a mirror before nightfall.”

“Yes, mon capiten! Now who has sex in the head?” She jumped me on the spot then. I could hardly catch her, but it wasn’t necessary. We fell to the sand and tumbled until the water reached us.

“Or perhaps we should do it in the beach?” There was a few people at a certain distance, a safe distance judging their speed of walking. surely we could hide and get our way easily.

“Let's find a shade then. I wouldn’t like my ass to get sunburned.” And I wouldn’t like that either.

Regents Beverly Wiltshire Hotel
Honeymooners suite, 7:30 pm

“We should have done this before.” Buffy is sitting on the chaise long while I’m eating cheese cake. She had chicken fajitas with chili and tequila and is positively drunk. Her eyes unfocused and her legs so wide open I can see the red panties she is wearing under the indigo blue cotton dress. Her nipples are thrusted against the fabric and I could almost feel her arms around my neck as I plunge into her. Almost. But I must finish the cake first. It really tastes so good, and the small wait makes me get so restless. It’s delicious, it’s anticipation and I can see all happening in front of us in the big mirror, in the camera that I placed on the bedpost, on the thousand Polaroids I have taken of us, as to not forget how we look together.

Surrender. I crawl to her and work my way up into her body, her panties and her dress come easily off, and I’m sure she is ready for this game.

Lust. I cannot get my eyes away from her body. She swings her hips and moistens her lips in preparation and I feel my loins tighten inside me. She moans and I surge faster and deeper into her, buried to the hilt in one single stroke.

Obsession. I know she is about to come and I keep holding her down. She writhes and pants and I fuck her like a beast, swift and hard. I know I’m the only man she has ever had, but I can’t help to need reassurance. I want her to scream my name as she comes, and I want to hear her say "I love you" in the throes of passion.

Mine. I know she is all mine, from head to toe, from the first breath to the very last, through every heart beat and in every orgasm…and still that’s not enough. I want her soul and her body to hold me forever, for in possessing her she possesses me in return.

Love. I can’t breath when she is on top of me. I’m so close to spilling I can feel my balls ache. Her breast is right on top of my mouth, her hair is caressing my face, curtaining my view from below, and I can’t think straight. She is perfect, smiling softly as I jerk convulsively. She keeps riding me until I’m sure I lost my heart’s blood, and I understand then that I love her as strongly as I need her to love me in return.

Death. I bite into her with blunt teeth and she screams. She will always love the feeling of Sirebite, and she gives it back to me. Another orgasm hits and it’s never the end.

Once again and over and over again.

And afterwards we lay there, motionless. We are soaked in sweat and we both must pee, but I don’t care. They could kill me in the spot and I wouldn’t put a minimal fight. But to touch her, I would burn them alive if somebody even tried to remove her blonde hair from my hand, let alone her body from my sight. And for once in my life I feel truly happy, and even if it is a borrowed emotion I still like it.

After a while she awakes and moves, she mumbles something, “I feel like I am at home” to which I tell her that, “Home is a place that when you have to go, they have to take you.” She sighs and leans her head and neck closer into my embrace and closes her eyes again. But before falling into deep sleep she says, “I love you, Angelus.” And then I know I had taken her home finally—Frost Quotation notwithstanding.

Next Chapter