Books by Ronald S. Remmel on Amazon: C++ programming for science and engineering. Search Books: "Ronald S. Remmel". These 100-some programs are available from the author on a flash drive. Kindle book (search "Ronald S. Remmel" or "Ronald Remmel" or "the title"): The Art of the Scam Kindle novels: 1. Dr. Elder and the zetons 2. Dr. Elder and the seven deadly sins 3. Dr. Elder in the crucible 4. Dr. Elder and the God question 5. Dr. Elder and the problem of evil 6. Dr. Elder and the Homo afro-8 species 7. Dr. Elder and the bigots 8. Dr. Elder and the five stages of grief Stimulation Stimulation 2 FAKE NEWS a novel Extreme Precious Metals ALTERNATIVE FACTS a philosophical novel