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Why Taun Tauns Stink

According to the official web site, taun tauns stink because "they exude some of their waste products and oils through specialized ducts on their skin, giving them a very foul odor."

But what smelly compounds are in these waste products and oils?

The stinkiest compounds are thiols and carboxylic acids, so most likely these contribute to a taun taun's foul odor. Here are just some of the possibilities:

methanethiol....smells like: rotten cabbage

ethanethiol....smells like: burnt rubber

propanethiol....smells like: garlic

butanethiol....smells like: a rotting corpes

hexanethiol....smells like: dead fish

hydrogen sulfide....smells like: rotten eggs

propanoic acid....smells like: used tampons

butanoic acid....smells like: rancid butter

pentanoic acid....smells like: dirty socks

#1 insult: You smell like a Taun Taun!