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Fall In Pine Ridge, South Dakota

News from Pastor Leon Matthews

Today's Date : October 29, 2000

Hello Family,

Things are going well here in Pine Ridge as the fall is in full swing.  We
have had great attendance in our services and that is awesome.  This Sunday
I will be working on a Christianity 101 series with the hope of building
strong disciples!  Warren a man in our church will help when I need him.
Our church has been a light in the community as we are still getting 20-40
teens coming onto our compound.  This is a perfect opportunity to lifestyle
evangelism at work.  The girls and Brad are learning more about martyrs in
the book Jesus Freaks.  We have been reading stories and praying every night
as a family.  It has been a joy to build new traditions into their lives.
Belva is doing well in her chemistry class and she is learning to relax
after four hard years of teaching.  She misses it a lot but we have realized
that it would be too hard on her if she continues teaching and then teaching
in the ministry as well.  She is a gifted lady!  Last week she shared in our
service with an object lesson, which captures the attention of the children
and the adults.  I have been at the high school and it has been good and
bad.  But mostly it has been good.  When the principle of the school talked
to me she stated, "When we heard you were applying for the part-time
substitute teaching position we were excited because we wanted someone that
could help the kids."  Now that was a great compliment.  Today as I was not
feeling well and needed some rest time I stayed home and one of the boys who
is the ninth grade told me I had to go to detention because I was skipping
school.  We started talking about my running for tribal council and he said
he was going to tell his mom and sisters to vote for me.  Then he said,
"Wait a minute, if you go to council you wont be our coach?"  I laughed when
he said he was going to tell people not to vote for me.  Then I informed him
that I would continue to be his coach even if I was on the council.  He said
that would be cool.  I have been so excited about our impact and reaching
more people with friendship evangelism.  Please remember to pray for me as
we are heading down the last week and half of our campaign.

Also remember to pray for the school without walls next week with Tom and
Huron Claus.  It is always a pleasure to have these men come to Pine Ridge.
We are hoping to get lots of the ministers here in Pine Ridge and
surrounding area to come again for this needed training in Evangelism.  Dave
Gowen from American Bible Society will be here as well.  Thanks for your
support and prayers.  Please continue to pray for Kayla's health as she is
going to school everyday by the grace of our Father.


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