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Hero Abilities Package - Giant, Frost


Frost Giant Racial Package (Cost 110-98=12)

Frost Giantess Conversion Notes: This package represents the minimum abilities of a frost giant from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.

Like all evil giants, frost giants have a reputation for crudeness and stupidity. This reputation is deserved, but frost giants are crafty fighters.

Frost giants have muscular, roughly human builds. The typical adult male is 15 feet tall and weighs over 3,000 pounds. Females are slightly shorter and lighter, but otherwise identical to males. Frost giants have blue-white skin. Their hair is light blue or dirty yellow, with matching eyes. They can live to be 250 years old.

A frost giant's skin is natural armor. Warriors usually wear chain mail and metal helmets decorated with horns or feathers. They also wear skins and pelts, along with any jewelry they own.

Frost giants carry their belongings in huge sacks. A typical frost giant's sack contains throwing rocks, the giant's wealth, and mundane items. Everything in a giant's bag is old, worn, dirty, and smelly, making the identification of any valuable items difficult. Warriors favor huge battle axes.

Frost giants live in small bands consisting of a chief, his henchmen, and their camp followers. A band usually will occupy a crude castle or frigid cavern. When encountered in their lair there will be 9 to 16 giants, half of whom will be immature. Particularly strong or intelligent frost giant chieftains will command bands three or four times normal size. A chieftain who commands 20 or more giants is called a jarl. Jarls always will have better than normal armor and an enchanted weapon.

There is a 20% chance that any band of frost giants will have a shaman or witch doctor. If the group is led by a jarl, there is an 80% chance for a spell caster.

Frost giants often capture and tame other creatures as guards. There is a 50% chance that a frost giant lair will contain 1-6 winter wolves. Larger than normal groups check once for every eight giants. Bands with 20 or more giants have a additional 30% chance to have 1-4 yeti, larger groups check once for every 16 giants. A jarl's band has a 20% chance to have 1-2 subdued white dragons in addition to other guards. Frost giants also take captives to hold for ransom or use as slaves. There is a 15% chance that a lair will contain 1-2 captives, larger bands check once per eight giants. Captives can be of any race.

Frost giants live in frigid, arctic lands with glaciers and heavy snowfall. Frost giants eat mostly meat, which they can hunt and kill themselves. They raid human and demi-human settlements for foodstuffs and other booty.

Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
Last Updated - September, 2003

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