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Thunderball for Champions

Real name: Doctor Eliot Franklin
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Professional criminal, former physicist and engineer.
Current group affiliation: Wrecking Crew
Past group affiliations: Secret Wars Villains, Masters of Evil IV, worked for the Secret Empire, Arnim Zola and Doomsday Man.
Major enemies: Thor, Hercules, Avengers.
First appearance: Defenders #17
Origin: Defenders #18
Description: Eliot is a powerful black man standing 6'6'' tall and weighing 350 lbs. He usually wears a green and yellow costume in his role as Thunderball.

   48     STR     33
   18     DEX     24
   23     CON     26
   20     BODY    20
   18     INT      8
   14     EGO      8
10/18     PRE      0
   14     COM      2
   15     PD       5
   11     ED       5
    4     SPD     12
   14     REC      0
   46     END      0
   54     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 143

Powers, Skills and Equipment

15     5/5 Armor     
 7     1 LVLS Density Increase (stats already included),Always On     
        (-1/2),0 END Persistent(+1)                               0
 9     Life Support,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in heat/cold,     
        immune to disease     
 5     +8 PRE,Negative uses only.(-1/2)     
 6     1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per hour     
 8     10" Running                                                2
 3     Demolitions 11-     
 3     Flying Tackle     
 3     Grappling Throw     
 3     Inventor 13-     
 5     Electronics 12-     
 4     2 Levels: with Wrecking Ball     
 3     Mechanics 11-     
 5     Off Strike     
 3     SC: Physics 13-,(INT based)     
 3     Streetwise 13-     
 3     Tactics 13-     
 5     Weaponsmith 12-     
 4     WF,Common Melee,Small Arms     
 8     3D6 HA,"Ball and chain",OAF(-1),Double Knockback(+3/4)     2
 2     1" Stretching,Only with ball and chain.(-1/2),OAF(-1)      0
Powers Cost: 107


Base Points: 100
15     Berserk,"When attacked mentally.",uncommon,occur 14-,recover
 5     Distinctive,"Adept",easily concealable,minor
 5     Distinctive,"Large muscular man.",easily concealable,minor
30     Hunted,"By heroes and authorities.",more powerful,non-combat
        influence,harsh,appear 14-
 5     Physical Lim,"Big and heavy.",infrequently,slightly
 5     Psych Lim,"Practical",uncommon,moderate
10     Psych Lim,"Cautious",common,moderate
15     Psych Lim,"Violent",common,strong
10     Public ID,"Doctor Eliot Franklin"
10     Rivalry,"with the Wrecker.",professional,in superior
10     Rep,"Super villain stongman.",occur 8-,extreme reputation
10     Unluck,2D6
20     Vuln,"to Drains, Transfers and Dispels.",common,x2 effect
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: The Vulnerability to Drains, Transfers and Dispels was added because the Wrecking Crew seem to constantly be loosing and regaining their powers. The Berserk is based on an issue of Alpha Flight where Thunderball went crazy when someone tried to control him.

History: See the history of the Wrecking Crew.

Powers: Thunderball possesses enhanced strength enabling him to lift 20 tons. He has superhuman stamina and resistance to harm. He usually carries a wrecking ball on a chain which he uses as a weapon. He is also a skilled physicist and engineer.

For a time he was granted the ability to absorb energy into his body to increase his strength by Arnim Zola.

During one time that he lost his powers, he utilized a suit of powered armor which had an electrofied wrecking ball.

Links to other Thunderball pages:

  • Character created by Marvel Comics.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - March, 2003

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

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