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My Information

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AlecSandra Bihlmaier
wannabe webmaster

311 E. Colorado Blvd #3
Spearfish, SD 57783

Well, so you decided to find out a bit more about me, huh? So, was your quest worth the effort? I am a 41 year old single mom from the great state of South Dakota!
I've been divorced for three years this past April 16!
I have two sons of whom I am very proud. They have really grown into great young men. I also am the mommy to two very rambunctious one year old cats named Ben and Jerry. I love to spend time on the net but my kids hate it when I do. Even the cats find a way to distract me.
I want to go back to college and get a degree in computers or in graphic arts. I think that's what I want to do when I grow up... LOL
We've moved a lot in the past ten years and I want to tell you about it, if you'll just sit a spell.
I've been all over the USA but want to venture to Canada and to Australia before I die.
I love to drive and used to drive a school bus (AAAAGH!!!), and a city transportaion vehicle (a bus). I work at a grocery store in the deli. I would love to own a second ahnd store though. That would be cool.
I am the youngest of eight kids and as a result had to have a sense of humor growing up. I think it stayed with me for the most part.
I grew up in Michigan on the Ohio border when I was very young, and then in Ohio on the Michigan border as a teenager.(Wow! A big change occurred!!)
I have survived domestic violence and would like to be a volunteer advocate to help others who are suffering abuse. It is a great place to volunteer.
I like to write poetry and have crafted a few good ones, especially ones about my deceased loved ones. I will share them with you but they are copywrited so don't get any ideas about stealing them.
My parents both passed away since November of 1997 and I have a tribute page for my Mom. I have also written an open letter to my Dad. I sure do have my hand in a lot of pots. I love to meet new people so if you want to meet me, don't forget to leave an e-mail or sign the guestbook. I can always use new web pals. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?