Walter R Milton - Fire by Trial

Fire by Trial

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Swordarms are mortal tools of the all-powerful gods of Grace, existing to perform their will. They are among the fastest, strongest, and most agile men and women on the world of Man, and with their incomparable fighting skills, it is their duty to do as the gods decree. If they must slay bands of demons more powerful than they, it shall be done. If they must contest soul-stealing wraiths more insidious than the demons, it shall be done.

Gaston Garland, a young Swordarm on his first mission for the gods of Grace, must safely escort Mercer Mohanis, the young son of the High Priest of Tiere, to Communion in the land of Bravaya. It sounds easy enough, but Mercer Mohanis is much more than the timid boy he appears to be, harboring secrets that can easily spell destruction for a dozen Swordarms, let alone one on his first mission. Garland finds aid in the strange and exotically beautiful Eleanor Sayloret, a mysterious young woman with an unknown past and a secret need that only Garland can fulfill—a secret bound to test Garland’s faith in the gods he serves and ultimately as a tool of the gods.