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Coffee Shop Opens

News from Belva Matthews

Today's Date : May 01, 2001

Hey Everyone!  I hope today finds you all in the best of health.  Today was
the first time the coffee shop was open!! I was pretty nervous, like my
first day of teaching!  The butterflies soon passed as I puttered around
with preparing things. I'm serving free cups of coffee and cinnamon rolls,
and I hope to serve a meal once a month.  I have a chalkboard and stand up
sign to let people know what's going on inside.  I also envision a Story time
and Crafts for any and everyone going by.  I'm pretty excited.  The movie
with Kevin Costner, Field of Dreams, keeps going through my mind. It's like
the Father telling me, reassuring me, "just build it/do it, they will
come".    Funny, eh?

I had little ones catching the bus outside, along with my own, to two
teenagers walking to school, and a number of adults, plus my own family, all
coming in!!!  I also took some rolls to our neighbors and told them to come
next time.  I think 5 videos went out and at least 15 books!!! I have each
one fill out a card with name, date, address, ph. #, and titles of books or
videos. I have an old rolodex to store the cards, and I tag it
with a green sticky thing, to help keep tabs on things.  If I don't hear
from the people next Tuesday, or a few days after, I hope to have a
comfortable way of going to say hi and invite them back to renew or check
out other things.
If you have any ideas on how to improve or serve, let me know. I'm open to
ideas!  I hope to build up the magazine rack and news stand for those that
enjoy perusing that literature.  For now, I have old magazines to take and
keep.  Any who want to subscribe to Focus on the Family, Reader's Digest,
Guideposts, Daily Bread, or Newsweek, please feel free to do so!!!  Our
address is Box 1981, Pine Ridge, SD, 57770.  I'm hoping to get some around
here to donate the Lakota Times and Rapid City Journal.

Ah, so much of this is by faith, but I love it.  One lady who was asking all
about it had this look like she couldn't believe I was serving things free,
doing all this for free . . . little does she know how much it cost our
Savior to die . . . and it is for Him, and for her soul, that I do this
willingly and lovingly.  When she asked the purpose, I told her it was
simply to meet people, to serve them, to get to know them, to help build up
our community, and, I thought, to win them, to win you to Jesus!!!!!!!!!

Leon helped put the final touches on things and I'm grateful for all the
pans he washed late last night. He wanted to announce on KILI that it was
open, but for some reason, shyness or maybe just the Spirit, I don't want to
go that route.  Let people know by word of mouth, or whomever the Lord
brings that way . .. for it's not the numbers I want, but an individual with
a searching heart.

One Heart at a Time, another title, only from a country song, is a good
motto for us all to remember, eh?

Well, I better close here and get to other things. Lena stopped in about
mom's memorial . . . all I can do is pray for us all.  Such hard hearts . .
. my family has.

I love you all. To each one of you I want to say thank you for your support
in so many ways (emails, cards, prayers, etc.,)!!!! I got your pics Lois of
the children!!! Others have enjoyed them too.  I know each of you are as
busy or more than I am, but let's remember each other in prayer and as we
all keep on keeping on wherever the Father calls us to do.


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