Part Two

Rating:R for now
Couple: B/Aus
Summary:Read and find out
Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them
Feedback: It would be nice
Author's Notes: This is next in the Sleeping Peaceful series... Hope you like!


Listen as the wind blows
from across the great divide,
voices trapped in yearning,
memories trapped in time

Angelus stared at Buffy, thinking she had finally gone insane. He did the only thing he thought made sense at the moment. He laughed.

"What do you think this is funny?" Buffy asked, growing furious at his laughter. "Don't you think I've had enough?"

"Oh Buff..come on. This is a bit much. What is this part of your plan? Be all helpless and I come and then you can stake me just like that?" Angelus said as he tried to stop laughing.

The night is my companion
and solitude my guide,
would I spend forever here
and not be satisfied

"You think this is just a joke don't you? I should have staked you as soon as I woke up."

"You know I'd like to see you try, Buffy."

Buffy looked around for some kind of weapon to use but found nothing. The only thing that seemed logical now was getting out of there as fast as she could. So with that thought, Buffy jumped out of the bed and raced for the door. Angelus caught her hand just as she grabbed the door.

"And just where do you think you are going?" he asked.

"Home in case you didn't notice." She shoved him out of the way and opened the door. She looked back to see him just standing there looking at her. Without giving it another thought, Buffy took off running and out in to the rainy night.

And I would be the one
to hold you down,
kiss you so hard,
I'll take your breath away
and after I'd wipe away the tears,
just close your eyes dear

She didn't stop running until she was in the safety of her home. She half expected to see her mom come running out and asking where she had been. However when she looked in to the driveway to see it empty she felt a bit relieved that she wouldn't have to explain where she had been or why she had a bite mark on her neck. Buffy reached up and let her fingertips lightly touch the wound. She shuddered thinking how close she came to dying again. She would have too if Angelus hadn't saved her. Angelus saving her. Now those are two words that should not have ever been in a sentence together.

Buffy walked in to the kitchen looking for some kind of note saying where her mom had went off to this time. She saw it taped to the fridge. She grabbed the note and started reading it


John, down at the gallery, called me and said that the shipment we were going to get never came so I had to drive to L.A to see what the hold up is. There is leftover pizza in the fridge if you are hungry. Be back tomorrow afternoon.
Love always,


"Figures," Buffy said while crumpling up the note and throwing it away. She walked up the stairs and in to her room so she could change and get out of the wet clothes.

Through this world I've stumbled
so many times betrayed,
trying to find an honest word to find,
the truth enslaved


Angelus stretched out on to the big bed. Why had he let Buffy go? He should have killed her when he had the chance. Most importantly....why didn't she stake him? This was confusing the hell out of him and he had to figure it out fast otherwise it would drive him insane


Buffy pulled down her blankets and climbed in to her bed. She finally came to the conclusion that she did not want to live anymore. Knowing that no matter what you do, evil will always come after you and those you care about. She wanted to talk to someone about it. No one understood though that's the thing.

Buffy turned over in the bed and looked at the glowing red numbers of her clock.


Oh you speak to me in riddles
and you speak to me in rhymes,
my body aches to breathe your breath,
your words keep me alive

Wow I actually got in early for once Buffy finally felt sleep coming to claim her but as soon as she fell asleep her phone rang.

"Hello?" She mumbled sleepily

"Buffy! You're home,"Willow's voice answered.

"Yeah I got home about an hour ago."

"Well I called to check on you and make sure you are ok and all. You've seemed kind of down and all."

"I think I'll be ok. I've just been thinking."

And I would be the one
to hold you down,
kiss you so hard,
I'll take your breath away
and after I'd wipe away the tears,
just close your eyes dear


Buffy grinned because she could almost hear her friend blushing.

"Yes Will, about Angel. I've just been thinking how endless the fights between us seem and all."

"Well as long as you're ok...."

"I'll be fine. Listen I'm really tired so I'll call you in the morning ok?"

"Ok, sure. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye"

"Bye." Buffy hung up and finally fell asleep.


Angelus had given up trying to find something to do so he decided to go to Buffy's. He climbed up in to the tree and saw her on the phone. He waited till she fell asleep before climbing in to her room.

Into this night I wander,
it's morning that I dread,
another day of knowing of
the path I fear to tread

He walked over to her chair and sat there watching her sleep until the sky started to lighten. He sat there thinking and trying to find out why he was there in the first place.

Oh in to the sea of waking dreams,
I follow without pride,
nothing stands between us here
and I won't be denied

Angelus grabbed a pen and wrote something down on a piece of paper and layed it on her pillow for her to find. He walked over to the window and jumped out.

Buffy woke up to the cool air blowing in and looked over to her window.

I didn't leave that open

She got up and walked over the window and closed it. Shivering, she walked back over to her bed to see a piece of paper on her pillow. She picked it up and read it.

Dearest Buff,

I've been thinking about what you have been saying about the fights and all. If you are ready to end it then meet me at the Bronze tonight.

Buffy looked to the window, figuring out that he had been here during the night. Now what was she going to do?

And I would be the one
to hold you down,
kiss you so hard,
I'll take your breath away
and after I'd wipe away the tears,
just close your eyes

Next Chapter