by Dr. Jan Pajak
Resume of:
Treatise, 1984, ISBN 0-9597698-l-1
New Zealand
"A treatise on the Magnocraft - a space vehicle which represents a completely
new approach to interstellar travel, has recently been published in New Zealand. The
main achievements of this approach are:
(l). Not a single moving part is necessary, either for flight or maneuvering of
this spacecraft. How important a break-through this is can be realized when
we think of the production of all these thousands of cooperating parts
contained in space vehicles to date, and when we consider the consequences
of the failure to move any of these parts somewhere in space.
(2). The specifications for this spacecraft are at such an advanced level that it
can not be compared with any device that man has built to date. The Magnocraft
will possess: a speed of approximately 70,000 km per hour in the atmosphere,
and close to the speed of light in free space; invisibility to radar and the
naked eve; the ability to withstand any high pressure and temperature; the
to fly in any environment, i.e. not only in air, water or free space,
but also through solid matter (rocks, buildings, bunkers, etc.) and through
melted media; the ability to oppose any weapon that our current military
techniques may use against it; the capability to change into an explosive
material and blast every piece of metal found in the range of its spinning,
pulsating magnetic field.
(3). All the principles applied to the Magnocraft are based on our current level of
knowledge, and no part of the theory of this spacecraft - including the device
called an 'oscillatory chamber' which produces a pulsating magnetic field used
as the means of propulsion - requires the discovery of any new tenet of
physics or new phenomenon.
The above points make the Magnocraft a vehicle which is possible to be completed by a
small country or even a large industrial corporation. When built, it will completely
change every aspect of our lives - beginning in the political arena (promotion of a
world leader), through social and economic transformation (opening unlimited cosmic
resources for colonization and exploitation), and concluding with our style of living
(replacing our stationary homes with moveable spacecraft).
The propulsion of the Magnocraft operates on the principle of an interaction
between the vortex magnetic field produced by the craft itself and a terrestrial,
solar or galactic magnetic field already existing in every point of the universe.
The pulsating magnetic field providing this spacecraft with the propulsive forces is
produced by the 'oscillatory chamber', a device which also applies completely new
principles. The field is produced in it by an electric spark circulating around a
perimeter of a cube formed from two oscillatory circuits with a spark gap. Such
principles remove all the limitations which now hold back an increase of output in
our present electromagnets, and will raise the strength of a produced field to a
level sufficient for propelling a spacecraft.
The treatise contains: a complete description of the design of the Magnocraft;
the principles of its operation; the background, mechanism and characteristics of the
phenomena induced by this spacecraft; and the principles of operation and attributes
of its propulsion device (i.e. oscillatory chamber).
The treatise consists of over 110 pages of descriptions plus 44 pages of
illustrations. It is distributed in the form of a bound photo-copy, and can be obtained
by anyone forwarding the cost of preparation, packaging and postage -at present $15
per copy for surface mailing. To order this treatise, please send this amount to:
Dr. Jan Pajak
P.O. Box 33250
Petone 6340
New Zealand