Part One---A Virgin's Awakening

Rating: NC-17
Summary: After their encounter with the Judge, Angel and Buffy go back to his apartment for their night of passion. However, things steer off in a different direction...


Panting, Buffy and Angel hurried into Angel's apartment and shut the door. They had only just escaped being fried by the Judge. Buffy stood, shivering. Slowly Angel approached her. "You're trembling," he whispered.

"C-cold," she murmured.

Angel went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweats and a big white sweatshirt. "Here," he handed them to her. "Put these on and get under the covers. Just to warm up."

Buffy gratefully took the clothes and sat down on the bed. She looked up at Angel.

He must have realised he was staring at her because he said "Sorry" and turned away. He was still very close. The room was pulsating with tension and excitement. Cautiously Buffy unbuttoned the cardigan of her twin set. She felt a stab of pain as she drew out her left arm, and drew in her breath sharply.

"What is it?" Angel had heard her.

"Oh, nothing, I just have a cut or something."

"Can I-let me see."

Buffy swallowed nervously. "O-okay." She arranged the cardigan over her so she was covered. He sat behind her on the bed and cautiously reached out his hands. He pulled the strap of her camisole aside. His hands moved over her upper back. His touch was gentle and a little careful.

"It's already closed," he said, his voice catching. "You're fine." He didn't move. Neither did she. Buffy could hear him swallow sharply. She was certain he would hear her heartbeat speed up. She turned to him, breathed him in. Tears welled in her beautiful eyes.

"You almost went away today," she whispered.

"We both did," he murmured heavily. Her vanilla scented perfume wafted through the room. His hands were still caressing her back, and she knew that they were both struggling against what was taking them over. The fear.

And the need.

Buffy started to cry. "Angel, I feel like...if I lost you..." her words were blocked by sobs.

"Shhh," he whispered. He could feel the intense need both of them shared. "I..."

Buffy looked up at him. Her hand stroked his cheek. "You what?" she whispered.

"I love you," he said in a rush, emotions flowing. And once he'd said that, Buffy soared. Her green eyes brightened in wonder, though the tears were still there. Angel loved her. "I try not to, but I can't stop," he continued brokenly.

"Me too," she whispered. "I can't either." They were overcome by passion. She pressed her nose against his. They kissed. The kiss grew. They were crossing a bridge. Going somewhere together they had never gone before. Their hearts pounded with the knowledge that this kiss would lead to something much bigger. This was a seal and a promise; a first step. Their passion grew. Buffy was starving for him.

Angel pulled away. "Buffy, maybe we shouldn't-"

"Don't," she whispered. "Just kiss me." Their lips met again, and again, and Angel drew Buffy into his arms, into his bed.


Xander entered the library, a worried look on his face. "Okay, there's no boxes coming into the bus ports, and I can't find Buffy or Angel anywhere. Although, a four hundred pound biker offered to wash my hair. The bus port is definitely not on the list of the top five thousand places to spend the night." He sat down.

"Yes, well, there's no boxes coming in the shipping yards or airports, either," Giles told him.

"Wait, Giles," Willow said. "You don't think that this Judge guy is already..."

"Yes, Willow, that's exactly what I think," Giles said. "I think he's active."

"And therefore Buffy would be..." Xander trailed off. Don't go there, he warned himself.

"Wait, for all we know Buffy and Angel are fine," Jenny told him.


Angel could feel his passion rising as he and Buffy moved together as one. Bodies touching. Hearts touching. He could feel his face changing. Overcome with passion, he had no control over his natural instincts. Buffy looked at him, fear in her eyes. Then the fear was replaced by exhilaration as her passion grew and she offered her neck to the man she loved.

He left a trail of tiny butterfly kisses across her chest, finishing at her neck. Then, at the height of their passion, he bit down. Buffy gave a tiny squeal as she felt his fangs breaking her skin. She knew she was doing the wrong thing, but right now she couldn't care less. She was overcome by his nearness, the feel of him inside her. He drew his fangs out of her neck. Their eyes locked, and she raised a hand and used her fingernail to make a large scratch on his stomach, drawing blood. Kissing down his chest to his stomach, she lowered her mouth to the wound.


Giles shut the book and cried, "Damn!"

"What?" Cordelia asked.

"It's the Judge. We had an incorrect assumption, I'm afraid. While we thought he needed contact to kill someone, it turns out he can reduce them to ash with a look." He tuned to look at them. "And that means Buffy's chances of living through this have just been cut in half."

They all exchanged wary glances.

"Speaking of which," Jenny said. "Where is Buffy?"

"No one knows," Giles said. "She's probably with Angel somewhere, but I just wish I knew where."

Willow's head snapped up at his words. She thought back to her conversation with Buffy that morning. Buffy had told her about her need for Angel, and Willow had told her to go for it. Deep in thought, Willow murmured, "I think I know where she is."


Pain ripped through Angel's chest, waking him up. White-hot agony crashed through his soul. It was an ancient pain, and he knew what it meant.

Oh no, not now, oh Buffy, my darling...

He bolted out of bed, trying to fight it. His blind pain took him into the living room, where he collapsed on the floor, heaving. His muscles tightened as an inhuman scream ripped through his lungs. The scream awoke Buffy. She leapt out of bed and hurried to Angel's side. He lay on the carpet, screaming and writhing in pain. Buffy didn't know what to do. She watched, helpless, as the man she loved was taken over by pain. Then it was over. Angel stood. He stared at Buffy. He was in full game face. But Buffy was not afraid. She, too, was in game face.

She was a vampire.

And he was Angelus.

At the height of their passion, when Angel had bit down, she had changed into a vampire. Suddenly Buffy let out an inhuman screech as something burned her chest. She looked down to see her crucifix necklace burning through her flesh. Growling in anger, she ripped it off and flung it to the floor.

"Buffy?" Angel whispered. "You're a...?"

"Wow," Buffy murmured. "I've never felt this way before, Angel. I feel strong."

They smiled evilly.

"Angel?" Buffy cooed, moving into his embrace. "I'm hungry."

"We'll get you something to eat, baby," he told her. Buffy was exhilarated. He never called her baby when he had a soul. She loved being called baby. They dressed quickly. Angel checked the clock.

"We've got two hours until dawn," he told her. "Plenty of time to eat out."


Willow led them to Angel's apartment. "Willow! Why would they be here?" Xander asked.

"Well, I don't know, but something Buffy told me this morning makes me think she'd come here," Willow replied. The door creaked open, and the five people walked in. The apartment was empty. Everyone else was ready to leave, but something held Willow back, wanting to explore more. The bed was unmade, the sheets a tangled mess. "Guys, look at this," Willow pointed.

"Yeah, so? He's messy," Cordy said. But Xander was intrigued. He walked up to the bed. His eyes washed over the sheets, the covers, the pillows. And something caught his eye. He reached down and plucked something from the pillow, and held it up for the others to see. It was a strand of hair. Long, obviously from a girl, and it was blonde.

"This is Buffy's hair," Xander stated. "They were here."

"They were in the bed," Jenny murmured. "Oh, no."

"What?" Giles asked, catching the urgency in her voice.

"Oh...nothing," Jenny wasn't ready to tell them what she knew. Everyone turned at the sound of Willow's gasp.

"Look," she called urgently. She picked up something from the floor of the living room. It was Buffy's necklace. Angel and Buffy had been there. But they were gone.


The full moon rose high in the sky. Tiny stars dotted the black ocean above them.

Angel and Buffy moved as one, walked through the streets of Sunnydale. A guy and a girl were walking in the opposite direction, obviously drunk, walking towards the two vampires. "Showtime," Angel whispered. Buffy grinned wickedly. They approached the couple. "Excuse me," Angel said in a friendly tone. "Have you got the time?"

"Oh, uh, sure," the girl said. "It's 4:55."

"Thanks," Angel said, and put on his game face and bit into her neck. Buffy did the same, grabbing the guy and burying her fangs in his flesh. They dropped their victims to the floor. A tiny drop of blood rested above Buffy's top lip. Taking Buffy's chin in his right hand and fondling her with his left, Angel gently licked it off. They stayed there for a while, kissing and caressing each other. Finally they pulled away when dawn threatened them.

"Let's go visit some old friends," Angel whispered. From the look on his face, Buffy immediately knew whom he was talking about.


The old factory was dark and musty. It had been shut down years ago, and since then an inhuman force had moved in. Slowly Buffy and Angel descended the stairs, keeping a wary eye on the two vampires below them. Drusilla looked up, and her crazy eyes widened in surprise. She let out a whimpering sound, causing Spike to sit up. "What's wrong?" he asked her.

Drusilla started to jump up and down. Spike followed her gaze, and saw Angel and the Slayer coming down the stairs. "Angel!" Spike called. "You've got a real death wish, mate." Angel said nothing. Spike shifted uncomfortably. "Why did you bring her down here again, huh?" he asked. "After she nearly got fried last time."

"Oh, Spike," Buffy said, almost as if she pitied him. "You'll never learn, will you? See, the thing is..." she lowered her voice to a whisper. "...I'm not the girl I used to be."

"Yeah, well, you're about to be even less."

The Judge appeared behind them. He placed a hand on each of their chests, right above the heart.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Spike taunted.

"Yeah, well, it kind of itches a little," Angel told him.

Spike began to get angry. "Don't just stand there!" he yelled at the Judge. "Burn them!"

Buffy made a face, obviously enjoying herself. "Gee, maybe he's broken," she taunted.

Spike got really pissed off. "What the hell is going on?" Angel noticed that the Judge's hand was right in the middle of Buffy's chest, right on her cleavage, a place where Buffy'd teasingly said only he was allowed to go. He reached out and casually slapped the Judge's hand away. "Don't touch that," he told him. "It's mine." Buffy burst out laughing.

"These two cannot be cleaned," the Judge said. "There is no humanity in them." He turned away, losing interest. Spike stared at them, totally clueless. But Drusilla got it. She knew. "Angel," she whispered.

Then Spike got it, too. "You're evil again, Angel?"

"Oh, you could say that," Angel teased.

"And the Slayer?"

"- Is no longer a Slayer," Buffy broke in. "So you can stop your little death threats, Spike."

The four of them stared at each other. Then Drusilla started toward Angel. "My Angel's back," she breathed.

But Buffy would have none of that. Putting on her game face, she stepped between Drusilla and Angel, and hissed at Drusilla. "Get away from him," she said in a steel voice. Drusilla hissed back, but retreated to Spike.

"Oh, bloody hell, you've been here five minutes and the catfights have already started!" Spike muttered. He stood and wandered over to Angel and Buffy. "So how did it happen?" he asked. "Why are you a vampire and why is he evil?"

As if in response, Angel's arms snaked around Buffy's waist from behind and started kissing her chest. Buffy was wearing an extremely low-cut top, and the way they showed their affection for each other left very little to the imagination.

"Whoa, wait, so you two slept together?" Spike asked.

"Mmm hmm," Buffy murmured, arching her upper body towards Angel's mouth.

"Best night of my life," Angel said, tearing himself away from Buffy's chest to say it. Buffy giggled happily.

"So I'm guessing...I really don't know what I'm guessing," Spike admitted. "How did that take away your soul?"

"I have no idea, and I don't care," Angel muttered into Buffy's chest.

"So," Drusilla said, wandering over. "We're going to destroy the world. Want to come?"

"Soon," Buffy muttered. "I have some business I need to take care of."


That night, Giles had everyone in the library researching. Everyone was worried sick about Buffy, and they were all pacing, very restless. Xander was sitting alone, staring at the book but not reading it. If something had happened to Buffy...

Unknown to the five humans, Buffy and Angel entered the library through the stacks, which led to the sewers. They stood on the balcony, staring down at everyone, moving silently, as vampires do. Finally they started descending the stairs. They were so silent no one heard them, but soon Willow glanced up and saw them. "Oh! Buffy!" she called joyfully. Everyone heard and looked up. The humans were all cheering, so happy that Buffy was alive. She almost smiled at the shock they were about to get.

Angel stood at the foot of the stairs, waiting. This was Buffy's battle, not his.

Slowly Buffy started walking towards Xander. Her movements were silent. Her behavior was definitely getting weird, according to Willow. Buffy placed a hand on Xander's shoulder. She hadn't said a word since she arrived. Xander, on the other hand, almost started babbling with excitement. This was what he'd been waiting for for years. Buffy was coming on to him. But why here? And why when her boyfriend was standing only a few feet away? Alarm bells were going off in Giles' head. The way she was advancing on Xander, her predator movements. And the way she and Angel had come from the sewers. As much as he would have liked to delete the suspicion, he knew he couldn't.

"Xander, get away from her!" he yelled. Pulling a cross from his pocket, he crossed the room and shoved it in Buffy's face. Buffy growled and turned away. The entire room was silent. Then she turned back to them.

Her face was disoriented, that of a vampire. Her soft mouth was pulled back to reveal sharp fangs. Her eyes were bright golden, and they were filled with hatred.

Also in game face, Angel appeared at her side.

Willow and Cordelia were screaming. Xander was in shock. He couldn't believe it. Buffy was a vampire! Jenny appeared totally calm about it, but was actually mentally kicking herself, knowing she could have prevented this. Buffy and Angel were growling and hissing like animals.

"Leave here, demons!" Giles yelled to them.

Buffy turned to Xander and Willow. "Watch your backs," she hissed menacingly. "I'll be there!" With that, the two creatures of the night turned and ran back into the sewers.


Willow and Cordelia were in tears from the shock. "How could this have happened?" Giles demanded. Xander was pacing, running his hands through his hair.

"So, let me get this straight," Cordelia said. "The Slayer is no longer on our team, there is a big blue demon ready to take over the world, and the two most dangerous vampires ever to walk the earth are just running free?"

"Yes, that...that pretty much sums it up," Giles said. "Because she was a Slayer in her previous life, Buffy now has double vampiric strength. And her sire, whoever they are, does as well, because they mixed her blood with theirs. So Buffy's evil, trying to kill us, and twice as strong as other vampires. She and Angel are going to rule all the other vampires and creatures of the night."

"Yes, but why?" Willow asked. "Isn't it the older vampire who always rules?"

"Yes, it is," Giles told her. "But even though Buffy was only made a few hours ago, Angel is the eldest vampire in Sunnydale, and as Buffy is his lover, she will rule with him." He suddenly realised Jenny was totally silent. "Jenny?" he asked her gently.

She looked up. It had to be now. "I haven't been completely honest with you all," she confessed. "I'm a member of the Gypsy tribe that cursed Angel. I was sent here to watch him, make sure his pain remained. I sensed that it was lessening because of Buffy." She took a deep breath. "The curse has a condition. If Angel had a moment of true happiness, the curse is broken, and he is evil once more."

"So what are you saying?" Xander asked.

"Well, my guess is that, uh, he had sex with Buffy. It gave him his moment of happiness, and his lost his soul," Jenny was embarrassed to be telling Giles this.

Giles was taking all this in. "How could she do that?" he muttered.

"Hey, c'mon, Giles, cut her some slack," Willow said. "I saw her the morning she slept with him. She told me about the need. She said it was so strong, it was totally out of her control. And how would she have known?"

"Well, what about Buffy?" Cordelia asked. "How did she get like that?"

"Well, vampires can normally control their emotions, their need," Jenny continued. "Except...except at the height of passion. While they were making love, at the height of their passion, Angel would have bit down. He wouldn't have been able to control himself. Then Buffy would have cut him and sucked his know the drill." Everyone was silent, digesting this.

"So you're saying," Xander said. "That one of my best friends is now pure evil and trying to kill me?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying," Jenny told him.

"We need to find them," Giles said. "Where would they be?"

"I bet they'll be at the factory with the Judge," Willow said. "But Giles, we can't just rush off over there. They'll kill us."

"Buffy is not going to kill us yet," Jenny spoke up. "I've seen this kind of passion in a vampire before. They torment you to the point where you go completely insane, and then they kill you." Suddenly the double doors burst open and Kendra strode in.

"My watcher sent me here," she told them. "He said there was trouble."

"Yes, there...there is," Giles told her. "Buffy has become a vampire. And Angel has now lost his soul and become Angelus."

"And there is a big blue demon called the Judge trying to end the world," Xander informed her.

"The Judge?" Kendra asked worriedly. "And Angelus? Oh, god. Is Angel Buffy's sire?"

"Yes, he is," Willow said.

"So if Angel is Buffy's sire," Xander said. "His strength has also been doubled?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it has," Giles said.

"So then Buffy would follow in her sire's footsteps, right?" Willow asked.

"Yes, that's what vampires usually do." Willow was silent, thinking, worrying. Finally she looked up. "What was the first thing Angel did when he became a vampire?" She knew the answer. They all did.

"He killed his family," Jenny muttered.

"Joyce," they all said together.


Two gleaming Harleys were parked a little down the road from the Summers house on Revello Drive. Angel and Spike had stolen them from the shop so they could drive the girls around in style. Angel, Spike, and Drusilla were hiding in the bushes near the house, while Buffy was standing on the porch. Every ounce of Angel's attention was focused on her. His baby, his Buffy. He watched as Joyce opened the door. Buffy had trouble going in, as she now had to be invited. Finally Joyce must have said something about it, because Buffy stepped over the threshold.


"Honey, where have you been?" Joyce demanded as she walked into the living room after Buffy.

"Oh, y'know, just around," Buffy replied. She turned to look at her mother.

"You didn't even come home for your birthday!" Joyce told her.

"Yes, I know. I had more important things to do. Demons to kill, needs to satisfy."

"What?" Joyce asked. "Demons? Needs?" Buffy shrugged nonchalantly. "Buffy, come on. You don't know how many guys out there will take advantage of an innocent girl like you."

Buffy laughed shortly. "Innocent? Do I look innocent, mother? Well, listen to me, I'm not. Ask Angel."

"Who's Angel? And what do you mean you're not innocent?" Joyce asked. "You're a seventeen year old blonde girl, what's more innocent than that?"

"Nothing! But that's not what I am!" Buffy was getting pissed off, and her hunger was becoming more intense. She decided to do everything she could to shock her mother. "If you saw me at midnight on my birthday, in Angel's arms, in Angel's bed, you'll see just how innocent I am!"

Joyce fell silent. Her little girl? " didn't..."

"Yes, I did, mother. And it was the best thing that ever happened to me. It made me the creature I am today." Buffy morphed into game face. Joyce screamed.

Buffy started to advance on her mother, but jumped back, hissing, as a cross was thrust into her face. Kendra stood before her, with Willow, Giles, Jenny, Xander, and Cordelia behind him. Buffy growled at Kendra. "Stay away from us," she snapped.

"Us?" Kendra asked in confusion. Buffy hissed and grabbed Jenny's arm. She twisted it behind her back, smiling at the loud crack as it broke. She bared her fangs, and the others retreated. Buffy ran. She didn't want to kill them. Not yet. As she ran past the bush, her three companions jumped out and ran with her. Willow and Giles ran out onto the lawns, watching the backs of the four retreating vampires.

"I knew they'd be out here, too!" Giles muttered, meaning Angel, Spike, and Drusilla. "Damn! Spike and Drusilla are alive!" The sound of revving motorcycle engines filled the air. As Willow and Giles watched, the two Harleys sped past them, Angel and Buffy on one, Spike and Drusilla on the other.

"Where the hell did they get them?" she murmured. Joyce was freaking out inside, and Giles knew he's have to go do something for her. Slowly the two of them walked inside.


Engines revving, the two bikes sped down Michigan Avenue. The moon was high in the sky, the stars gleaming dully. Buffy was sitting behind Angel, inhaling the aroma of his leather jacket, when finally she was overcome by the need. Slipping under his arm, she turned so she was sitting in front of him, riding backwards. She straddled him and started kissing his neck. He arched his neck towards her, passion rising. He slowed down a little to let Spike and Drusilla get in front of them. Buffy moved her mouth further down, kissing his chest, his shoulders. She ripped open his shirt. Buttons flew everywhere.

"Hey!" he laughed. She was kissing one of his abs, driving him crazy with his need for her. Then they were interrupted be flashing blue and red lights as a cop car pulled them over. Buffy groaned and managed to tear herself away from Angel, turning to the cop.

"You know, it's illegal to ride backwards on a motorcycle, missy," the cop told Buffy. "I'm gonna have to-" He broke off as Buffy reached up, grabbed his head, and twisted. His neck made an interesting crack. He fell to the ground.

"Don't tell me what to do," Buffy snapped to his corpse. Laughing joyfully, they took off. Buffy went back to kissing Angel's chest, then his stomach. She could feel him pressing into her inner thighs. She flicked her tongue teasingly into his belly button before unbuttoning his fly and going down on him. Angel almost drove off the road. He stroked her hair gently with one of his hands, as they drove into the night.


It took a lot to calm Joyce down, but it was eventually accomplished. Giles was worried because Buffy had been invited into Joyce's home, and she now had access at all times. He told her he was going to go to the library to find some kind of spell to keep Buffy out. Kendra went with him. Cordelia had to go home before she got grounded, and Jenny went to the hospital to tend to her arm.

Xander and Willow were restless. They knew they had to do something, but they didn't know what. Xander was pacing when he suddenly realised what he needed to do. "I'm not convinced, Will," he told her. "I don't think I'll be able to hate her, unless I know for sure. I really need to see her, now, at the factory, doing her vampire thing, so I can be assured."

"Well, you're not going alone, Xander," Willow told him. He gave her a pleading look. "Please? Come with me?"

"Xander! It's like a death trap!"

"We'll be careful. And we'll just stay out of sight. We may even get some inside information about the Judge." That was enough for Willow. The two of them hurried toward the factory.


Buffy was sitting in a huge armchair in front of the TV, reading a magazine. Drusilla was nearby, sitting on the couch with Miss Edith, and Spike and Angel were trying to make the Judge get up and do something instead of just sitting there like he was. None of them noticed Xander and Willow, creeping into the factory via the balcony and standing there, watching them. Suddenly Drusilla started to make loud whimpering noises, rolling her head back and forth.

Buffy glanced at her and raised an eyebrow before returning to her magazine. "Spike, something's wrong with Norman Bates!" Buffy called. Xander almost laughed. But this idea was not going well. So far she seemed like the same old Buffy. He saw Spike enter from another room and go up to Drusilla. Spike sat down next to her and started to comfort her.

A few minutes later Angel came in, shirtless for some reason, from the same direction as Spike had. He said something to Buffy that sounded a bit like lazy...never gets up...stupid Smurf's never gonna destroy the world.

Xander guessed they were talking about the Judge, but he was nowhere to be seen. He started to scan the room, looking for him. "Xander!" Willow hissed. "Look at them!" Angel was standing behind Buffy's big chair. His hand was on her shoulder, but he was walking his fingers down towards her chest. Buffy's eyes were shut in ecstasy. The magazine fell from her lap as Angel grabbed her bust and squeezed her. She arched into him, loving it. Xander was shocked. Of all the things he imagined Buffy doing as a vampire, this was not one of them.

As Buffy stood up, Xander and Willow both noticed the tattoo on the top of her cleavage. It was of a heart, spiky vines woven around it. A dagger pierced the center of the heart. "That's new," Willow whispered.

Buffy pressed close to Angel. Spike took one look at them and left, obviously knowing what was coming. Drusilla followed him. Angel still hadn't moved his hand, and Buffy was in no hurry to make him do so.

Xander watched, both fascinated and heartbroken, and Angel gently untied Buffy's halter-top and took it off for her. Willow was very glad Buffy was wearing a bra, especially for Xander's sake. As the couple started kissing passionately and caressing each other, Willow started to pull Xander away. But at that moment, the Judge walked in.

Willow and Xander froze, staring at the huge blue demon. The Judge looked at Angel and Buffy with disgust. "You two reek of humanity," he told them loudly. They ignored him. The Judge did not like to be ignored. He reached out and grabbed Buffy, pulling her off Angel. Immediately the two vampires morphed into game face.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Angel snapped, pulling Buffy back to him. "Don't touch her, she's mine!"

Buffy was obviously very turned on by this whole display. She rubbed up against Angel seductively, getting him very aroused. The Judge decided he'd had enough of this caper and left.

Willow pulled Xander out quickly before they were seen.


Back outside, Xander was still trying to recover. "Xander? You okay?" Willow asked.

"Yeah, it's just...seeing that...with him, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. It's not something you'd expect from Buffy. But there, whatever it was, it wasn't Buffy."

"So what have we learned?" Xander asked, changing the subject.

"Well, Buffy and Angel are getting very hot and heavy, the Judge is lazy, and he has a yen for Buffy, and Angel is definitely not happy about it," she shrugged. "Not a lot of that is useful."

"Angel never really seemed like the possessive type," Xander mused.

"Yes, Angel didn't, but that's Angelus in there. Buffy is his passion."

"So Angel obviously doesn't like the Judge much," Xander said. "He's clearly gone near Buffy before, coz Angel said 'how many times do I have to tell you'."

"Should we go tell Giles?" Willow asked.

"No!" Xander cried. "He'd kill us for going there in the first place. This has to be our secret, Will."


"I don't know how this will turn out," Giles said. "No weapon forged can kill him. Maybe some kind of new weapon..."

A plan was forming in Xander's mind. "I have an idea," he announced. "I'll need a big car, and a trashy looking girl."

Everyone turned to Cordy.

"Hey..." she protested. They didn't avert their gazes. "Fine..." In a hushed voice, Xander explained the rest of his plan.


It was the night that they were going to take over the world. The Judge was fully prepared, and they were all getting excited about it. The five of them strode through the night, heading towards the movie theatre. It would be a perfect place. Lots of little bloodbags running around. They burst through the doors and stood on the balcony, the Judge in the middle, with Buffy and Drusilla on his right, Angel and Spike on his left.

A crossbow flew into the Judge, causing him to break his power. He looked down and pulled the crossbow out with an angry roar. Kendra stood in the crowd, holding the crossbow, surrounded by Giles, Jenny, Cordelia Willow, and Xander.

"You forget!" the Judge roared. "No weapon forged can kill me!"

"Care to make a wager on that?" Kendra snapped. She took a huge rocket launcher from Xander and aimed it at him. The people started screaming and running.

Buffy stared at the launcher. The four vampires flanking the Judge exchanged glances. They knew what was happening. As Kendra pulled the trigger, they leaped off the balcony, plunging to the ground, as the Judge asked in a mildly curious voice, "What's that do?" Within seconds he was blown to bits.

Buffy got up and ran, as Spike and Drusilla hurried to the back exit. Angel disappeared into the shadows. He knew what he had to do.

Kendra did, too. Her battle was not over yet. It had only just begun.


Kendra chased Buffy into a deserted passage in the mall. Buffy spun to face her, and the fight began. Buffy threw a roundhouse punch right in Kendra's face, sending her to the ground. Kendra kicked up with one of her feet, kicking Buffy's stomach.

Kendra didn't notice the other vampire coming through behind her until he had a firm grasp on her neck. Her eyes widened in shock as her breath was squeezed out of her. Angel held her there, as Buffy viciously slapped Kendra across the face with such force that it snapped her neck.

Angel dropped Kendra's body to the ground, and the two vampires walked out of the mall, arm-in-arm, back to the factory.


Back at the mall, the Slayerettes were picking up the pieces of the Judge. Oz stopped, staring at a particularly large piece, not quite daring to touch it. He raised his arm in the air and pointed. "Uh, arm," he announced.


The next day, things were almost back to normal for the vampires. Kendra's body had been found, her death all over the news. The vampires didn't care though. Humans were so stupid; they'd never guess the real cause of Kendra's death.

But the ones that did know were grief-stricken. And now they needed a new Slayer.

Angel was sitting in the reclining chair in the living room watching TV. He glanced up as Buffy came and stood in front of him. He felt his need grow just by looking at her. Her creme halter neck was more low-cut than anything he'd ever seen her in, which was saying something. And her tight black short-shorts left very little to the imagination. It drove him crazy.

"We need a new demon, honey," she pouted.

"And, we'll get one, baby," Angel was never one to deny his woman anything. Smiling happily, she lay on top of him, her back pressing into his chest. She was wearing vanilla perfume. She had worn it the night they made love for the first time. He moved his hands to her shoulders and started to massage her. She sighed happily.

"You're so tense," he whispered, working his hands over her muscles.

"Yeah, I don't like it when things don't go my way." She ran her hands up his legs as he stroked her arms.

"You don't, huh?" he murmured, very aroused.

"No," she whispered. "It makes me so-" she slipped her hands under her back and squeezed him between the legs. "-horny."

He could barely speak. "Really," he choked out.

"Mmm hmm," she started squeezing harder.

"Well, I'll have to do something to satisfy my lady, now, won't I?" he ran his hands over her chest, rubbing everything that made Buffy a woman.

Buffy knew she was having a big effect on him. She could feel him pressing into the small of her back. Taking hold of the zipper on his jeans, she unzipped them and took hold of him. His hands went behind her neck, and he ripped off her top. She turned and straddled him, naked to the waist, as they proved just how much they needed each other.


Xander couldn't stop thinking about Buffy. He didn't want to admit it, but it broke his heart when he saw her about to have sex with Angel.

They were in the library. It was daylight, and he, Willow, and Cordelia were actually meant to be in class. Forget class, they had vampires to kill. That is, until Snyder walked in.

"Aha!" he cried. "I knew you'd be in here! You were all reported absent from your classes. Now get gone!" They started to the door. But suddenly Snyder realised something.

"Wait!" he called to them. "Where is Buffy? She hasn't been in school for the past week! I hope she's not cutting!" The three teens exchanged worried looks. What could they tell him? "Uh..." Xander began.

He was interrupted as someone entered the library from the stacks. They all turned towards the sudden intrusion. It was Buffy. Dressed in a killer outfit of knee boots, a short black dress, and a spiked choker, she slowly advanced on the group of people. Xander, Willow, Cordelia, and Giles immediately retreated, knowing the danger, but Snyder stood his ground. He thought he was still dealing with a seventeen-year-old girl, not a vicious, deadly vampiress.

"Buffy! Why aren't you in class?" he snapped.

Buffy said nothing, just walked closer. Snyder began to get uncomfortable. "Don't mess with me," Buffy finally spoke. "I'm not who I used to be."

"Principal Snyder, listen to her. It's true. Get away from her," Cordelia warned him.

Snyder turned to Cordelia. "Now just who do you think you-" he broke off when he felt Buffy tap him on the shoulder. He turned to her. She was in full game face. Snyder's eyes widened in fear. With a vicious growl, Buffy buried her fangs in his neck. She dropped his limp body to the ground and hissed at the others.

Willow pulled out a stake, and began to chant, an ancient ritual Giles had taught her to drive away vampires. Buffy screeched like a cat and covered her ears. Finally the pain became too great and she retreated back into the sewers. Willow stopped chanting. They all turned to look at the dead body on the ground.

"What are we going to do with him?" Cordelia asked.

"They'll think we did it," Xander stated.

"Yes, I know," Giles said. "Best we take him into the sewers and leave him there. I know it doesn't sound like the best thing to do, but it's our only option." They were silent, considering this. Finally everyone agreed. They hoisted him up and carried him into the sewers.

"What was with that choker?" Cordelia muttered as they walked further into the sewers. "I mean, I know she's dead now, but that's no excuse to look like a trashy whore!" Everyone sighed.

They got to a little 'intersection', where they left the dead principal. Turning, they all gasped as they caught sight of the two figures. Standing there, just staring at them. Angel and Buffy. Dressed entirely in black, waiting for them. Frozen in fear, the four humans could only stare back. Slowly Angel and Buffy advanced. Giles was the first to come out of the trance. Pulling on the girls' arms, he started to run in the opposite direction. Xander followed, but after a few steps he had to stop, held in place by an unseen force.

Angel was hypnotizing him.

Buffy came up behind him and grabbed him around the neck, but didn't squeeze. Not yet. The other three stopped and turned back. They started moving cunningly towards the two vampires and Xander. "One more step and I'll break his neck," Buffy threatened.

They stopped instantly, and her and Angel spun around and ran, dragging Xander with them.

End Part 1

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