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The Society For Creative Anachronism(SCA) is a nation wide organization for those who enjoy recreating the middle ages the way they should have been. We don't do the plague, inquisition or nasty stuff like that.
You may be asking yourself why a group of medieval re-enactors has found its way on to an otherwise sci-fi page. That would be a fair question. I have found that these groups lend themselves to each other rather easily. People in both camps have wild imaginations, like to dress up and get together and have a good time. It's a strange phenomenon but I'm glad to be a part of it.
The group I play with is the Shire of La Grande Tente in the Kingdom of Calontir(check out the organiztion site and find out where that is)and is the place where my first persona, Lady Hertha Marie Arnold was born.(Name subject to change in the future as my name and device have been sent in to be registered. And to think it only took 10 years for me to get it done :)