Dirty Dancing

Rating: NC-17 (Sorta. Not much actually happens, but a lot is implied).
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, it all belongs to Joss (he is evil but he is a god nonetheless), the WB, Fox, and Mutant Enemy (Grrr Arrrg). Please don't sue, I have no money!
Author's Comments: Feedback Please!
Summary: Angelus comes to the Bronze seeking out his blonde goddess to play a game with her. What he doesn't remember is that when you play with the Slayer, she plays back.


The room throbbed with the heat and energy of many hyped-up teenagers. The loud music filed the room, and vibrated the floor.

Willow and Oz were on the dance floor, while Xander was in the bathroom and Buffy and Cordelia were sitting at a table.

"So have you seen him?" Cordelia asked.

Buffy shook her head. "Not since he threatened Willow and...and kissed me, then took off."

"Do you want to see him?' Cordelia asked.

"I don't know," Buffy admitted. "I want it over with, but...the idea of coming up against him, and...maybe killing him, y'know?"

"Well, if Angel wants to stay in hiding, is there really anything you -" Cordy was cut off as Buffy stood abruptly. "What?"

"He's here," Buffy whispered. "I can sense him."

"Angel?" Cordy asked. "Where?"

"Right here," came the voice, and he stepped up behind Buffy. Cordelia gave a little cry and started to back away. Buffy remained calm, and kept her voice steady.

"What do you want?" she snapped.

He shrugged. "I wanna dance with you."

Buffy gave him a murderous look. "You want to dance with me?"

He nodded slowly.

"What if I don't want to dance with you?" she asked.

"Oh, come on, Buffy," he breathed. "Do you really think you'll be able to stop me from going on a major killing spree right now?"

With another horrible look, Buffy shook her head.

"So dance with me," he said lowly.

Reluctantly she took his hand, and they slowly made their way through the crowd onto the dance floor.

"How long do I have to dance with you for?" she asked.

He shrugged again. "Until I get sick of you."

Buffy let out a shallow laugh. "And when will that be?"

He shrugged again, maddeningly. "Could be an hour, could be three, who knows?"

Buffy just glared as he pulled her close to him and they started to dance to Shania Twain's From This Moment.

Buffy flinched. This was their song. Her's and Angel's. The good Angel's. They used to dance a lot, often to this song. Of course Angelus knew this, and was using it as a weakness for her.

He moved in time to her, holding her close, deliberately trying to remind her on the things she did with Angel. His eyes never left hers, although hers were filled with fear.

He moved his head closer to hers and laid his cheek against hers, softly blowing the hair away from her neck as she gasped.

//From this moment
Life has begun
From this moment
You are the one
Right beside you
Is where I belong
From this moment

Meanwhile, Xander had come back from the bathroom, and Willow and Oz had retreated to the table.

"Look," Cordy whispered, motioning to them.

"Oh, god," Willow whispered.

"What's he doing here?" Xander demanded.

"He said she had to dance with him," Cordy whispered. "Dance with him, or he starts feeding."

"He's reminding her," Willow breathed. "He's acting exactly like the good Angel, trying to break her."

"What a prince," Xander muttered.

//From this moment
I have been blessed
I live only
For your happiness
And for your love
I'd give my last breath
From this moment

Tears were springing to Buffy's eyes. She could see her friends sitting off to the side, and wished they could help her. But they couldn't. She had to do this herself.

Clearing her eyes, she began to move seductively to the music, swaying her hips and sashaying closer to Angel. He looked surprised at her sudden change of attitude.

She ran her hands up and down his chest, then along his hips. Moving with the beat of the song, she ran her hands back up his arms and into his hair. She made sure he heard the sexy moaning noises she made as she pressed closer to him.

\\I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, I can't wait to start
You and I should never be apart
My dreams came true
Because of you//

Buffy turned slightly, so her back pressed against his chest as his arms snaked around her waist. She moved against him, making them one person, as she thought, I'll break him. Games were made for two, Angelus.

She raised her right leg slightly behind her, caressing his leg seductively. She ran her hands up her own body and into her hair as his hands roamed over her stomach and chest.
As she turned back to face him, she made sure her right hip grazed the spot where it would affect him the most, and affect him it did. As she pressed close to his again, she could feel him pushing into her, and smiled.

"What are you doing?" he hissed.

"Nothing," she said innocently. "Nothing at all."

Moving her body to block the view of any of the other patrons, she cupped him between the legs and squeezed, causing him to gasp sharply.

The song changed, to K's Choice, Virgin State Of Mind.

\\There's a chair
In my head
In which I used to sit
Took a pencil and I wrote
The following on end
Now there's a key
Where my water-filled mouth
Used to be
Dig it up,
And throw it at me
Dig it up, and throw it at me
Where can I run to?
Where can I hide?
Who will I turn to?
Now I'm in a virgin state of mind.
Got a life to disarray
The voids that I can't bear
To cut 'em off
I've got written
On my chair
Do you think I'm sexy?
Do you think I really care?//

Buffy smiled wickedly, letting go and wrapping her arms around his neck suggestively. She rocked her hips back and forth, nudging him with her abdomen every now and then.

"Okay," he murmured. "You've had your fun."

"Sick of me yet?" she taunted.

"Are you kidding?" he asked. "Now it's time for my fun."

She glared at him angrily, and he started moving her slower, more seductively, to the tune of Pearl Jam's Last Kiss.

\\We were out for a drive
In my daddy's car
We hadn't driven
Very far.
There in the road
Straight ahead
A car was stalled,
The engine was dead
I couldn't stop,
So I swerved to the right.
I'll never forget
The sound that night
The screaming tyres
The busting glass
The painful scream
That I heard last//

"So appropriate," Angel hissed. "A song all about a guy whose girlfriend dies. What a shame." He sneered. "Although that guy is sad. When I kill you," he kissed her, with loathing, with anticipation. "I won't feel sad at all."

He ran his hands over her back, down to her butt, then back up. He slipped his hand inside her shirt, and caressed her lovingly, but at the same time, with such loathing. Buffy shivered under his touch.

She stepped back a little, out of his grasp, and started working her way around to his back. She swayed her hips as she moved slowly, never taking her arm from around his waist, and stopped when she was directly behind him.

She slid her arms around his waist, then up to his chest, caressing him seductively.

He shook his head.

"Give it up, Slayer," he hissed. "You can't take me that way."

"Oh no?" Buffy sneered, and her hands flew back down to his crotch and squeezed him again, hoping no one was watching them.

He immediately stepped out of her grasp, and turned to face her.

"It isn't over," he hissed menacingly. And he started to walk.

"What, you sick of me already?' she taunted after him.

He turned back to face her. "It isn't over, Buffy," he repeated. Then he turned again and disappeared into the crowd.

They had both felt the passion, the need. Both knew they couldn't stay away from the other. It wasn't over.

"No," Buffy sighed. "It isn't, my love."

And she turned and walked off into the night.

The End