Teens Against Sexual Abuse And Suicide
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Teens Against Sexual Abuse And Suicide

What is TASAAS??

Mission: To provide help and support to people who have been abused and/or tried to commit suicide! We know what you're going through!! What Is TASAAS?? TASAAS was founded by Jamie Graham shortly after a stay at Charter, a Behavioral Hospital, where he recieved help for his Problems. He founded TASAAS because he felt this is his way of giving back to all the Abuse Victims. Autobiography - Graham was abused for three years by an uncle (Incest). When he told, his family (Aunts and Uncles) didn't believe him! That didn't bother him. HE felt his Family (mom, sister, mom's boyfriend and grandma) were slowly backing away from him. That is why he tried to kill himself which led to his stay at charter. Sexual Abuse Facts * 1 in every 3 girls and 1 in every 4 guys are abused by the age of 18. * Almost always the offender is a Male. He molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense. The victim is likely to be a boy he knows. * More than 6 out of 10 of all rape cases (61%) occurred before victims reached the age of 18. 29% of all forcible rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11 yrs. old, while another 32% occurred between the ages of 11 and 17. * Approximately 35% of women and 20% of men in the US were victims of sexual abuse as children. * 85% of child abuse takes place with a family member or friend in the home. * Child Sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, because the children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened, and the legal procedure for validating and episode is difficult. * Almost all of the children will be abused by someone they know and trust: a family member, family friend or a caretaker. * The abuse often begins gradually (fondling) and increases over time. * Incestuous behavior is not confined to sexual intercourse. Incest can include nudity, genital exposure, kissing, fondling, digital penetration or sodomy. * Incest survives on secrecy. Most Victims feel isolated form the rest of the world. The effects of incest are devastating. Short-term one includes behavioral problems, addictions, sexual promiscuity, and a sudden drop in grades. Long-term effects include anxiety, chronic depression; sleep disorders; addictions; low self-esteem; suicidal urges; feelings of isolation; shame and guilt; and difficulty with sex and relationships. * What is Sexual Abuse??? Alot of people believe that Sexual Abuse is just having sex, but it's not. Sexual Abuse can be physical, verbal or emotional and includes: * Sexual touching and fondling * Exposing Children to adult sexual activity or pornographic movies and /or photographs * Having Children pose, undress or perform in a sexual fashion on film or in person * "Peeping" into bathrooms or bedrooms to spy on children. * Rape or attempted rape. Feelings Children who have been Sexually Abused feel many different and often overwhelming emotions including: * Fear - of the abuser - of causing trouble - of losing adults important to them - of being taken away from home - of being "different" * Anger - at the abuser - at other adults around them who didn't protect them - at themselves (feeling as if they caused trouble) * Isolation - because "something is wrong with me" - because they feel alone in their experience - because they have trouble talking about the abuse * Sadness - about having something taken from them - about losing a part of them - about growing up too fast - about being betrayed by someone they trusted * Shame - about being involved in the experience - about their body's response to the abuse * Guilt - for not being able to stop the abuse - for believing they "consented" to the abuse - for "telling--if they told - for keeping the secret--if they did not tell * Confusion - because they may still love their abuser - because their feelings change all the time What to do if you/child/friend is abused Do's - Keep Calm - Believe the child - Give positive messages - Explain - Listen and answer the child - Respect - Be responsible - Arrange a medical exam - Get help Don'ts - panic or overreact - Pressure the child - Confront the offender - Blame the child Behavioral Patterns - Unusual interest in or avoidance of all things of sexual nature - Fear or dislike of certain places or people - Sleep disturbances - School Problems - Withdrawal from the family, friends, usual activities - Poor Hygiene - Return to younger, more babyish behavior - Depression - Anxiety - Discipline Problems - Running away - Eating disorders - Passive or overly pleasing behaviors - Delinquent acts - Low self-esteem - Self-destructive behavior - Hostility or Aggression - Drug or alcohol problems - Sexual activity or pregnancy at an early age - Suicide attempts Questions - How do you feel about your own sexuality?? About sex?? - How do you feel about the abuser?? Have you felt confused because you still love the abuser?? - Do you feel the abuse was your fault?? - Do you hate the person who abused you?? Do you hate the person who you didn't think protected you??? - Do you believe that their will be a time in your life when you'll be able to trust again?? when?? - (Guys) Do you fee that your homosexual because girls don't "turn you on"?? Suicide: *Facts - Suicides among young people nationwide have increased dramatically in recent years!! - Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause of deaths for 5-to-14 year olds!! - Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. ( Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem) * Signs of Suicide - Change in eating and sleeping disorders - Withdrawal from friends, family and regular activities - Violent actions, rebellious behavior or running away - Drug and alcohol use - Unusual neglect of personal appearance - Marked personality change - Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or decline in the quality of schoolwork. - Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc. - Loss of interest in pleasurable events - Not tolerating praise or rewards. - Complain of being " rotten inside" - Give verbal hints with statements such as " I won't be a problem for you much longer"" Nothing matters", "It's no use", "I won't see you again" - Put his or her affairs in order--for example, give away favorite possessions, clean his or her room, throw away important belongings, etc. - Become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression. FAQ - Why Do people attempt suicide?? People usually attempt suicide to block unbearable emotional pain, which is caused by a wide variety of problems. It is often a cry for help. A person attempting suicide is often so depressed that they are unable to see that they have other options: we can help prevent a tragedy by endeavoring to understand how they feel and helping them to look for better choices that they could make. Suicidal people often feel terribly isolated; because they distress, they may not think of anyone they can turn to, furthering this isolation. - So what sort of things can contribute to someone feeling suicidal?? - Significant changes in: - Relationships - Well being of self or family member - Body image - Job, school, university, house, locality - Financial situation - World environment - Significant losses - Death of a loved one - Loss of a valued relationship - Loss of self-esteem or personal expectations - Loss of employment - Perceived abuse - Physical - Emotional/Psycholical - Sexual - Social - Neglect

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