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Hero Abilities Package - Dragon, Great Horned

Great Horned Dragon

Great Horned Dragon Racial Package (Cost 312-75=237)

Conversion Notes: This package represents the minimum abilities of a hatchling great horned dragon from the Rifts role playing game. Psionic abilities draw END from the I.S.P. Endurance Reserve. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules. The Characteristics cost for the SPD takes into account the bonus from the DEX. I decided to go with Growth instead of making them larger with Characteristics, because dragons can naturally shrink when they Shape Shift, effectively turning off the Growth.

Dragons are immense creatures who share physical characteristics of both reptiles and mammals and are powerful creatures of magic. The great horned dragon hatchlings quickly grow to 16 meters in size, have a thick hide and functional wings capable of flying at over 70 miles per hour. They have powerful claws and can breath fire. They can shape shift. While they can assume almost any living form from as big as they are to the size of a house cat, hatchlings are unable to maintain a disguise for more then 2 hours a day, although they can learn to expand that time with experience. They can see the invisible and see in the dark. Dragons do not need to eat, but can do so for the pleasure of tasting the food, they are maintained by absorbing magic. They heal quickly, they can teleport up to 5 miles away, but this act takes some time and concentration, and hatchlings often require several attempts to get it right. All dragons can sense the presence of other dragons nearby, no matter the form they take. They hatch knowing their native language and one other common to the region they were hatched, as well as having basic survival skills, probably psionically imprinted by their parents. All dragons have a natural rivalry for each other and they are very territorial. Dragons can choose a magic occupation.

Great horned dragons are all born with 8 minor psionic abilities.

To learn more about the great horned dragons, I suggest purchasing and reading Rifts and the Rifts Conversion Book by Kevin Siembieda.

Illustration by Michael Gustovich.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
Last Updated - January, 2004

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