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Web Page Update  «
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As I was saying...
Saturday, 4 March 2006
Updating like Crazee
Now Playing: Silence
Topic: Web Page Update
I've been updating the web page like crazy these past few days. It's a good break away from writing. Writing rules, but just like anything else, you need to draw away from it for awhile, get your bearings, then get back to work with new drive, enthusiasm and direction. I set a deadline for "...Curves..." to be complete in first draft form, and that is June '06. It's do-able, but I'll have to really put the nose to the grindstone to do it. With the roll I've been on lately, it shouldn't pose much of a challenge to complete, provided that I simply sit down and write and not let other things (web page updating, for instance) distract me.

Posted by scifi2/walter_r_milton at 12:49 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 4 March 2006 8:40 AM EST
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Wednesday, 1 March 2006
Mood:  down
Now Playing: The Bee Gees - Love So Right
Topic: Web Page Update
Hello, again! I am back with a vengeance after a three week absence. I am just trying to find my way back to stability after my supervisor for the past 18 years at my bills-paying job retired. That's an amazingly long time to work for someone. I was a mere 22 years old when I started working for him. It also means that I've been in the same place for 18 years and that may or may not be good, depending on your point of view. But I, for one, like stability. Still, all things change. It is the universal constant. Adapt or perish is the corollary.

So in the theme of transitions and changes, I decided my web page needed another change. And to take this change thing even farther, I decided to add material that is not yet published. I designed a mock-up book cover for Sweet Lil'one and added it to the site. What's more! I added 2 chapters-worth of excerpts from the book. I think the splash of pink livens things up a bit.

Posted by scifi2/walter_r_milton at 2:37 PM EST
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Sunday, 13 November 2005
Capitalist Pig
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: "Bring on the Rain" by Jo Dee Messina and Tim McGraw
Topic: Web Page Update
I just never get tired of saying that phrase: "Capitalist Pig."

In any case, I am updating the entries to my poetry page. They were pretty bland and after so many years, I think they needed a facelift. Courier font has its place, but it is pretty ho-hum in the wide-world of fonts. I also added a few new entries, although I would be lying to call them new poems. It would be truthful to call them more recent than the ones that I chose to place on the site when I first created it. It's a grim reminder to myself that I have neglected my poetry. So far, in 2005, I have not written (completed) a single poem. 2004 wasn't exactly a banner year in poem productivity either. I must endeavor not to repeat the Bleak Era of 1992-1994 when not a single poem leaked from my pen. As a matter of fact, in looking back at what I accomplished over the past 2 years, I have to admit that I haven't done very much. I did manage to finish Sweet Lil'one in early 2004 and I did manage to resume some work on What Do the Curves of Ampersand Mean?, but even that has stalled inexplicably. Well, I am sure I could explain it, but I am too lazy to do so now. Could that be the reason for the drop-off in productivity? Hmmm... Lemme sit on the couch, watch some football with a jug of Coke at my left hand a bowl of chip at my right hand and ponder that...

Posted by scifi2/walter_r_milton at 5:46 PM EST
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Saturday, 12 November 2005
Advertising: Nothing Happens Without It
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Leviathan by Impelliteri
Topic: Web Page Update
Today, I finally got around to updating my website. Overall, it is the same, except I have added a splash page for the index html. With angelfire, any updates to the index html apparently renders the old meta searches obsolete, so you can no longer search for the website through the keywords listed in the meta name keyword contents. In the old layout, the index html contained things that I wished to change occasionally, so each time I changed them, I'd have to relist the site to make it searchable. It would take a few weeks to become searchable again. With an unchanging splash page, I won't have to worry about that again.

However!!! The new concern is that I think I will have to pay to have my site listed and made searchable on the gang of search engines out there, which is totally uncool. I definitely need to investigate this a little more. My advertising budget (if one can call it that) is rather limited and forking over an additional $50 a month is out of the question right now. That'd blow my annual royalties haul in three weeks! Well, it's more of a yank than a haul, okay?

Posted by scifi2/walter_r_milton at 8:07 PM EST
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