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Written by

Larry and Andy Wachowski

Transcripted by

ShAtTeRed 1ce


Luminescent stars, drifting around in the void of space, rapidly growing until they are recognized as the encryption of the matrix, furiously whirling as the code starts to form gears and levers against the opaque back ground, and suddenly, it becomes a clock striking midnight.

COP #1 See you tommorow.

A motorcycle with a black rider clad in leather jumps off the motorcycle to have it impact upon the building.

COP#2 Oh my God¡K

The black rider is Trinity, she removes her helmet and crushes a cop's skull with her helmet, fighting, flipping and kicking at all the others until there are only broken bodies around her. She flips out her cell phone and says...

TRINITY I¡¦m in.

There is an ominous building, it's windows suddenly smash open while Trinity leaps out, firing Uzis at the approaching menace that jumps off after her. The Agent falls down after Trinity when one of his bullets smashes into Trinity's ribs and her eyes go blank. Neo wakes up. He walks out, disturbed by the images while The Nebuchadnezzar glides through the desert of the real world.

MORPHEUS Almost there.

LINK Sir, are you sure about this?

MORPHEUS I told you, we¡¦re going to be all right.

LINK I understand sir, it¡¦s just that, I¡¦m scoping some serious sentinel activity up here


LINK Yes sir?

MORPHEUS Given your situation I can¡¦t say I fully understand your reasons for volunteering to operate onboard my ship, however, if you wish to continue to do so, I must ask you to do one thing.

LINK What¡¦s that sir?

MORPHEUS To trust me.

LINK Yes, sir, I will, sir. I mean, I do, sir.

MORPHEUS I hope so. I repatched the main A/C to the hard drives, and standby to broadcast.

LINK Yes, sir.

TRINITY Still can¡¦t sleep? You want to talk?

NEO They¡¦re just dreams.

TRINITY If you¡¦re afraid of something¡K

NEO I just wish¡KI wish I knew what I¡¦m supposed to do, that¡¦s all. I just wish I knew.

TRINITY She¡¦s going to call, don¡¦t worry.

LINK There you are.

TRINITY Are we ready to go?

LINK We¡¦re already late. There is a gathering of people in a decaying cavern, one woman dressed in leather is delivering distressing news. The woman's name is Niobe.

NIOBE These geo-therms confirm the last transmission of the Osiris. The machines are digging, they¡¦re boring from the surface, straight down to Zion.

MAN#1 Mother¡K

MAN#2 They¡¦ll avoid the entire perimeter defense.

WOMAN#1 How fast are they moving?

NIOBE Control estimates their descent at 100 meters an hour.

WOMAN#1 Shit.

MAN#2 How deep are they?

NIOBE Almost 2000 meters.

MAN#1 And that scan¡¦s from the Osiris?

MAN#3 They can¡¦t be accurate.

Niobe They may be.

WOMAN#1 What?

MAN#3 It¡¦s not possible.

WOMAN#2 That would mean there are a quarter of a million sentinels out there.

NIOBE That¡¦s right.

MAN#3 That can¡¦t be.

MORPHEUS Why not? A sentinel for every man, woman, and child in Zion. That sounds exactly like the thinking of a machine to me.

NIOBE Morpheus, glad you could join us.

MORPHEUS Niobe. My apologies to all. As you are undoubtedly aware, it has become increasingly difficult to locate a secure broacast position.

MAN#4: Squiddies got all our best spots.

WOMAN#1 Main lines are crawling with them.

GHOST And if Niobe¡¦s right, in 72 hours, it¡¦s going be a quarter million war.

MAN#4: And what are we going to do about it?

NIOBE We¡¦re going to do what Commander Lock ordered us to do, we¡¦ll evacuate broadcast level and return to Zion.

MORPHEUS And does the Commander have a plan for stopping 250,000 sentinels?

NIOBE A strategy is still being formulated.

MORPHEUS I¡¦m sure it is. A dark figure steps out of the car onto the rough asphalt. He knows there is a meeting inside there, however, he is only there for one of them.

Neo hears something out on the street, something familiar.

TRINITY What is it?

NEO I don¡¦t know. Trinity and Neo look back at the meeting trying to forget about what it could be. The other people are unaware of this unseen threat.

MAN#4 What do you think we should do, Morpheus?

MORPHEUS I think we should proceed as ordered, however, I must ask one of you for help, some of you believe as I believe, some of you do not, but those of you that do know, we are nearing the end of our struggle, the prophecy will be fulfilled soon, but before it can be, The Oracle must be consulted.

The dark figure moves ever closer to the steel door while Neo ascends up the stairs trying to get to the very same steel door.

MORPHEUS If we return and recharge now, we can be back inside within 36 hours, well before the machines have reached this depth.

NIOBE Do you understand what you¡¦re asking?

MORPHEUS I am asking that one ship remain here in our place just in case The Oracle should attempt to contact us.

MAN#4 Bullshit, you¡¦re asking for one of us to disobey a direct order.

MORPHEUS That¡¦s right, I am. But we well know the reason most of us are here is because of our affinity for disobedience.

MAN#5 And what happens when you get back to Zion and the Commander throws you in the stockade?

MORPHEUS He won¡¦t.

MAN#4 God dangit Morpheus, you ain¡¦t never going to change. Shit, I¡¦d do it just to see what Dead Bull does to you. You got 36 hours.

The dark figure resembles an agent, however, he is not plugged in, he is something else, he is Agent Smith.

AGENT SMITH I¡¦m looking for Neo.

DOORGUARD#1 Never heard of him.

AGENT SMITH I have something for him¡Ka gift. You see, he set me free.

DOORGUARD#1 Fine whatever, now piss off.

NEO: Who was that?

DOORGUARD#2 How did you know someone was here?

DOORGUARD#1 He gave you this, he said you set him free.

DOORGUARD#2 Is everything alright, sir?

NEO The meeting¡¦s over, retreat to your exits, agents are coming.


NEO Yes, go.

The halls resound with the sound of the doors being dented and mutilated until at last the twisted piece of metal falls and the agents walk in.

NEO Hi, you fellows.


AGENT JACKSON The anomaly.

AGENT THOMPSON Do we proceed?




Neo beckons Agent Johnson¡¦s to come forward, and he does, only to have Neo dodge and block all of his hits with one hand. However, Agent Johnson surprisingly dodges a punch from Neo.

NEO Huh, upgrades

Neo then whirls around knocking agents down in a furious attack, while his expression remains serene and calm. He leaves the agents lying on concrete and broken glass, he focuses, and the ground and walls ripple beneath him while he takes flight. Two people walk toward each other, their black boots crunching on broken glass. Under the light, their faces are revealed to be the same, identical copies of an agent that should have been deleted.

AGENT SMITH#! That went as expected

AGENT SMITH#2 It's happening exactly as before

AGENT SMITH#1 Well, not exactly

Morpheus and Trinity contact Link on their cell phone.

MORPHEUS What happened back there Link?

LINK I can't figure it out, sir, agents just came out of nowhere, and then the code got all weird, encryption I've never seen.

TRINITY: Is Neo okay?

LINK Okay? Shit, Morpheus, you should have seen him.

MORPHEUS Where is he now?

LINK He's doing the Superman thing.

Neo is gliding through the clouds looking exactly like Superman as Link observed. He flies down and slams down on top of an apartment bulding. Neo walks toward the door leading the the place where he last contacted the Oracle. The place is deserted.

NEO Where are you...

LINK This is the Nebuchadnezzar on approach, requesting access to gate three.

ZION OPERATOR Nebuchadnezzar, this is Zion Control maintain present velocity and stand by.

LINK Roger that, control.

ZION OPERATOR This is Zion Control, requesting immediate stand down of arms on gate three, we have the Nebuchadnezzar on approach, let's open her up. Nebuchadnezzar, you are clear to gate three to base seven.

LINK Roger that, control.

ZION OPERATOR (A word i can't figure out) welcome home.

LINK No place like it.