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Site Name :Lunar Eclipse
Site Owner :Willow McCall
Address :
Stars :

Main page. Neat, organized, and fast loading. The "Info" graphic is a bit smaller than the others, however, and sort of throws off the balance of the millennium-themed layout.

Info. Very extensive profiles! Rather than just re-posting the same old info, Willow has chosen to include essays on character personalities, and lists of rumors/misinformation often associated with certain characters. As far as design goes, though, improvement is definately needed. The number of "td" and "tr" tags in your html code is frightening! ::hides behind a chair:: I reccommend trashing your tables all together. Doing so will improve your text alignment, and make your pages less "scrolly". Also, be sure to include "back" buttons on each profile, and link them to the previous screen, rather than the index. Finally, please skim through your codes for html mistakes. I noticed a few broken images here and there.

Opinions. It's always nice to read what other people think. I especially liked your song reviews, as I've never seen that done before. Just be sure to link your "back" buttons to the previous screen instead of the index, and mend the one or two broken images present.

Omake. Like the profiles, these "extra" segments really go into detail. Even so, I'm going to have to take witchie points off for these "back" buttons. Make sure you have a "back" button for EVERY page, and provide a link that will take readers back to the PREVIOUS screen, NOT the index.

Web. That's it, I can't take it anymore!! ::gets down on her hands and knees:: PLEASE make sure you have a "back" button for every page, and LINK the little buggers to the PREVIOUS SCREEN! For the love of PETE, Willow, quit linking them to the index!! =0

Overall? I have absolutely no qualms with your writings, but urge you to fix your html-related problems immediately. Pwease? 9.9 You'll be happy, I'll be happy, we'll ALL be happy! =D

Date reviewed 12/23/99 - This has a very cute little Christmas layout right now. It's fast loading and very adorable. However there is a large white space in the square. I am unsure if there is supposed to be an image there. Otherwise the layout is cute.

Information: This is all text and one fast loading image. Eventhough it's mostly text, it looks nice. You see what you can find, and that's alot. Not all of the villains have an informtion page yet, but every one is listed for those who need vilain names. The Senshi information page has an okay layout. It's not as cute as the other ones. There is only bio information for 6 senshi. I'm curious to see all of them. The bios are very well written (the best I've seen yet). The only problem is that they are hard to read on the left because they go over the background.

I could go through this page for hours :-) there is alot of reading infromation. This site is so darling, and I wish the webmaster much success with it. I only suggest working on some of the layouts because some of the sub-sub sections seen to be just thrown together.

Date Reviewed 1/11/00- Hmm…the front page is still loading. ::runs off and makes a sandwich:: Ah…that's the way…come on, you can do it…YES! As you can see, you might want to fix the front page. Even with my IE browser and 50K modem, it still takes awhile. Lovely graphics though, and yet another interesting layout. Why not resize the pics a bit so they can all fit on the screen? Moving on, the Info page has lots of goodies to browser through. Very well thought out, and I was especially glad to see someone with info on the villains as well! She also has a separate page for info on the DiC dub too! Many pages lack that separation. There's a seiyuu page, epsiode page, and lyrics page that were all well done and thought out. Moving on…we come to a (yay!) opinions page. Lots of opinions here, she goes through all of her favorite attacks, villains, and what not. She also has a little review area where you can submit your fan-fic for evaluation. Kind of like a beta-reader. Hmm, an 'Extra' section. Contains the usual updates as well as some other little tidbits including a little-known facts page! Someone else thinks that Saturn and Pluto's roles are messed up. I'm not alone! (whoops, um…back to reviewing.) Reaching the final page we have the 'web' related stuff such as rings, links, credits and other stuff. No comment, pretty much self explanatory, although there is a page that shows her past layouts. Overall, this site is a complete one. Lots of stuff to do, it took me awhile to go through it. My suggestions to you are limited, but here goes. Please fix the front page. It takes too long of a time to load. That layout would look much better if the pics were all visible on the screen. Your little page on fan-fiction reviews would be noticed a bit more if it had it's own site. Not many people review fan-fiction, and that could be a very popular site if given the publicity.