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De Linkez Portion of da Page!!!

Ahhhh....welcome! 'ere iz de place I hath reserved for links to pages I think are worthy!...yes yes!....Come! on them! You know you want to!

YEA!!! I got all the links working!!! Now I get to find more for you to go to!!!

This is the offical page of the god among DJs, Rick Dees. He's the bleedin' man! It has his Weekly Top 40 show broadcast constantly through Windows media player, Dees Sleeze from the entertainment world, a chat room, and other cool whatnot. And it's updated about every 3 days or thereabouts.

"Brad's I got bored so I made a web-page, page". It has fonts, pics, funky links, computer burblings, and other misc stuff on it. On a sidenote (gimme the prize) he's one of my friends from back home.

"The PEZ Page!!!" Made by another one of my best friends when he was going through his "PEZ is God"

"Phat Tuesday Music News!" is kept up by my former dj partner from college. KORN and Limp Bizkit are on there pretty regularly, but not exclusively by any means. There's an archive search, and links on there to. Iz all kick ash!

YEah!!! Here they are!!!...The wonderful people of Zoop Productions!!!!!!... These guys put on the raves I go to! They Rock!!!! (shimmies all over the place!!!)

Do you like playing chess?...Hearts?...Anything like that? might have it. I play chess there once in a while, name: AVATARofCHA0S

Had to throw in "The Metalica home page" again...I couldn't help's know how it is...!!!

"The 3rd Eye Blind home page"...."Life is not to fear! Life is to enjoy!"

A Type O Negative home page! These guys rock...whatcha gonna do?

The Robert Miles home page...(grooves) (shimmies) (limbos) (lambadas) (etc)...

Coming soon, from the makers of Speed Freak Beer...

HA!...and you thought you were gonna get away with coming to a page named after "Final Fantasy" without seeing some pics from the game! Showed you! Neener!

Click on Cha0s to return home...Muah HA!

or Garland see ze Anime, Tiamat to go to Music, Kraken to Contact Me, Kary for Pics, Warmech to go discover the Vital Truths or Lich to go straight to the not pass know the rest...
