More about Walter R. Milton

(Take your shoes off... Sit a spell...)


Place of Birth Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn
Date of Birth November 6, 1964 (Scorpio) (Year of the Dragon) Chinese and Zodiac
Current Residence Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia
Religious Affiliation The Moravian Church Moravian Church
Political Affiliation Votes for pot smokin', draft-dodgin', womanizin' ex-governors from Arkansas. Clinton Archives
Education 1987 BA in Biology and 2000 MS in Environmental Health from Temple University Environmental Health




"TEMPLE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL!!" OR "Been To Any Bowl Games Lately??"

(Actually, he loves the place. He has $100 worth of brick there somewhere...)




(Enter At Your Own Risk)



A Few Images of Walter

Walter, 2004. Taken a few months after the completion of Sweet Lil'one, Walter's first tentative foray into the realm of general/literary fiction. He is hard at work on his sixth novel manuscript, returning to science fiction once more with What Do the Curves of Ampersand Mean? He hopes to have "Curves" completed by the first quarter of 2006.

This is Walter at 23. This picture, which appears on the backs of Inheritance of Vigilance and Independence Day Testimony, was taken a short time after the completion of one and before the beginning of the other. In fact, much of the preliminary research and character development for Independence Day Testimony was complete before Inheritance of Vigilance was complete.

This is Walter at 35! This photo appears on the back of Fire By Trial and is actually from a year or two after its completion. He chose it for its "moody and atmospheric" appearance.


Walter "playing" tennis! A rare sight these days. He began playing tennis at 12 as part of the National Junior Tennis League (NJTL) program, and has, until recently, played in various tournaments in and around Philadelphia.






Walter's interest in environmental issues began in earnest in the 5th grade in 1974-75 and has continued through to this day. As part of an environmental program in middle school, he was introduced to the environmental issues of those days. The EPA was very young at that time and environmental awareness was definitely on the rise. Walter has been employed in the environmental field for the past 15 years and has many stories to tell on what goes right in controlling environmental problems and what still needs to be done in order to improve environmental conditions and increase public awareness.

WWF The Conservation Organization

The Sierra Club

The National Arbor Day Foundation

The Nature Conservancy

Environmental Defense

National Parks Conservation Association


A Few More Interests