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The Jawa Standing Next to the Jawa Who Says "Utini" as Anakin Goes By in His Pod and How He Saved Anakin

Anakin was searching a junk yard for the parts he needed to complete his pod racer. He was building a Pod Racer. Nothing was cooler. It was almost finished, he just of those, for starters. Anakin had spotted a perfect-looking circular ring, it belonged to an old speeder, a model Y3-13, he would guess.

Anakin took the circular ring, along with the other treasures from the junk yard he had collected and raced home, it was getting a bit dark. Today he had scored a whole box of potentially useful parts for his nearly-completed pod racer. What a great why to spend one's free time!

"Mom, I'm home," Anakin called to his mother. He loved his mother. (sigh)

He left his box of potentially useful pod racer parts next to his pod racer, the most logical place, he thought. He wouldn't have time to work on his pod racer tonight, the suns had set and it was time to go to bed.

Anakin wasn't worried about anyone robbing him. Afterall, slaves never had much of value. But tonight, someone else wanted to get their dirty hands on a box of potentially useful pod racer parts.

A jawa, by the name of Aruki happened to be passing by the slave quarters where Anakin lived. He was actually lost on his way to his camp, and wasn't looking for anything to steal or scavange. (A rare occurance since jawas are always looking for something to steal or scavange.) However, when he saw Anakin's box of potentially useful pod racer parts, his jawa side took over and he suddenly needed them. No one was around, so the dirty little thief swiped them.

Granted, when Anakin woke up and found that his potentially useful pod racer parts had been taken, he was dissappointed, but being a cheerful lad he was able to get on with life.

The rotten jawa, Aruki, who steals from children, did eventually find his camp and he brought Anakin's box of potentially useful pod racer parts to his tribe. Now a circular ring is a rather easy part to find, and it will go on many vehicles. Aruki put it on an old speeder bike, its own circular ring having gotten cracked.

Aruki sold the speeder bike, now that it was running, to an unsuspected man with no name. He did not suspect two things, one, that the speeder bike contained parts that were stolen from a child, and two that those parts were defective.

The unnamed man soon found out number two when he started his speeder bike on a rare cold morning on Tatooine. The circular ring constricted and cause the speeder bike to blow up. The explosion was so bad that every one on the speeder bike died. (Everyone was that one man with no name.)

Aruki made the jawas infamous for selling faulty equipment. During this stressful time, he liked to relax by watching pod races with his friend Muriti. Aruki was unaware that Anakin, the boy who he had recently stole a box of potentially useful pod racer parts from, was in the race, though it was an exciting one.

"Utini!" said Muriti as a pair of pods went by on eachother's tail.

One of those pods was in fact Anakin's pod. Yes, he found a new, and much better circular ring, and may have been killed if Aruki hadn't taken his box of potentially useful pod racer parts, for he had started that pod on one of those rare cold Tatooine mornings.

The End.