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     You walk over to the door, turn the knob, but only open the door a crack.  You peek inside 
and see an empty hallway.  Figuring there probably isn't anything worth worying about, you open 
the door all the way, and trip over some large, yet cusiony THING the moment you move your feet.
Though the floor is carpeted, you still fall hard and end up slamming you chin on the ground.  
Looking back over your shoulder, you see that the thing you tripped over is a body.  It is a man, 
probably in his thirties, and he is wearing a lab coat.  He had been lying directly in front of 
the door.  You would almost think he were asleep, judging by the peaceful expression on his face.  
Only sleeping people usually wake up when tripped over, and most don't have a trail of thick, 
syrupy blood running from the corner of the mouth and a large red stain on their shirt.  No, this 
man was most definitely dead.  Murdered, by the looks of it.
     Suddenly you feel a deep chill run up your spine, and you sense another presence nearby.  
Not the man and not you, but someone or something completely different, coming from the direction 
of the tunnel.  You stand up and scan the hallway for possible escape routes.  There is a door 
to your left that maybe leads to a room that you could hide in.  Or you could go back into the 
library area and hope that you're just being paranoid.  You know how your imagination sometimes 
just runs wild when you're in situations that you're unfamiliar with.

Do you...
 run and hide and just BE a wussy
 go back into the entrance/library
 stand where you are and wait for a better idea to come to mind
