Who I Am, Before I Was, Part 5
Where Do We Go From Here?

It couldn’t kill him. But damn, did it smart. That whack to the head wasn’t something he was expecting. Of course, he should have sensed that Dru was behind him. He had certainly chastised himself enough for that lack of realization. But he counted it off that he was shocked by the sight he walked in on. Just shock. Nothing more. No fear of her danger. No sorrow that she may have just been killed. He would not feel bad for her. He was a vampire. The last thing he was going to do was feel sad over a fallen Slayer. His fallen Slayer. No, he wouldn’t do that. If he was going to feel bad about anything, it would be not being able to fuck her tight hole again. Because that’s all she was. A great fuck. No, not even that. She was clumsy. Never looked like she was having fun while giving head; was awkward trying to bounce away on my cock….but oh, the rapture that overtook her when she was coming. The sheer nirvana. Her jaw slack…her moans barely audible as she climaxed over and over again….yeah right. Who am I kidding? Buffy is no mere Slayer.

* * * * * * *

“Spike, what shall me do now? The Slayer has yet to wake, and poor daddy looks like someone took a bite out of him,” Dru spoke as she swayed back and forth from the doorway to the main room.

“I haven’t decided pet. I didn’t think that far ahead. It was enough work to drag them here to the factory. I don’t see why I had to carry the wanker. You’re the one that knocked him on the noggin.”

“Oh, Spike,” Drusilla said as she sashayed over to her lover. Sitting on his lap and holding his head in her hands, “my Spike is tired. I don’t know why? You drank from a Slayer. Was she delectable my love?”

“Ah, dear Buffy. It was sweet,” he turned to look at his lover with a sly grin, “why not have a taste?”

Drusilla took the hint, morphing into her vampire guise and burying her fans in his neck.

* * * * * * *

Buffy stirred under the harsh stare she felt even in her slumber. Sitting up quickly on the cold floor, her hands went immediately to her head, “Ow,” her brain suddenly becoming aware of the pain that seared through her entire body. Slowly her eyes opened…

“Angelus?” He remained silent as he watched her naked body shiver in the cold damp air. “Please say something.”

Again, nothing.

Buffy raised her hand to her neck feeling the wound surrounded by dry blood that traveled her body. From shoulder to her upper thigh where it traveled inward. Buffy stood on shaky legs, no longer worrying about her nakedness. It was no longer anything to be ashamed of. They had all seen her. Had all had her. In one way or another.

She stumbled across the room. Attempting to make it to Angelus when the lack of blood or nourishment in all this long while, took capture of her. Angelus did nothing to break her fall. She winced at the newfound pain on her knees. Deciding there was no point in getting up if he had no interest, she curled herself into a ball.

He didn’t know what to do. There she was. Awake. Blood all over her. Her blood. Then she called his name. Tried to reach him. For what? Comfort? Was he able to do that? Then she fell and he felt a pang deep inside. Hated her for making him feel it.

Buffy felt something. The air around her changed. Opening her eyes she saw Angelus above her. Still fully clothed. He took of his coat then and when she as about to speak, he placed a finger on her lips. Slowly he dipped down to her neck, tracing the outline of the bite. Anger flared inside of him. Spike had taken something he shouldn’t have dared. He will pay, he silently pledged, but pushed those thoughts away for now. After cleaning the blood around her neck, Angelus’ tongue traced down her body. Cleaning up every droplet of dried blood. Cleansing her.

Buffy’s hands rose to his head, gripping him so that he couldn’t even think about moving anywhere else but lower. And lower he did, “Angelus, I need you. Need to feel you.”

And still, he said nothing.

Once reaching the apex of her thighs, he parted them wider. Then with the thirst and hunger of a dying man, he delved into her sweet folds. She was so wet. Why was she wet? Was it just from this, or was it from what Spike had done. But wait…Angelus pulled back, staring at her moist center.

Buffy’s head raised to look at him. Pain enveloped her heart as she spoke softly, “I don’t remember…I mean, I think Spike…I think…”

“He didn’t,” he slowly raised his eyes to hers. “He didn’t.”

A tear formed in her left eye, and although she desperately tried to will it away, it fell, trailing along her cheek.

Angelus raised himself up to catch the salty tear in his tongue. “Shh. Don’t worry my Slayer,” he began as Buffy clung to him, tightening her arms around his waist, he head buried in his shoulder as tears flooded her eyes. “Don’t worry. My cock will still be the only one to ever be inside of you,” he finished as he brought his hand to his pants, with Buffy still holding on to him, he released his swollen cock and in one swift movement, plunged into her tight heat.

Battered and bruised, her body still craved him, still longed for him as he buried himself inside of her. He pumped into her vigorously. Hearing her soft yelp as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, he slowed his movements.

Looking into her tear-stained eyes, “Had you stayed with me, fucked me like you were supposed to, none of this would have happened,” the anger began to build inside him again.

“You were….ah fuck yes…you were being an asshole….ah…mmm…”

“I promise you Buff, I can be far more an asshole than you thought me that night," he said as he began to pound into her with brutal force.

“Ow, Angelus…stop…you were…you wanted to fuck Willow…”

Angelus growled and pulled out of her, quickly he stood above her bruised form. “You’re fucking right I wanted to fuck her,” he screamed, “and Cordelia. And Drusilla. And every other person that has a hole in them. You think you’re anything special to me Buff?”

Buffy whimpered as she crawled to the corner, finally looking up at him, “You’re here, aren’t you.”

Fucking bitch, Angelus raged inside himself. I want to kill her right now. Not turn her. Not drink from her. Just kill her. Snap her neck, or more painfully strangle her as I watch the fear in her eyes. The realization that her life is slipping away. By my hands. Fucking bitch, ‘you’re here, aren’t you’ Did she actually just say that to me? Fuck if I need her.

Angelus walked to a corner at the other end of the room, sitting down, he took hold of his cock. Never even looking at her, he closed his eyes. His right hand pumped his staff slowly while the other hand fondled his balls. He fucked his fist with thoughts of her death. Him inside of her, strangling her while she climaxed. Her limp body dripping with his come coming out of her hole. All of her holes. He gripped more forcefully on his shaft, grunting as he neared his climax until suddenly something wet touched his prick. His eyes opened to the sight of the Slayer on her knees. Her little pink tongue teasing his pee-hole. His hands stopped.

Buffy looked up at him, “Please don’t stop. Watching you do that, is incredible.” So he began once again. He jacked off his cock, his hand played with his balls, while Buffy continued to sip at the precum and occasionally suck the head of his cock like a vacuum. While one hand pressed against his prostate and the other played with her clit, quickly they brought themselves to completion as Angelus sprayed himself all over her face. Buffy, having just been through her own climax, fell against him. Her tongue occasionally licking at his pubic hair that was covered with his semen.

Slowly she nibbled his hipbone, which caused him to laugh slightly and pull away. Buffy smiled greeted him. His serious look was back, “If you ever tell anyone I did that, I will fuck everyone you have ever met.”

Buffy giggled, “Not if I keep you chained to the wall and use you as my fucktoy.”

Angelus nodded as he took his shirt off and placed it around her. “We’ll have to think of a way to get out of here. It’s Spike’s plan, and knowing him, he didn’t think ahead. So I’m sure all we have to do is knock on the door,” he snorted.


“What?” he looked down at the curled up slayer.

“Oh no. Um…what’s the date today?”

“How the hell would I know? And what the fuck does that have to do with…” Angelus sniffed the air as a smile spread across his face. Buffy’s scent was changing.

Buffy lay curled up against him as embarrassment began to collect itself within her once more. Catching a glimpse of the grin on his face, she silently wondered what he was thinking.

Angelus stared back at her, “Looks like I’ll get to eat afterall.”

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